Chapter 25

The girl stepped forward to the robber and stepped on the robber"s chest: "how dare you rob in front of my nvxia?"

Turning around, the girl looked at summer: "Hey, are you ok?"

"Oh, no problem." In summer, he replied casually. Now he can see the girl"s appearance clearly. She is a sportswear with a well-balanced body, short hair and sword eyebrows. Her face is very beautiful, but she is a little less gentle, but a little more heroic. Looking at her posture, she really has the taste of female Xia.

"I"ll call first if I"m ok." The girl took out her mobile phone and wanted to dial.

"I"m fine, sister, but you"re going to be fine." Summer can"t help saying.

"Whose sister is it? I"m only seventeen! " The girl was a little unhappy. "And why should I have something to do?"

"Well, that little sister, look ahead." Summer fingers.

The girl could not help but look at the past, and then a coquettish cry: "ah, run!"

Four guys with pig knives came running from the front. It seems that they are with the robbers on the ground. Girls are not fools. The best choice in this situation is to run.

It"s a pity that she just turned around and ran to the side of summer and found that it was wrong. There were four people coming here with knives. The alley was not wide. There were four people in front of and after this. They basically blocked up the alley. The chance to run away is very slim.

At this moment, the first robber has climbed up from the ground and looked at the girl viciously: "up, the man is killed, the woman is killed!"

"No, what now?" The young girl clenched her fist and posed, but her pretty face was a little white. She couldn"t beat so many people.

Summer didn"t speak, but there was a bright smile on his face. Just now, a young girl came to save the hero, which made him feel very shameless. But now, finally, there is a chance for him to save the beauty.

"You can"t count on a little white face!" The girl murmured, then shouted and rushed forward, "ah I"m fighting with you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! "

If you don"t fight, you can"t fight. These b.a.s.t.a.r.ds want to rape her to death. It"s too much. They want her to die even if they rape her. Anyway, they are all going to die. It"s better to die first. There"s a kind of b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you.

Thinking of all this mess in her mind, the girl raised her foot and kicked the nearest guy.

"Er..." The shrill scream came, but the young girl was stunned. Your uncle"s, I haven"t kicked you yet. What do you call such a scream?

But then she found that the man"s right hand, which had just held the knife, was bending in a strange way, and that the knife had fallen to the ground.

"Wow, it was a broken hand, I said!" The girl quickly responded, but then she was confused. How could this man break his hand?

"Er Ah... " The continuous screams kept coming into her ears, and the girl finally realized that it was wrong. Turning around, the little white face just beside her disappeared. Again, he was standing in front, and the four guys running from the front, plus the robber before, had fallen on the ground with a painful face.

"Ah, this little white face is a master!" The girl muttered.

"Don"t call me little white face!" Summer suddenly flashed in front of the girl, stared at her, and then continued to pounce on the other four people.

Right hand out, click, twist one hand; left hand out, click again, twist another"s hand, lift the foot, kick the knee of the third person, smash the knee, scream and fall down, then kick the fourth person, right in the lower leg, so the poor guy"s leg is broken, in a flash, all four people are taken care of.

The young girl saw a stupefied, then her eyes were full of little stars. She adored them so much. Where are they experts? They are super high experts!

"Wow, great Xia, you are so powerful. Take me as an apprentice!" The girl looked at summer with adoring eyes. "I"d like to introduce myself to you, my name is Zhao Qingqing. I"m 17 years old. I"m 1.65 meters tall and weigh 50 kg. My girth is..."

"I don"t accept apprentices." Summer interrupted her.

"No apprentices?" Zhao Qingqing suddenly looked indignant, "great Xia, how can you not accept your apprentice? How can you not let your great martial arts develop? How can you hide such precious Chinese treasures? Great Xia, I don"t mean you. You"re just a tyrant. You"re sorry to the people. You"re sorry to the party. You"re sorry to me, Zhao Qingqing! "

Summer stunned, he has only felt a little sorry for the three masters, their favorite fairy sister to rob, but how could he have never thought that he was sorry for so many people!

"Well, great Xia, I"ll talk about the reception later. I"ll call first and we"ll send these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds to the police station." Zhao Qingqing also seems to think that the words he just said are a little exaggerated. His face turns red rarely. Then he takes out his mobile phone again and quickly dials out a phone: "sister Bingbing, I"m Qingqing. I"m in the alley near the No Yes, that"s it. There are nine robbers here. Send someone to take them away quickly! "

"Who are you calling? Isn"t it cold? " Summer is a bit curious to ask, to that s.e.xy and fiery police flower elder sister, summer has been thinking about.

"Eh, great Xia, do you know Bingbing, too?" Zhao Qingqing is a little puzzled.

Summer is trying to answer, but his cell phone rings again: "honey, here comes the phone Honey, here comes the phone... "

The phone call is still from sun Xinxin: "summer, where are you? Why haven"t you come back? "

"Sister Xin, I met several robbers..." Summer just said here, sun Xinxin then coquettishly cries: "ah, then you are OK?"

"Sister Xin, of course I"m ok, but I can"t go back for the time being. I have to wait for the police to come. Please eat first and don"t wait for me." In summer, I decided to wait here for the beautiful police flower elder sister to send her to the door. As for eating, it"s a small matter. For the sake of a beautiful wife, it"s nothing to eat for several times.

Sun Xinxin is relieved. She is not the first time to see the fighting skills in summer. Naturally, she believes that he is really OK.

"Well, try to come back early." Sun Xinxin"s voice is very gentle, just like the gentle and virtuous wife, charging her husband on the phone.

"Sister Xin, I will be back tonight." Summer said.

Just hang up the phone, Zhao Qingqing looks for summer again: "by the way, great Xia, what"s your surname?"

"Summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter." Summer inadvertently should a sentence, although just came to the hero to save the United States, but he is not interested in the beauty in front of him, that is the coming cold beauty, he wants to rob as a wife.

"Oh, Xia Daxia, why don"t you accept your apprentice?" Zhao Qingqing is still worried about this matter. It"s a pity that such a master can"t be her master standing in front of her.

"Because I don"t want to be like my master." Summer replied.

Zhao Qingqing scratched his head: "Xia Daxia, I don"t seem to understand you."

"I don"t understand. Anyway, I don"t accept apprentices." Summer is also lazy to explain, just keep looking at the alley, why hasn"t sister Jinghua come?

"Isn"t it a pity that you have lost your ability to cry ghosts and G.o.ds Zhao Qingqing doesn"t give up.

Summer with confused eyes looking at Zhao Qingqing: "who said it will be lost?"

"Didn"t you say no apprentices?" Zhao Qingqing is even more confused. If he doesn"t accept his apprentice, he will lose his biography?

"I didn"t say no to others." Summer looks at Zhao Qingqing with disdainful eyes, "you are too stupid!"

"I"m stupid? I have an IQ of 180... " Zhao Qingqing"s reb.u.t.tal was unconvinced, but suddenly realized that it was not right, and he was very happy. "Ah, great Xia, do you mean that you are willing to teach your martial arts to others? How about you teach me? "

"No!" Summer a refuse, and she is not familiar with, why teach her?

Zhao Qingqing is suddenly depressed again. After all, she still doesn"t teach her martial arts. I dare to say it for so long!

The rapid footsteps came from the front of the alley. Soon in summer, I saw the familiar charming and cold beauty, cold and ice. Behind her, there were a group of police.

"Green!" Leng Bingbing runs towards Zhao Qingqing a little anxiously. Seeing her concern, it is obvious that her relationship with Zhao Qingqing is not the same.

"Qingqing, are you ok?" Leng Bingbing pulls Zhao Qingqing forward and backward to check up.

"Sister Bingbing, I"m ok!" Zhao Qingqing spits out his tongue. "Fortunately, with the help of this great Xia, I will be miserable!"

"Great Xia?" Leng Bingbing follows Zhao Qingqing"s line of sight, and finally turns to the summer. When he looks at it, he is not angry. "You again?"

"Sister Jinghua, would you like to be my wife now?" Summer said with a smile.

"Dead rascal, what do you say?" The cold glares at summer.

The policemen behind Leng Bingbing are speechless for a while. This guy is really fierce. He asks others to be his wife every time he meets. Even if they really want to, they can"t promise him that, right?

"Sister Jinghua, when my wife has a lot of benefits, I will treat you. No matter what disease you have with me, you don"t need to go to the hospital. I will fight. I can help you catch hooligans. You see, I"ve caught nine of them for you at one go. I"ll also have a beauty salon and a breast enhancement. Of course, sister Jinghua doesn"t need a breast enhancement..." Summer is trying to sell itself there, but the cold face is getting ugly, but summer doesn"t realize it at all, and keeps saying, "by the way, I can teach you martial arts and make you the second best in the world!"

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