Chapter 579

Song Yumei has no good spirit white summer one eye: "what do you know?"

"This woman is ugly!" Summer a bit unconvinced, "to face no face, to figure no body, I can draw better."

"It"s a pity you don"t have Tang!" Song Yumei said softly.

"Eh? Is this painting really painted by Tang Bohu? " Summer suddenly a little strange asked.

"Nonsense." Song Yumei snorts. She is a little annoyed now, because she has guessed that she used disgraceful means when she took this picture in summer. Of course, she didn"t see how he did it. Can you hear what those people said just now, their experience is the same as that of her bodyguard that day?

Summer a face bewilderment, say to oneself: "don"t Tang Bohu that guy also can live hundreds of years, still haven"t died to now?"

"What"s wrong with your mind?" Song Yumei looks at summer. "Tang Bohu died early!"

Speaking of this, song Yumei suddenly thought of one thing, then she looked at summer a little surprised, and continued to ask, "you don"t know who Tang Bohu is, do you?"

"Of course I know who Tong Pak Fu is!" Summer a little dissatisfied stare at Song Yumei, and a little want to beat her, "I just don"t know who is the Tang Bohu painting this picture."

At last, ye Mengying, who was confused, asked: "summer, what do you mean? How can I not understand? "

"Oh, beautiful sister, Tang Bohu has been dead for hundreds of years, but this painting has only been painted for a few years, but it"s also said that it was painted by Tang Bohu, so I"m surprised who painted this painting." Summer explained to ye Mengying.

In summer, the voice was very loud. Hearing his words, all the people on the scene looked this way together.

Song Yumei"s face also changed slightly: "you say this is a fake painting?"

"I didn"t say it was fake!" Summer a face innocent expression, "I just said this painting is not that died hundreds of years of Tang Bohu painting."

"Young people, don"t talk nonsense. We should be responsible for saying wrong things." With a trace of sullen voice, Qi Jinshi came here while talking.

"Old man, you"re just talking nonsense. I haven"t settled with you yet!" Summer discontented stare at Qi Jinshi, "this broken painting is worth 50 yuan. You sell it to my wife for 50 million yuan, don"t you want to beat it?"

"Don"t be b.l.o.o.d.y!" Qi Jinshi was very angry. "Who in the capital didn"t know that there was never any fake here? For Miss Song"s sake, I won"t hold you responsible for your slander. However, you are no longer welcome in my auction. Now, please leave! "

"Show me." Song Yumei then said to summer.

"This painting is really not worth money, please don"t give it to him." Summer side of the painting to song Yumei, said to her.

Ye Mengying is a little speechless. How old is it? He"ll call for his wife.

At the moment, song Yumei doesn"t have the heart and summer to pursue the question of address. She is carefully looking at the painting on her hand, while others in the room are also staring at Song Yumei, waiting for her conclusion.

Qi Jinshi is also looking at Song Yumei. He looks calm on the surface, but as long as you observe carefully, you can find that he is very unnatural now.

The room seemed very quiet, just a few minutes, but for some people it was like a long century. After a few minutes, song Yumei finally raised her head, put the painting away, and handed it to Qi Jinshi: "Qi Lao, I believe you just took the wrong picture, please help me change it."

As soon as song Yumei said this, the house was like a frying pan.


"What? Is it true or not? "


"Miss Song said that. It must be fake!"

"No mistake, I"ve always believed that it"s here. Can"t we also buy fake ones?"

"Maybe it"s just a mistake. Don"t worry..."

"Miss Song, you can also help us to identify the truth and falsehood!"

"Yes, Miss Song, please help to identify it."

The crowd came together, shouting and holding the objects they had just photographed.

"Hey, don"t bother my wife. I"ll help you to see it." In the summer, they stopped these people, and then, whether they wanted to or not, they grabbed the things in their hands and began to identify them.

"Well, you have been doing this inkstone for less than five years..."

"This vase of yours is quite ancient. It"s been more than ten years..."

"Your painting is very beautiful. It"s worth a hundred yuan..."


It"s ok if they don"t identify in summer. When they do, they will find that if what they said in summer is true, none of them is genuine. All of them are fakes!

"Don"t listen to his nonsense. He"s just a kid who doesn"t understand anything. I have real goods here. They"re all real goods!" Qi Jinshi shouted angrily, "come on, get this kid out of here!"

"Wait!" Song Yumei said coldly, "Qi Lao, don"t rush to rush, let me have a look first."

"Yes, let Miss Song have a look first!" All joined in chorus.

Seeing the excitement, Qi Jinshi had no choice but to let these people give all the things they just bought to song Yumei for identification.

However, song Yumei didn"t identify all the collections. She only identified a few of them, but the result was the same as that of summer. These were fakes, some of them were high imitation, and some of them were simply rough and crude. As long as someone who knew how to read them, he could see the problem.

"Qi Lao, I just thought that maybe you just took the wrong picture, but now, I find that things don"t seem like that." Song Yumei looks up at Qi Jinshi and says, "I"m just a little puzzled. Qi Laoyou have not been able to establish the current reputation for 20 years. Why do you want to destroy it so easily?"

Song Yumei"s words are polite, while others have already begun to curse.

"Qi Jinshi, we"ve been fooled into believing you. You"ve come to deceive us like this!"

"Qi Jinshi, you are a liar!"

"Dead liar, pay us back. What I bought last time must be fake. It cost me 20 million!"

"Qi Jinshi, pay back the money as soon as you know it, or I will not be polite to you!"

At first, Qi Jinshi seemed to be a little ashamed, but soon turned to be angry. Finally, he said angrily, "shut up!"

Qi Jinshi called out suddenly, which really put everyone under control. For a while, the room became a little quiet.

"I"m a liar. What"s wrong? I"ll lie to you what? When I was auctioning, did I say it must be genuine? You want to buy it yourself. What"s the matter with me? " Qi Jinshi sneered at the crowd. "Since I was exposed by you today, I can"t hold this auction anymore. It doesn"t matter. I don"t expect you to come to my auction, but it"s impossible for me to give you a refund!"

Leng hum, Qi Jinshi continued: "not only will I not refund you the money, but you must give all the money for today"s auction, not less than one point!"

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