Chapter 746

Ah Huo continued to use his strength as he spoke. Obviously, he really wanted to strangle Yun Xiaodong, but he didn"t just fear revenge in summer. In fact, he still has no clear idea about summer.

Before ah Huo planned to kidnap Yun Xiaodong, he had the idea of tearing up the ticket after getting the money, because he thought it was the safest. Although the little girl is only five years old, the children are very smart and precocious now. The five-year-old also knows a lot. If she is released, he will be arrested if he doesn"t get it right.

So, after hearing that the little girl has backstage, he has determined to tear up the ticket. Up to now, he has put it into action himself. In his eyes, strangling a little girl is not much different from strangling a cat and a dog.

Yunxiaodong"s beautiful face shows a painful look. If she goes on like this, she will be strangled alive in a short time. Seeing yunxiaodong"s painful look, ah Huo has no pity at all. On the contrary, there is a trace of happy cruelty in her eyes. It seems that strangling a little girl can give him a kind of abnormal pleasure.

But at this time, ah Huo suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from the back of his head, and then he fainted in the dark.

"Cough..." Yunxiaodong coughs violently, then breathes in.

"Gra.s.s, die if you want. I can"t stand such animal behavior!" Water elder brother scolded a sentence in that, but he finally can"t see down, a fire was knocked out with a fist.

In brother Shui"s opinion, whether it"s kidnapping or robbery, it"s just seeking money. Seeking money doesn"t hurt his life. That"s his bottom line. Even if it"s going to hurt his life, he can accept to kill an adult at most, and ask him to kill a little girl, a lovely little girl who is only five years old. He really can"t do it, and he can"t stand watching others do it He finally chose to save yunxiaodong.

"Uncle, thank you for saving me. I will plead with bad uncle for you." At this time, yunxiaodong finally recovered and said.

Brother Shui took a look at cloud Xiaodong and smiled bitterly. He can"t be greedy. For ten million yuan, he got into such a big trouble. Now he doesn"t want to escape. He just hopes that this matter won"t involve his family.


Jintai community.

Yunqing looked at the time, then asked summer anxiously, "it"s only ten minutes to six, can the money really come together?"

Summer is about to say something, three people pushed open the door and came in, walking in front of is Qian Duoduo, behind is his two bodyguards, one of them is still carrying a big box.

"Summer." Qian Duoduo glanced at the house, saw the summer, and immediately said h.e.l.lo to him, "the money is all together, the road is blocked and the car gets off, which takes a few minutes."

The bodyguard brought the big box and opened it. There was a box of money in it.

Huang Anping breathed a sigh of relief: "it"s OK."

"Summer, what"s the matter?" Qian Duoduo can"t help asking. He also has dinner with summer at noon. I didn"t hear that summer needs so much cash.

"Nothing. I don"t know which idiot kidnapped sister Yunqing"s daughter." Summer casually said a sentence.

Yunqing"s mobile phone rang at this time. Yunqing hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and then his face changed slightly: "this is like a kidnapper"s phone."

"Sister Yunqing, you can just answer it. If you answer the phone, the goblin will find where the kidnapper is right away." Summer hurriedly said.

Yunqing nodded, then answered the phone: "h.e.l.lo..."

"Mom, it"s me!" The voice over the phone left Yunqing in a daze.

"Xiaodong? Are you OK, Xiaodong Yun Qing asked in a hurry.

"Mom, I"m ok. I"ll be home soon. Don"t worry. I"m on my way. An uncle is taking me home." Said cloud Xiaodong quickly.

Summer"s phone rings at this time, it"s the call from the goblin.

"My husband, the kidnapper is moving again, but I"ll roughly lock his position. I"m powerful Eh, he seems to be getting closer to your husband... " The goblin showed off a few words, and then he was a little surprised.

After a while, Yunqing hangs up and looks at summer in a daze: "Xiaodong says she will be back soon."

Summer also quickly hung up the phone: "she should be home soon."

And the rest of the room looks weird. What"s the matter? Busy for a long time, the kidnapped man came back by himself?

A few minutes later, Yun Xiaodong appeared at the door. With her, there was a young man, the water elder brother.

"Mom!" Yunxiaodong is very happy to rush to yunqinghuai. Yunqing hugs yunxiaodong and tears flow out unconsciously. But this time, it"s because of joy.

Huang Anping immediately got up and went to the water elder brother. He doubted: "who are you?"

Brother Shui took a look at everyone present, then walked to summer and bowed: "brother Tian."

"You know me?" Summer is a little strange.

"Yes, brother Tian, I have seen your picture." The water elder brother replied respectfully, bit his teeth, and then he suddenly fell on his knees in front of the summer, "G.o.d elder brother, I"m here to plead guilty."

Summer a little wonder: "please what sin?"

"Brother Tian, I"m obsessed with money. I kidnapped Xiaodong with a fire. I"m willing to accept punishment. I just hope that brother Tian can get away with my family." Brother Shui said with his head down.

Hearing this, no matter how many policemen Huang"an is equal to, or how much money Yun Qinghe has just entered, he is a bit stunned. I dare to say that this is the kidnapper, who has automatically sent people back?

"Bad uncle, don"t blame this uncle. He saved my life!" At this time, cloud Xiaodong said in a crisp voice, "the other bad guy almost strangled me. But for the help of this uncle, I might really die now!"

Hearing this, Yunqing was startled and asked quickly, "Xiaodong, tell your mother what"s going on?"

Yunxiaodong immediately described the situation at that time in a vivid way. Yunqing was afraid for a while, while Huang Anping had already taken action and immediately arrested brother Shuige.

"Ah, let him go!" Summer at this time said a word.

Huang anpingdun when a Leng: "let go? However, in the summer, he is a kidnapper. Even if he sends people back, he can"t offset his crime. "

"He kidnapped and saved Xiaodong"s life, which was offset." Summer lazily said: "I"m very reasonable, since this guy is smart, I won"t let him go to jail, in a word, that"s it!"

Huang Anping was in a bit of a dilemma for a moment. He was hesitating. His mobile phone rang, answered the phone, and his face suddenly changed. He cried out: "what? Another kidnapping? "

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