Chapter 656

Millet farmland"s expression is a little ugly, he took out his cell phone to look for a while, found a picture, and handed it to Yunqing: "you said summer, is it him?"

"Yes, he is." Yunqing nodded, and then she couldn"t help asking, "is he a terrorist?"

"I hope not." Mr. tanizada looks a little ugly, but his tone eases a lot. "Lawyer Yun, please tell me the details of what happened last night."

Guzitian is not only a person who knows summer, but also a person who has seen summer"s ability with his own eyes. At the beginning, the human bomb incident in the supermarket was solved in summer, which made him feel that summer should not be a terrorist. Of course, he was more worried about the fact that summer is really a terrorist. If a person with the ability as strong as summer is really a terrorist, it would be a nightmare for his anti-terrorism police.

Yunqing nodded. She didn"t hide it, so she told her story. She didn"t want to be named as a terrorist. It was not a joke.

Tanaka looks even worse when he listens. He"s not stupid. Isn"t this an interview? This kind of thing often happens in the capital. Although he didn"t handle similar cases in person, he heard it more than once.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

When guzitian saw it, he found that it was Luo Minsheng, the director, who called immediately: "director......"

Didn"t wait for guzitian to say anything, Luo Minsheng immediately asked, "did you catch a woman named Yunqing?"

"Chief, it"s something." Millet Field feels bad. What"s the matter? The director is shocked?

"Why did you catch her?" Luo Minsheng asked why.

"Director, it"s like this. Someone said she was a terrorist and wanted to bomb Tiananmen Gate..." Guzitian"s voice is a little small here. Heck, was he in a trance at that time? How could he really believe that these people want to blow up Tiananmen Square?

"Nonsense!" Luo Minsheng is very angry, "let her go and apologize!"

"But, director, it"s not clear." "I don"t want to let people go, but I have to go through the procedure," he said?

"Is there anything to investigate?" Luo Minsheng said angrily: "millet field, you always have a flexible mind. How can you get into the water now? Yunqing is summer"s girlfriend. Do you think summer may be a terrorist? "

From the perspective of Luo Minsheng, it"s natural to think that summer can"t be a terrorist. Let alone the relationship between summer and Mu Han. Summer can"t be a terrorist. If summer is a terrorist, Mu Han can"t be the group leader of the ground. Who will let the terrorist"s woman go to the local group leader? Unless there"s something wrong with those people.

But the problem is that guzitian doesn"t know Mu Han"s ident.i.ty very well, so he can"t make this judgment naturally.

"Director, I"ll let her go later..." Although millet farmland is a little depressed, he dare not disobey the order of the director general.

"It"s not waiting, it"s right now!" Luo Minsheng said angrily, "mizhida, I told you that I have been called in summer. If you don"t let people go earlier, he may call the police when he meets them. Others don"t know. Don"t you know that he can do it?"

"Chief, I see. I"ll let you go." Gucitan suddenly lost his temper. In summer, that guy can even put bombs back to the supermarket. He"s a little scared.

"Remember to apologize to Yunqing!" Luo Minsheng added, then hung up.

Guzitian hung up the phone, and then looked at Yunqing helplessly: "lawyer Yun, I"m sorry that we made a mistake. Now you can go."

"Officer Gu, I want to know what"s going on?" But Yunqing didn"t want to leave so inexplicably.

"Lawyer Yun, that"s right. Yang Lin called the police and said that you hurt him. He also said that he overheard that you wanted to blow up Tiananmen Gate. Er, you know it"s a very special time. Someone reported it to our anti-terrorism center. We caught Du Dagang and Zheng Xiaotao at w.a.n.gjing building. They knew that you were on the side of the Great Wall, so we rushed to the Great Wall, and things were going on It"s like this. On the whole, it"s just a misunderstanding. " Guzitian explained for a while, but he couldn"t help it. If he didn"t explain at this time, he would be unlucky if he wanted to investigate in summer.

At this time, Yunqing realized that it was not summer"s problem, but Yang Lin"s fabricating facts there, and immediately got angry: "officer Gu, this is not a misunderstanding at all, but Yang Lin"s deliberately framed. I want to investigate his responsibility!"

"No problem, this is certain, we will investigate his responsibility!" he nodded

"I"ll follow this up. I hope you can deal with it fairly. Besides, Du Dagang and Zheng Xiaotao are just here to collect debts. They are not terrorists. I hope you can release them immediately." Said Yunqing.

"No problem, I"ll call them right away and ask them to let people go," he said

After a moment"s hesitation, Mizutani said, "lawyer Yun, can you give me a call for summer?"

"What do you call him for?" Yunqing is a little puzzled.

Millet field is confused. Isn"t he your man? You"re ok now, don"t you call your man?

In his mind, naturally, Mizutani didn"t say that. He carefully explained: "lawyer Yun, it"s like this. I"m looking for you in summer. You"d better give him a peace report. Otherwise, I, we can"t do anything about it."

Cloud clear tiny one Leng: "what difference do you want to pay to summer?"

The millet field is a little upset. Isn"t this woman just a man with a fork? Can you hit him in the face like this?

"Lawyer Yun, I"m going to give my job to the director general. Our director general is going to give his job to summer. If the director can"t, then I can"t give my job. Do you understand now?" Some of the Millet Field said.

Yunqing opens her mouth. At this time, she finally understands that the reason why the dare police are willing to let her go is not because of others, but because of the guy in summer. Obviously, the other side is not a terrorist, but someone who is so big that the Beijing police are afraid.

"OK, please lend me my cell phone. I didn"t bring it with me." Yunqing finally agreed.

When she borrowed Tanaka"s mobile phone, Yunqing first called her mobile phone. After confirming that yunxiaodong was ok, she dialed Xiaxia"s number again. She was always sensitive to the number, so she still remembered the number of Xiaxia"s mobile phone.

"Mr. Xia, it"s me. I"m fine now. Thank you for your help." When the phone was connected, Yunqing said.

The millet field beside me is very puzzled. Isn"t Yunqing a woman in summer? How can I talk to summer?

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