Chapter 234

The camera is aimed at summer all the time, and the camera keeps making a clicking sound. These days, it"s a good news that can"t be missed to hit journalists. These journalists naturally won"t let go of this good theme.

"Sir, you can"t do this..."

"We are journalists, we have the right to interview..."

"Protest against violence, serious protest..."


A group of people surrounded the summer, and those who were filled with indignation wanted to stand out for their colleagues.

"Get out of here!" He is a little impatient in summer. What are these people doing?

When he said this, the reporters were even more angry.

"Too arrogant!"

"Even the Qiao family can"t be so arrogant!"

"We can"t flinch, and our reporters are not easy to bully!"


Hearing the voices of the people, he felt even more upset in summer, so he decided to solve the flies first. He suddenly turned into a light shadow. The people felt that their hands were empty, and then they heard a clear sound. A few seconds later, they were indignant to find that their cameras, camera microphones and other interview equipment were all smashed to pieces.

"If you bother me again, I"ll smash your car and people. Get out of my way. Don"t bother me to do business!" Summer discontented.

Qiao Fenger has a headache for a while, and this rascal is really arrogant. These journalists are not so easy to provoke. Su xiaocan is a little admired. He was hurt by the reporters, and he didn"t like the reporters. Although there are many just reporters these days, there are also those bad paparazzi, which makes people bored.

"Too much!"

"You must apologize to us and compensate us for our loss!"

"I"ve called the police!"


After a short silence, people shouted angrily. A group of people criticized the atrocities of summer. But they backed away a little bit. Although they were still around the summer, they didn"t take any action except to make a sound of criticism. Without the interference of cameras and cameras, they were too lazy to pay attention to these reporters in summer. He had more important things Things need to be done.

"Hey, idiot, stop acting like a reporter!" Summer toward the first appearance of the man shouted, "you are the of the shadow group, pretending to be a bunch of reporters, don"t feel shame?"

Hearing this, the reporters were even more angry, and even scolded them as rubbish. Can they not be angry? Just to hear the two words of the killer inside, they are a little surprised. Something seems to be wrong?

Qiao Fenger"s face changed greatly. At this time, she finally understood why she had to fight against this man in summer. I"m afraid this man is not a reporter, but the killer who made the bomb?

Hearing this, the man"s face slightly changed. A few seconds later, he smiled brightly at summer: "it"s worthy of our strongest opponent in recent years. In summer, you"re very powerful. However, I"m curious about how you found it."

As soon as this remark comes out, it means that this man has already admitted that he is the shadow group killer in summer. Those real journalists suddenly face a big change and want to run.

"Stop for me!" The bomb killer suddenly said, "there is a powerful bomb in my camera. I just need to press it, and you will all die. Whoever dares to move a step, I will die with you!"

All of them stood still and did not dare to move a step. Although they felt that this man had no reason to blow himself up, they were still obedient under the thought of just in case.

"Summer, let"s talk about it. How did you find out that I was not a journalist? You say it, I"ll improve next time. " The bomb killer took a satisfied look at a dozen reporters around him, then turned to summer again and continued the questions he had just asked.

"It"s very simple. You have too much smell of bomb making materials." Summer said lazily, "a person who has been dealing with bombs for a long time always has some flavor that can"t be eliminated. You don"t want to improve. Of course, even if you can improve, you have no chance, because you will die today."

"Is it?" The bomber"s face was relaxed. "In summer, I know you are very skilled. In terms of fighting, I am not your opponent. However, I don"t mean to fight with you at all today. In our current distance, if I detonate a bomb, I"m afraid you can"t survive, can you?"

"You can try, I promise you can run far." Summer says lazily, "say you idiot you still don"t believe, do you think this can frighten me?"

The bomber"s face changed a little, but he returned to normal: "OK, even if you can avoid them, what about them? Do you think they can run away in such a short time with your skills? If I detonate the bomb, these ten reporters will surely bury me. "

In summer, the eyes of bomb killers are even more disdainful: "you really have a problem with your brain. They can"t die. What does it have to do with me? Anyway, I don"t think they are happy. If you blow them up, I don"t want it! "

"Hey, you can"t do that!" One of the female journalists was a little annoyed and a little scared and shouted, "you can"t implicate us innocent people!"

"Why can"t I?" Summer left that female reporter a glance, this person looks very beautiful, how so silly? What does he want? What does it matter to her?

"That"s right. Didn"t you just defend your peers? Now that you"ve been blown up by your peers, you"re in for it. " Qiao Fenger said a word in a bad mood.

"I also agree. In summer, let"s do it. There"s nothing to care about these people"s life and death. Even if they really die, it"s also the killer"s fault. It has nothing to do with you." Su xiaocan is helping.

"You, you are cursing your life!" The beautiful female reporter was red faced and seemed angry.

"It"s not about us that you guys who like to play with bombs are the ones who kill Kan." Qiao Fenger"s Jiao hum, let alone that she didn"t have a good feeling for these journalists. Even if she had a good feeling, in this case, she would make the same choice. As long as the bomb killer would die, it doesn"t matter whether these journalists died or not.

In Qiao Fenger"s mind, Qiao Xiaoqiao"s safety naturally comes first. This bomb killer is immortal, and Qiao Xiaoqiao"s safety is still not guaranteed. In order to kill this bomb killer, she can compensate for the lives of these innocent people. In fact, the world is so realistic. Although many people say that human life is equivalent, it is not the case at all When journalists add up, it"s less than one percent of Qiao Xiaoqiao"s.

"In the summer, do you really want to force me to detonate the bomb?" That bomb killer, at the moment, began to feel a bit bad. He found so many hostages. He thought he would be absolutely safe. How could he know? He still miscalculated. These hostages could not even threaten the summer.

"Why are you so wordy?" Summer is a little impatient. "Can"t you blow yourself up quickly? Don"t make me do it, will you? "

Qiao Fenger is a little speechless. Is there a problem with this man? Who really wants to blow himself up?

The rapid siren sound suddenly came from afar, and the voice became more and more clear. Within a moment, people had seen a police car coming from afar, and the bomber"s face suddenly smiled again, smiling towards the summer: "how about that? Do you still think I should blow myself up? "

In summer, he can not care about the hostages, but the police can not care. This man believes that when the police appear, he can leave in a big way, and then start planning the next

But at this time, summer suddenly rushed to the bomb killer and said, "since you don"t want to blow yourself up, let me help you!"

As soon as the threat approached, the bomb killer subconsciously wanted to dodge. However, the next second, he only felt a numbness on his body and could not move at once.

"Don"t you run fast?" Qiao Fenger saw the bomb killer was under control at a glance and shouted to the reporters.

All the reporters rushed to the distance.

"Run away, too!" Summer said to Qiao Fenger and Su xiaocan.

Qiao Fenger and Su xiaocan ran into Qiao"s house quickly without any hesitation. Seeing that the distance was almost the same in summer, they immediately pressed on the camera, then turned into a light shadow and rushed away.

In summer, he didn"t run into Qiao"s house, but ran towards the police car he had just driven. The reason was simple. He had recognized that it was a cold police car.

Just a few days ago, the cold ice separated from summer came to the police station and heard that there was an explosion near Qiao"s house, so she rushed to the police station. Qiao"s house is also under the jurisdiction of the east district police station. Although she is not the criminal police of the city bureau now, before reporting to the city Bureau, this kind of thing was taken over by the branch office, so she came here for granted.

Because a group of reporters ran over, Leng Bingbing didn"t drive the car to the scene, and she had stopped. She didn"t know that when she got off the car, she felt slim and tight. Then she found that she was carried into her arms in summer.

Although it has been held so much by summer for more than one time, it is still a little shy and annoyed in such a public. Just want to shout, I heard a loud voice: "boom!"

A group of people fell down quickly when the huge storm hit, but they didn"t feel the storm at all because it was blocked by summer. In the air, there was a strange smell of burnt human flesh, and they wanted to vomit.

"What"s the matter?" I can"t help but ask, the object of inquiry is naturally summer.

But the answer is that beautiful female reporter: "officer Leng, I want to accuse this man of murder!"

The person pointed by the beautiful female reporter is naturally summer. However, after saying this, the beautiful female reporter felt something was wrong. How can cold and cold be so close to summer? Up to now, they still hold each other!

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