Chapter 36

"The master said that his silver needle was special and expensive, so he didn"t let me take it down the mountain." Summer thinks of this matter to be discontented, "he that is envious of me, intentionally seeks my trouble, but does not matter, I go to buy now is."

"Just ordinary silver needles?" Liu Yunman is a little suspicious.

"Yes." Summer certainly nodded, "silver needle is just a medium, the most important is not needle, but Qi."

"Qi?" The more Liu heard it, the more mysterious he felt. "In summer, you can"t say it"s Qigong, can you?"

"Well, almost. Sister Yunman, I"ll wait here for a while. I"ll buy silver needles first." In summer, he turned around and went to the door, but stopped again. "Sister Yunman, do you know where I can buy silver needles near here?"

"I"ll go with you." Liu said helplessly.

They went downstairs and went to the parking lot to pick up the car.

"Yunman!" Just entering the parking lot, I heard a magnetic baritone coming.

Summer is a little uncomfortable, who so intimate call his wife?

When he saw the man clearly, he was even more upset. How could this guy be so handsome? Almost as handsome as him.

He is really handsome. He is tall, handsome in appearance and naturally curly in hair, which makes him more attractive. Not only is he handsome, but his car is also very eye-catching. In this parking lot, his car has the feeling of standing out from the crowd. Although there are no lack of luxury cars in this parking lot, this guy"s Hummer is absolutely unique. After all, he drives Hummers in the city It"s still rare.

Seeing this man appear, Liu Yunman can"t help but take a look at the summer around her. She looks a little uneasy. Few people know where she lives. But this man is just one of the few people, and the most difficult one, or even the one she is most afraid to see.

"President Gao, it"s such a coincidence!" Liu Yunman barely smiled at the handsome Hummer and said h.e.l.lo.

"No coincidence, I came here to find you." The handsome Hummer has come over and glanced at the summer. "Yunman, this is..."

"This is a friend I just met..." Liu Yunman became more and more uneasy, because she had a feeling that the other side was coming for summer. It seemed that her dining in the restaurant with summer had reached this person"s ears.

"Not a friend." Summer is very serious correction beside, "I"m sister Yun man"s husband."

Summer seems to be born with a special perception of the rival. When he saw this guy, he knew that he was coming to rob his wife, so he decided to start first and announce the ownership of Liu Yunman.

When Liu Yunman heard this, she immediately knew that things were in trouble, but she knew better. Her explanation was useless at the moment. What"s more, summer is not nonsense. After all, there is a verbal agreement between them.

The handsome Hummer flashed a fierce look in his eyes, but soon returned to normal. Instead, he stretched out his hand toward summer: "I am a high-profile man."

"My name is summer." In summer, he didn"t plan to shake hands with Gao Mingyang, so he didn"t shake hands with his rival.

There was a trace of annoyance on Gao Mingyang"s face. He was so big that he had not been so despised. However, after a look at Liu Yunman, he resumed his smile: "it was Mr. Xia. I don"t know where he is

"I am..." Summer was about to say it, but Liu Yunman suddenly pulled his arm, and then rushed to say: "President Gao, I have something urgent with summer, let"s talk next time!"

No matter how Gao Mingyang responds, Liu Yunman pulls on the car in summer, and then starts the car in a hurry and drives out of the parking lot.

The back door of Hummer suddenly opened, and a thin man emerged from it, came behind Gao Mingyang and said respectfully, "Gao Shao!"

"Before tonight, I want all the information about that son of a b.i.t.c.h named summer!" The handsome face of Gao Mingyang shows a trace of ferocity.

"Yes, high and low." The little man replied respectfully.


In the car, looking at Liu Yunman in the summer, "sister Yunman, you seem to be afraid of that high reputation?"

"In the summer, you"d better be careful these days. High fame may find someone to deal with you." Liu Yunman hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell summer the truth, so that he had a psychological preparation.

"Never mind, I"m not afraid." Summer doesn"t care.

"Summer, be serious! Do you think I said it for fun? " Liu Yunman suddenly stepped on the brake and the car stopped. "Do you know who Gao Mingyang is? Do you know what will happen to those who offend high-profile people? I"ll tell you that it"s good to break hands and legs and become disabled. I don"t know how many people are killed by cars when they enter prison. Some people disappear completely, just like they never appear in the world! "

Liu Yunman rubbed his head as he spoke. It hurt again.

"Sister Yunman, I didn"t say you said play, but I"m not afraid!" Looking at Liu Yunman in summer, "let"s go to buy silver needles quickly. After I give you needles, you won"t have a headache."

Liu Yunman wanted to say something else, but it was useless for her to say anything, so she hurried to buy silver needles. If summer can really alleviate her condition, she would take her to Liu"s house in summer to cure others. By then, even if there is an accident in summer, the magic spell that has plagued Liu"s house for generations has been lifted.

She and summer realized that now, it"s only a few hours. Naturally, they can"t talk about any feelings. Liu Yunman has never thought about talking about any feelings in these years, so she can reach an agreement with summer without hesitation. As long as summer can cure the strange diseases of Liu family, she can be his woman. As for whether she likes him or not, it doesn"t matter to her.

About half an hour later, the two returned to Liu Yunman"s bedroom. Naturally, the silver needle had been bought back.

Stand in the middle of the bedroom in summer, close your eyes slightly, take a deep breath, then slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid air, open your eyes, and in this moment, the whole person in summer seems to have changed completely.

Liu Yunman was surprised to find that there was no trace of laughter on his face in summer. His face was solemn and solemn, and his whole body was full of indescribable momentum.

"Lie flat on the bed, arms open." Summer finally spoke, tone has become a little different, with the smell of command.

"Do you want to undress?" Liu Yunman hesitated and asked.

"No." Summer"s answer was simple, and he had a silver needle in his hand.

Liu Yunman sat on the bed, but did not lie down. Looking at the silver needle, she couldn"t help but ask again, "doesn"t the silver needle need to be sterilized?"

Just after finishing, Liu Yunman suddenly felt that there seemed to be a little more chill in the room. Then she was surprised to find that the silver needle on her hand in summer was suddenly covered with a layer of white frost, and that air conditioner came from the silver needle, but at the next moment, it was a hot air, and the white frost on the silver needle was instantly vaporized, and white smoke was rising.

"It"s disinfected." The voice of summer just sounded, "lie down, I"m going to start giving needles."

Liu finally lay down and stared at summer without blinking. Then she found that summer had closed her eyes again.

"He doesn"t want to give the needle with his eyes closed, does he?" Liu Yunman"s mind just came up with this idea, and in summer he p.r.i.c.ked it down, but it was on his arm.

A breath enters her body through the silver needle. It"s cold and hot, hot and cold. It"s very strange.

This strange breath spreads all over the meridians and collaterals for a moment. Liu Yunman suddenly feels a bit confused in front of her. Her vision is not clear. Then, her head feels dizzy, and her body seems to be cold and hot. After a while, it looks like thousands of ants are crawling in it. It"s a bit numb and uncomfortable. But after a while, she feels like she just steamed a sauna Like, every pore feels very comfortable.

"All right." A little tired voice came from my ear.

"So fast?" Liu Yunman stayed for a while, because she felt that she had pa.s.sed a short time, and the whole process seemed to be less than a minute.

At this time, Liu Yunman also found that her head was no longer dizzy, and her eyes were clear. She sat up from the bed, feeling that her spirit had never been better. Turning around, she found that she was sitting on the ground in summer, and her face was a little pale. But around his body, there was a thin mist.

"What happened to you in summer?" Liu asked.

Summer did not answer, the fog around him gradually dissipated, and his face gradually returned to normal.

After a few minutes, summer long spit out a mouthful of turbidity, open eyes, stood up.

"Sister Yunman, I"m fine." In summer, he smiled at Liu Yunman, and the whole man was back to his usual appearance.

"Then do I need any more needles?" Liu Yunman felt a little uneasy.

"No, once a month." In summer, she shook her head, and then her face showed some distress. "Sister Yunman, I can only temporarily slow down your illness now, but you can rest a.s.sured that I can let you live for at least another year. In this year, I will come up with other ways."

"Well, in summer, I"ll go back to the hospital first. I have to work. Do you want to go to the flower shop or stay here?" Liu decided to go to the hospital immediately for an examination. Only in this way can she determine whether her illness has slowed down and whether she can really be cured in summer.

Such a short treatment process always makes Liu Yunman a little uneasy. She takes out her mobile phone and prepares to call a friend in CT room to arrange an examination for herself.

"Sister Yunman, let me go back to the flower shop." Summer replied.

"Eh, it"s almost three o"clock?" Liu Yunman suddenly saw the time on the mobile phone, but she was surprised. She clearly remembered that she came back from buying the silver needle, but it was less than two. How could it be almost three?

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