Chapter 277

"Who are you?" I don"t know why in summer.

There was a busy beep on the other end of the phone. The man said one word and hung up.

"Which idiot is so crazy?" Summer talks to himself, and he doesn"t care about it.

"Who called?" Asked coldly.

"I don"t know. I said a word and then I hung up." Answer truthfully in summer.

"Oh!" I didn"t ask.

At this time, Hutu came in from the outside. Although he didn"t sleep all night, Hutu now looks very energetic and happy.

"Xiao Leng, you don"t have to look at Liu Caixia anymore. Well, I"m going to approve your leave today. Go to have a rest with your boyfriend first." Hutu said to Leng Bingbing.

"Director Hu, is the case over?" Asked coldly.

"Of course, it didn"t end so soon, but now everything is going well, and it"s mainly the interrogation work. There are people from the provincial department and the Ningcheng City Bureau who come to help you. You can have a rest. This time it"s going so well. Your credit is the greatest, and you can get a reward if you have any. So, go to have a rest first." Hutu said with a smile.

"Director Hu, I have no credit." Said coldly.

"Xiaoleng, modesty is a good thing, but the greatest credit can be attributed to you this time. If it wasn"t for your boyfriend, how could we get so much?" Hutu said with a smile, "well, hurry to go with your boyfriend. He"s been with you all night, so he needs to be rewarded!"

"That"s right, sister Jinghua"s wife. You have to reward me." Summer is in favor of Hutu.

Then he said to Hutu, "well, thank you, director Hu. Let"s go first."

Leng Bingbing also understood at this time that the so-called greatest credit is actually the credit of summer, but summer is not a policeman, and everyone thinks summer is her boyfriend, so the credit is finally recorded on her head. In order to avoid this guy talking nonsense in front of Hutu, Leng Bingbing still thinks it"s better to get rid of him first.

Two people walk out of the room, summer then open mouth to say: "police flower elder sister wife, let"s open a room to sleep!"

"I"m hungry. I"ll have breakfast first!" Cold ice didn"t say good gas, this smelly rascal remember to open a room, all day uneasy good intention!

"Well, let"s eat first and then open a room." Summer casually said.

There are people coming and going all the time in the corridor. When they hear this in summer, they can"t help but turn around and look at him and Leng Bingbing. Everyone has a strange and ambiguous smile on his face, which makes Leng Bingbing almost want to dig a hole to get in. Can"t this d.a.m.ned hooligan say these things in private?

Even if it is said in such a place, the voice is still so loud, for fear that others may not hear it, she has to suspect again that the rogue is intentional.

Escape also seems to be out of the county government building, the county government is just opposite there is a restaurant, cold then pulled summer walked in.

"A bowl of beef noodles." Cold ice to find a place to sit down, after ordering what they want to eat, they asked summer, "what do you want to eat?"

"Sister Jinghua, I don"t know what I want to eat." Summer is a bit of a dilemma.

"Order whatever you like!" Cold ice didn"t say well.

Summer seriously looking at the cold ice: "want to eat anything can point?"

"Nonsense!" Leng Bingbing thinks that there"s something wrong with the brain of this hooligan. It"s just a breakfast. Is it necessary to ask so many questions?

Summer suddenly happy: "Jinghua sister wife, I want to eat you!"

Leng Bingbing was stunned at first, then her pretty face turned red. She was very angry. This d.a.m.ned hooligan was still thinking about this kind of thing!

"I don"t care about you. Do you like it or not?" Coldly glared at summer.

"Sister Jinghua, you ignore me. How can I eat you?" Summer looks like I don"t understand.

Cold ice for a while angry, she turned her head and shouted: "boss, give me a small cage bag!"

"Here we are!" Xiaolongbao was delivered immediately.

Leng Bingbing picked up chopsticks and put a small cage bag into summer"s mouth: "I"ll stop your mouth with a bun!"

In summer, I swallowed the bun like a bolt, and then began to protest: "sister Jinghua"s wife, I want to eat you, not your bun!"

He was too cold to care about him. He picked up the bun and stuffed it into his mouth in summer.

"What a love!" Seeing this, someone in the restaurant sighed.

Just to hear this, cold and a little depressed, who is in love with this smelly hooligan? She just wanted to stop him from talking nonsense.

In summer, I was very happy to hear that. Sister Jinghua was really kind to him. Even the people I didn"t know could see their love.

In the end, she ate five baskets of steamed buns in the summer, and finally let the summer talk nonsense when she didn"t eat. While she fed the steamed buns in the summer, she also ate a bowl of beef flour, and then paid to leave.

Cold ice walked too fast, but when I went out, I didn"t notice that someone came in, and I ran into someone at once.

Did not see each other "s appearance, cold ice then plans to apologize, but has not had time to speak, the other side already opened scolded: "you did not grow the eye?"? How can I walk? "

"I"m sorry, I didn"t see it." Leng Bingbing was a little unhappy, but still apologized, how to say it was her fault first.

At this time, it"s cold to see that what she b.u.mped into is also a woman. In her thirties, she dressed very ahead of her time and looked even more ahead of her time, which is not in line with the current aesthetic standards.

And that woman naturally also sees the cold appearance, in the eyes already unconsciously shows the envious expression, when did this county city have such a beautiful woman, and still be a policewoman?

"Is it useful to say sorry? How to be a policeman? What kind of policeman do you still have such bad eyes? " "That woman has to be reasonable not to forgive people, the ferocious scold way.

"Didn"t it just hit you? I"ve apologized. What else do you want? " Cold is a little irritated. How big is it? Is it necessary to be so reluctant?

"Well, it makes sense for you to run into people, doesn"t it?" The woman"s voice was more incisive. "Don"t think you have a good face, you can hit people casually. Can you afford to hurt me? Don"t run out if you have bad eyes. Buy a pair of if you want to run out! "

"You have bad eyes!" The voice of summer discontent came, "you say my wife"s eyes are not good, I will make you blind!"

"Come on, let"s go." Coldly afraid of blinding the woman in summer, he pulled her to leave.

"Want to go? It"s not that easy! " Unfortunately, the woman didn"t understand, "you just hit me, now you have to take me to the hospital for examination, or when you leave, I have some sequelae, who can I find?"

"Sister Jinghua"s wife, does this man really want to go to the hospital?" Looking at the cold in summer, I asked a little strangely.

"It must be!" Cold ice also annoyed, how to meet such unreasonable people, just hit one, must be entangled endlessly.

I don"t know coldly. This woman is just jealous of her beauty, so she has to be bothered. Of course, obviously, this woman is used to being arrogant and domineering.

"Oh, then I"ll satisfy her and let her go to the hospital." Summer suddenly took out a silver needle, with the speed invisible to the naked eye in the woman on both sides of the eyelids were quickly p.r.i.c.ked a needle.

Take back the silver needle, hug the cold waist and walk away in summer: "sister"s wife, let"s open a room and go to sleep!"

"You Ah, my eyes, why can"t my eyes see?... " The voice of the woman"s horror came from behind.

"You don"t really blind her, do you?" I can"t help but ask when I hear the frightened scream behind me.

"Yes, who told her you had bad eyes?" Summer nodded, "dare to say my wife"s eyes are not good, I will blind her."

"That woman is a little annoying, but you don"t want to make people so miserable, do you?" "Cold ice gently advised.

"Oh, sister Jinghua"s wife, I know you are very kind, so I just let her blind for a while, and she will be fine in a day." Summer explained.

Listen to summer say so, cold is nothing to say, that kind of inexplicable woman suffer a little, she will not sympathize.

"Yawn..." She walked cold but yawned a long time. She hardly slept in one night. She was a little sleepy indeed. She was hungry before, but she didn"t feel so sleepy. She just had enough to eat. As a result, the heavy sleepiness swept in like a flood.

"Sister"s wife, there is a hotel in front of us. Shall we open a room?" Summer took the opportunity to bewitch her.

"All right." Although lengbingbing feels that summer is not good for her, she is really too sleepy to manage so much. Anyway, they haven"t opened a house.

The two entered the hotel, opened a so-called couple suite, paid the deposit, registered their ID card, and then went upstairs with the door card. Once they entered the room, they could not bear the cold ice and rushed straight to the big bed.

In the summer, he can"t help but feel a little depressed. It seems that he can"t eat his sister.

I yawned, got into bed in the summer, put the cold ice in my arms, and then I fell asleep. Since I can"t eat sister Jinghua for breakfast, I"ll eat her for lunch when I wake up.

In the summer, I sleep with cold ice, but Linjiang county has started a cleaning operation for the black and evil forces led by the prince. Although on the surface, the operation was initiated by Hu Tu, the director of the provincial public security department, Hu Tu and others know that the key person who really makes the operation go on smoothly is the magical youth summer.

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