Chapter 194

"Disciple? He accepted his apprentice? Who is he? Where is he? " The person at the other end of the phone seemed more excited and asked several questions at a time.

"His name is summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the first day in the world. At present, he is in Jianghai city." Qiao Xiaoqiao said slowly, "he asked me to call, just to tell you this. Now that I"m done with it, it"s time for me to hang up. I don"t know him very well. If you want to know anything else about him, please find summer."

After finishing this sentence in one breath, Qiao Xiaoqiao hung up the phone decisively.

And as she expected, the other party didn"t call back because she knew that the other party would not ask her, but would investigate by herself.

Qiao Donghai looked at his gifted sister in bewilderment: "little Qiao, who are you calling? How can I hear it faintly? "

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled bitterly: "big brother, actually, I don"t know."

"You don"t know? What"s your call? " Qiao Donghai can"t laugh or cry. He always thinks that summer is messy. He is a talented cousin. Now he is also infected by that guy in summer?

"Three years ago, before I went home for treatment, one of my husband"s masters gave me this call. He knew that my husband would go down the mountain one day, and he was worried that he would get into trouble. So he told me that once he got into trouble at the foot of the mountain, he would let me call this phone, and then, naturally, someone would help him solve it, but what"s his ident.i.ty But didn"t tell me. " Joe explained patiently.

Qiao Donghai finally understood, but he was a little skeptical, so make a phone call, useful?


Police station.

"It"s late. Let"s go to dinner." Cold suddenly said to summer, "I still owe you dinner."

It"s really not early now. It"s almost eight o"clock. I haven"t had dinner in the cold, and I haven"t had dinner in the summer. It"s estimated that there are few people in the whole police station eating now.

Lengbingbing really owes a dinner in summer. That night, lengbingbing promised to have dinner with her in summer, but when she arrived at her home in summer, she scolded her for the summer, and then rushed out. Naturally, the meal was not finished.

"Good!" In summer, I was very excited to hear the cold proposal. This is the first time that sister Jinghua offered to have dinner with him. Can he not be happy?

"Then go." Cold ice toward the door, open the door, and the six teams of criminal police, also naturally looked this way.

Seeing two people walking out side by side, Huang Anping can"t help but ask, "where are you going in summer?"

"Let"s go to dinner." The answer is cold, "if you don"t eat, go to eat too. It"s late."

"Yes, I went on a date with sister Jinghua first." Summer added.

A dry person looks at each other, when is it? Are these two still in the mood for dating?

Seeing the two disappear at the door, Huang Anping can"t help muttering: "this pair is really a good match, they are all strong people!"

People think that it"s true that the fierce cold beauty and the fiercer summer are quite matched.

Everyone here is still lamenting that in summer, they have walked out of the city hall with cold ice.

"Would you like Chinese or Western food?" Asked coldly.

"All right." There is no special requirement for this in summer.

"Then Chinese and Western food." There"s a Chinese and western restaurant over there. It"s only a few minutes away. Let"s go

In recent years, there have been many so-called Chinese and Western restaurants. You can eat Chinese food or Western food when you go in, even if you don"t eat, you can drink tea or coffee. If there are two people who want to date, one wants to eat Chinese food and the other wants to eat Western food, this kind of place is obviously very suitable, and there will be no dress requirements. Anyone can go in.

A few minutes later, in summer and cold into a place called beautiful life Chinese and western restaurant, by the window of the card seat sat down.

Cold ordered two dishes, and then asked the summer: "what would you like to eat?"

"A steak." Summer said.

"Did you say you wanted to eat Western food?" It"s a little unpleasant.

"Sister Jinghua, I didn"t say I wanted to eat Western food!" Summer said.

"Then would you like some steak?" Cold ice didn"t say well.

"Order as a dish!" Summer casually said, and then turned to look at the waiter, "can"t this point?"

"Well, sir, yes." The waiter was a little speechless. For the first time, I heard that someone had ordered steak as a dish. However, this is good in Chinese and Western restaurants. No matter what the guests want to eat, let alone just order steak as a dish. Even if this person ordered coffee as a soup, they would bring it.

"Well, then order a steak, well done." Cold ice a little helpless, and then handed the menu to the waiter, "for the time being, these, in addition, two cups of pear juice."

This time, Leng Bing didn"t want to ask what he wanted to drink in summer, so he didn"t have any genius ideas.

Sydney juice was quickly sent up. As for vegetables and steak, we have to wait a while. In summer, while sipping the juice with a straw, I watched the cold ice sitting opposite. I felt again that sister Jinghua was looking more and more beautiful!

"Summer!" A deep, powerful voice suddenly came from the side.

Summer discontented turn head, this person is really irritated, unexpectedly disturb him to appreciate the beauty of the police flower elder sister!

Two tall and similar looking young men stood at the gate of the card seat. The slightly higher man on the left saw summer turning around, and he continued, "I"m Qin Feng. This is my brother Qin Yan. Our chief wants to see you."

"If your chief wants to see me, let him come!" Summer not good gas said, "also, I am with the police flower elder sister to eat, let your that chief wait for me to finish eating again!"

"Unbridled!" "Qin Feng a deep drink," summer, what is the ident.i.ty of the chief, how can I personally see you

"Summer, we are good words to ask you to go, do not force us to tie you to go!" Qin Yan also looked at summer angrily.

Summer swept two people one eye, then spit out a word briefly: "roll!"

"I don"t appreciate it!" Qin Feng is angry. He will step into the card seat.

Summer suddenly spring up, clap to Qin Feng.

As soon as the danger was approaching, Qin Feng stepped out half of his feet and quickly withdrew.

At the same time, Qin Yan"s eyes flashed a cold light, suddenly bullying himself, and a blow to summer.

Summer a disdainful look, the right palm is still clapped to Qin Feng, and the left hand is shaking the palm into a fist, lightning like swing, to meet Qin Yan"s fist.

Qin Feng does not retreat at this time but advances backward. He makes the same fist and faces the right palm of summer. His fist speed is extremely fast, and he also brings the sound of wind and thunder.

"Bang bang!" The two m.u.f.fled sounds almost sounded at the same time. Xia Xia"s fist and Qin Yan"s fist collided one second earlier. Next, Qin Feng"s fist hit Xia Xia"s right palm.

In summer, he stood still, while Qin Feng and Qin Yan stepped back at the same time.

"Brother, this boy has material!" Qin Yan whispered.

"Do your best!" Qin Feng murmured, and then he punched again in the summer.

The sound of breaking the sky is louder. Qin Feng"s fist is obviously faster. Moreover, Qin Feng"s foot moves at the same time, not only to fight, but also to kick towards summer"s knee like lightning.

At the same time, Qin Yan also flew out of his leg and ran to the other leg in summer. His fist was a little later than his leg. Like Qin Feng, this time, his speed was a little faster.

"Eh?" In summer, he was in a hurry. This time, he didn"t confront them head-on. Instead, he took the evasive measures. He said, "you two are really good at hiding!"

"Don"t hide if you have one!" Qin Yan at the same time quick attack, at the same time some disdainful drink way.

"In summer, if you are afraid, you should go to see the chief with us at once!" Qin Feng"s hands and feet did not stop, and his mouth was not idle.

"Well, you will remember to tell your chief later, either he will come to see me himself or send some more powerful ones." Summer continued to dodge and said, "I"ve been down the mountain for so long, and I haven"t met a real fight with someone. If anyone can let me fight, maybe I"m in a good mood, and I"ll go to see your leader."

Speaking of this, summer suddenly no longer dodges, waving his hands, turning into all over the sky, patting the two people: "remember, you are not good at this level!"

"Bang bang!" Two m.u.f.fled sounds, Qin Feng and Qin Yan felt a pain in their chest at the same time, and a huge impact suddenly emerged. They stepped back dozens of steps, then stopped by a pillar, and their Qi and blood surged, almost out of their throats.

"In summer, your abilities should be used in the right way." Qin Feng stared at summer for dozens of seconds, said a word slowly, then turned around, "Qin Yan, let"s go!"

Qin Yan some unwilling to see a summer, did not speak, with Qin Feng left.

Summer back to the position to sit down: "sister Jinghua, this time no one disturb us to eat."

Leng Bingbing looks at summer with complicated eyes and says softly, "that man called Qin Feng is not wrong. Your ability should be used on the right way."

"I used to be on the right track!" Summer giggle, "sister Jinghua, protect my wife, is my right way."

"Here comes your dish, sir and miss." The waiter walked in carefully. Although the fight with Qin Fengqin Yan ended soon in the summer, it doesn"t mean that the people in the restaurant didn"t know it, but no one dared to come up to argue. Now that the two people are gone, they haven"t damaged the things in the restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is naturally happy and easy. Just when it doesn"t happen, the waiter looks at the summer, there will be more Less scared.

Just after the dishes were served, I heard another voice: "you two are summer and cold?"

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