Chapter 401

When Leng Bingbing woke up, it was dark. She wanted to get up, but she found that her hands were tightly tied to her waist, which made her unable to get up at all, and even made her feel a little breathless.

Leng Bingbing tried to earn, but failed to do so. She still failed in trying to open the hand of summer. Although her strength is not small, her strength in summer is too big.

"Hey, wake up!" I can"t earn it. Leng Bingbing has to find a way to wake up the summer. I"m also a little angry. Is it necessary for the hooligan to hold on so tightly? She won"t run away!

She didn"t know. She was really worried about running away in summer.

"Sister Jinghua"s wife, you wake up!" Summer finally woke up, he opened his eyes, but did not release the cold ice, but held her tighter.

"You"ve broken my waist!" Cold ice a little angry said.

Summer blinked, then shook his head: "sister Jinghua, your waist is very flexible, it won"t break."

I feel angry for a while. I can"t communicate with this guy.

"Let go of me. I want to get up." After a while, cold a little helpless said.

Summer is very strange looking at the cold ice: "sister Jinghua, it"s evening now, it"s the time to sleep, why do you get up?"

"I"ve been sleeping all afternoon, of course I"m going to get up!" Cold ice didn"t say well.

"Sister Jinghua, a normal person needs at least seven hours of sleep a day. When we go home, we have more than one point. It"s just eight now, less than seven hours. So let"s go on sleeping." Summer is full of reasons, and the goal is still to sleep cold.

It"s a little hard to cry and laugh: "can you stop making trouble? I"m not sleepy at all. What do you want me to sleep? Even if you can"t sleep! "

"Sister Jinghua"s wife, I know why you can"t sleep. If you just listen to me, you can sleep." Summer solemnly said.

Cold ice did not have a good breath of white summer one eye: "you are to tell me to see, how can I fall asleep?"

"The reason why you can"t sleep is that you lack sports." Summer is still very serious.

"Well, now let me go. I"ll run outside for two laps!" Coldly and angrily said, what ghost reason does this hooligan look for? Unexpectedly, she is lack of sports?

"Sister and wife of Jinghua can do sports without going out." In summer, he smiled at the cold ice. "We can do a very interesting and intense exercise, which is better than running. After that, you must have a good sleep. Well, if you do it every night, sister Jinghua will never lose sleep."

It"s fun and intense. Do it every night?

The colder you listen to it, the more you think it"s wrong. How does the sport that the scoundrel says sound like that?

It"s just that Leng Bingbing has no experience in that kind of sports. I don"t know if she will really sleep well after doing it, so I"m still not sure if it"s true in summer. So she asked, "Hey, what kind of sports are you talking about?"

"Oh, sister and wife of Jinghua, this kind of movement is the greatest one in human history, which is related to the continuation and development of human beings. When we do this kind of movement together, we will create a person named Xia Leng..." The summer said with a smile.

"Hooligan!" Before summer finished, Leng Bingbing turned red and glared at summer. When she heard the name of Xia Leng, she finally confirmed that what this guy said about sports was that kind of dirty thing.

"Sister Jinghua"s wife, although I am a hooligan, this kind of thing is really not a hooligan It"s really fun. Shall we try? " The summer is still bewitching the cold.

It"s a pity that it"s not a good idea. She took a look in the summer and said, "let me go, I need to go to the toilet!"

In summer, I finally let go of the cold ice. When I saw the cold ice getting up quickly and walking into the bathroom, I couldn"t help but say to myself a little depressed: "why does the wife of sister Jinghua refuse to believe it? It"s really fun! "

A few minutes later, Leng Bingbing came out of the bathroom and said to the summer still lying in bed, "I"m hungry and want to go out for dinner. Do you want to go?"

"Sister Jinghua, I"m not too hungry." Summer thought about it, and then said.

Cold ice did not have a good breath of white he a look: "how long have you not eaten, not hungry?"

"I"m not really hungry!" Summer said seriously, "sister Jinghua, I seem to have some dyspepsia. Why don"t we do some exercise to promote digestion?"

Cold ice almost broke down, this d.a.m.ned hooligan, can he not be so anxious? After all, he"s just making that dirty idea!

"Go for a run!" Cold ice didn"t say well, and then turned to go outside the bedroom, "I went to eat, you love not to go!"

In summer, she jumped up and ran after her coldly. Then she said to herself, "I know that sister Jinghua is hungry and has no energy to do sports. Right, she needs to fill her stomach first, then she can do sports..."

Cold ice suddenly had the impulse to strangle the summer, this smelly hooligan sometimes how so angry?

************Ten minutes later, in a small restaurant outside the community.

Leng Bingbing stared at the summer discontentedly. As soon as the hooligan said that he was not hungry, he was just like a starving ghost reincarnating. He soon wiped out most of the dishes on the table.

"Boss, have another meal. Besides, stir fry two dishes." After a while, Leng Bingbing said to the owner of the restaurant, she can"t eat it without adding food!

"Sister Jinghua, eat more. You will have strength when you are full." Summer at this time came such a sentence, hurt so cold that almost hit the job in the summer head.

Half an hour later, the dinner was finally over. I had enough in summer. Before I was filled with cold ice, I had a lot of food.

The owner and waiter of the restaurant have been looking at summer with strange eyes for a long time. Although they are self-conscious in summer, they don"t take it seriously at all. However, they feel a little shameful. She quickly settles the bill and then takes summer out of the restaurant.

"Oh, isn"t this cold officer?" Just after entering Jingyuan community, they heard a strange voice. A man and a woman came face to face, and it was obvious that the man was speaking.

This man is tall, thin and looks gentle, but the women around him are also quite attractive, not because they are very beautiful, but because this man is a blonde girl with blue eyes. Unfortunately, this girl is useless in the eyes of summer. That blonde hair is not as beautiful as Muhan"s, and those eyes are not as good as Isabella"s Girl"s figure, although still hot, can be compared with his sister, it"s too far.

Looking at the man coldly, she frowned slightly. After a long time, she remembered: "huobin, it"s you."

"It"s a great honor for officer Leng to remember me after four years of absence." Huo Bin"s tone still sounds a little strange. His eyes soon fall on summer"s body. "I can"t believe that officer Leng has a boyfriend now!"

"It"s not a boyfriend, it"s a husband!" Summer a little unhappy correction.

"It"s very gratifying that officer Leng has been married!" Huo Bin"s eyes flashed a trace of jealousy, but now it"s night. The light at the gate of the community is not so bright, so it"s hard for others to find out.

After a pause, Huo bin asked again, "officer Leng, I don"t know what your husband calls him. Where is the best place?"

"Huobin, it has nothing to do with you!" "The lesson of four years ago is not enough for you to remember?" he snorted

"Officer Leng, are you threatening me?" Huo bin didn"t care, "I heard that this time is different from the past. It seems that the big man behind the cold police officer has gone to prison for free. Do you know if I"m wrong?"

"Huobin, I"m in a bad mood now. You"d better not force me to do it!" The tone became a little cold.

Listen to lengbingbing say she"s in a bad mood, summer immediately worried, he hurriedly asked: "Jinghua sister"s wife, is this idiot making you in a bad mood?"

Before lengbingbing could answer, huobin was furious: "what do you say? You call me an idiot? "

"Yes, you are an idiot!" Summer nodded, "if you are not an idiot, how can you make my sister Jinghua unhappy?"

"How could it be!" Huo bin is even more angry, "cold, this is the man you are looking for? No quality at all! "

"Huo bin, I don"t need you to care about my man"s quality. Besides, don"t think that you have been reading books in foreign countries for several years, and the so-called turtle has quality. I"m very clear about your background. In front of me, how do you want to talk about quality?" In a cold tone, Huo bin despised her very much. He pursued her in the past, but his means were not very bright. After being beaten hard by her, he was sent to study abroad by his family to avoid disaster. How could he know that he has come back now.

"Sister Jinghua, is a turtle in the sea?" Summer at this time inserted a sentence, look a little confused look, "but this guy although it is a turtle, but it does not look like the sea ah!"

"You, you say I"m a turtle?" Huo bin looks very angry.

"You are a turtle!" Summer is very strange looking at Huo bin, "why don"t you know? I thought you knew, but you like to be a turtle! "

"You"re f.u.c.king bulls.h.i.t, aren"t you?" Huo bin is angry at last, no longer equipped with quality. "If you don"t talk, I"ll beat you up!"

"Dong!" In a boxing match in summer, Huo bin looks up at Huo bin and says to himself, "I"ll beat you no matter whether you talk disorderly or not!"

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