Chapter 871

Although Muhan said it was ok, summer felt something wrong in her tone. He doubted something happened in Jianghai City, so he had to hurry back as fast as possible.

Summer soon found Prince abiz. This time, he didn"t find Wen Shilun as a translator. Instead, he took Dai Jinna"s guy who was dedicated to chasing foreign girls to win glory for his country. Then he asked this boy to translate for him and asked Prince abiz to sail to Hong Kong as soon as possible.

Prince abiz agreed very readily, because he thought it would be a disaster for the boy to stay on the cruise ship in summer. Whether the boy was a water monster or not, it would be a good thing for him to leave quickly. So he promised to change his course immediately and arrive in Hong Kong in three days.

"Hey, man, what are you doing back in such a hurry?" Summer with SAMA back to the deck, and Daikin also followed, a little confused asked.

"My wife missed me very much." Summer answers casually.

"Er, your wife?" Dai Jin was stunned. "I said, man, do you have a wife at home?"

"Of course I have a wife. Would a handsome man like me have no wife?" Summer looks at Dai Jin with the eyes of a fool. "I have many wives."

"Man, are you serious?" Dai Jin looks envious. "You have many wives. Don"t they fight?"

"Of course not. My wife is very good." Summer solemnly said.

"Cow, man, you are so cow!" Dai Jinchao thumbs up in the summer, "I just found two girlfriends, and they hit me so dark that I can"t find any more girlfriends. Now I only play with foreign girls. Hi, I say, man, I"ve made a lot of achievements these days, and I"ve been beaten by all the foreign girls I"ve been on. Have you ever been on Princess SAMA?"

"I"m very busy these days. I"m with the other two wives." Summer casually said.

Dai Jin fainted again: "I said buddy, you have two wives on this cruise?"

"Yes, they are beautiful. I don"t know how many times more beautiful than those foreign girls." Summer said lazily.

Dai Jinyi didn"t know how to answer, but to be honest, he was a little skeptical about summer"s words, because he asked himself that he had seen all the beautiful women on the cruise ship. If he wanted to say that they were more beautiful than others, there was only one, namely Princess SAMA. To other women, they were just different.

Of course, Dai Jin didn"t say anything. He didn"t expect that there were two beautiful women he didn"t see. The reason why he didn"t see them is very simple. These two women have been hiding in the house and spent most of the time fooling around with summer.

"Ah!" Princess SAMA made a sudden exclamation, and then pointed to the sea with some panic.

Summer and Daikin both look at the sea, then Daikin"s face also changes: "f.u.c.k, many sharks!"

There is indeed a group of sharks in the sea ahead. At a glance, there are at least tens or hundreds of them. These sharks seem to be swimming towards this side at a very fast speed, and they are about to arrive at the side of the cruise ship.

"This is the shark!" Summer is a little excited, "I saw it for the first time."

Princess SAMA said something to the two bodyguards who were standing behind the deck in a hurry. But the cruise ship that had just accelerated started to slow down again now. It seems that she was afraid of colliding with sharks. You should know that sharks in the sea generally don"t attack the cruise ship, but this is also the general situation. If there is something attracting them on the cruise ship, it"s hard to say.

Although the ship is very big, if so many sharks attack the ship together, it will be sunk in the end, and most of the tourists on the ship will die.

"Man, it"s a big trouble this time. I think these sharks are coming for this cruise ship. I think they want to eat human flesh when they are hungry..." Dai Jin"s courage was obviously not big, but he was stupid before he finished speaking.

In summer, I jumped out of the bow and said, "I"m going to play with sharks."

Dai Jin feels very dizzy, quite dizzy. Although he doesn"t get carsick, he is dizzy now. Playing with sharks, just these three words make him dizzy. He knows that this guy is very good. He has to kill the so-called Asian gambling king of Thailand and the beautiful Arabian princess. But he can"t do this. He wants to play with sharks!

Samak cried out in great panic. As for what she called, she couldn"t even understand Daikin because she spoke Arabic, but Daikin understood her meaning. Obviously, she was also frightened by the summer"s actions and was calling for help.

No, her two bodyguards quickly ran to the front and looked down at the sea. But if they wanted to rescue people, they obviously didn"t dare. They just said something with their walkie talkie.

At this moment, the cruise ship has basically stopped, and Prince abiz and some of his entourages soon appeared on the deck, as well as some tourists. Obviously, they also know that there are sharks in front of them, but they can"t do anything. The solution to this problem needs to be given to the captain.

But when these people saw what happened on the sea, they were all stunned, and then they screamed. Then Dai Jin found that there were some foreigners thumbing up at him, and an American came with a very suffocating Chinese: "Chinese, fierce!"

Although Daikin thought he was good at picking up girls, he didn"t do it at the moment. So he knew that the Yankee was not praising him. He ran to the edge of the deck and looked down. Then he was stupid.

after a long time, Dai Jincai muttered to himself, "brother, you are awesome. It"s too long for our Chinese people. If you see this way, you dare not send an aircraft carrier."

At this time, Dai Jin knew that what he said about playing with sharks in summer was really not just about it. This man really played with sharks in the sea. He also had a good time. He was standing on the back of a shark and punching at the shark!

Daikin suddenly found a very strange thing, because he suddenly found that he sympathized with the shark, because the shark was beaten without any temper, and although there were many sharks beside the shark, the sharks seemed to try their best to help, and could only circle around the shark.

Obviously, whether the sharks just pa.s.sed by occasionally or wanted to attack the cruise ship, now they can"t care about it, and this summer has become their biggest enemy.

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