Chapter 916

"You, what are you doing?" Shu Jing subconsciously moves back and looks at summer warily. At the same time, he looks at the door and calculates the possibility of escape in his mind.

But Shu Jing soon found that she had no chance to escape. If this rascal really wanted to be strong in summer, she could not escape. At this time, she began to think about a question, do you want to call for help?

"Summer elder brother, you also want to help her wash marrow?" Shu Jing didn"t cry for help at last, and she heard the little girl talking.

This little girl is naturally w.a.n.g Xiaoya. She is waiting for summer to come back to teach her martial arts. No, she will find out as soon as she comes back in summer.

"That"s right. I"ll wash the marrow for her first and then for sister Yunman. Then I"ll teach you martial arts together." Summer explained, "little girl, you go out first. If you see sister Yunman coming, let her wait for an hour first."

"Well, summer brother, I know!" w.a.n.g Xiaoya answered and ran out.

Shujing is confused: "Hey, what are you talking about? How can I not understand what kind of martial arts are used to wash the marrow? "

"In short, I want to transform your body and train you to be a master of fighting." Summer said quickly, "quiet wife, don"t ask so much, take off your clothes quickly, or you will get dirty and have no clothes to wear, don"t blame me!"

"I, I don"t undress!" Shu Jing shrinks back again. Subconsciously, she holds her hands on her chest and looks at summer warily. She thinks most of the hooligans cheat her to take off her clothes and take advantage of her.

"Quiet wife, can"t you be good once in a while?" Summer a little unhappy looking at Shu Jing, "forget it, or I help you take off!"

"Don"t......" Shujing was shocked and protested loudly, but she immediately found that she could not move, and immediately panicked, "help......"

But she couldn"t say two words to save her life. She found that she couldn"t even say a word. In summer, this guy began to untie her clothes at a fast speed.

Shujing wants to cry for a while without tears. This rascal is coming to the real world. How can he do this? She hasn"t promised to be a junior. Isn"t he forced to buy and sell?

Shujing was a little upset. In fact, she began to realize that it was very difficult for her to escape from the rogue"s clutches since she gave her 10 million pocket money in summer. The rogue also found four bodyguards to watch her all day. It was even more difficult for her to escape. But before, she was not so determined to break away from the relationship with summer, because in fact, in summer, she was still There are many things that attract him, especially his magical ability. She has been deeply impressed by summer since she beat Chen Zhigang in the basketball court.

It"s just that the guy"s advantages and disadvantages are too obvious. In addition, the guy is still a big flower heart radish. What makes Shujing upset is that at the beginning, the guy actually despised her for being not beautiful. It"s because Shujing has always been so dissatisfied with summer that he didn"t want to be in front of him so quickly.

But before summer, although he often took advantage of her, he didn"t really use it, which made Shujing feel better about summer. In her opinion, although the rogue was lecherous, he respected her. She felt that summer was just pursuing her, but the way he pursued was not the same.

Today, Shu Jing is very disappointed and a little aggrieved by this rascal"s strong use. She thinks that she has totally misread the person. Before, she just thought that this guy was l.u.s.tful, but she didn"t think how bad he was. But now, she thinks that summer is really bad, especially when she has taken off her clothes completely in summer, she thinks that summer is bad from head to toe, She even had an idea that she would go to the police and catch him.

A minute later, Shujing felt that summer was so bad that he wanted to play SM and stabbed her with a needle!

However, after a few minutes, Shu Jing began to find that things didn"t seem to be what she imagined. In summer, she took two silver needles and p.r.i.c.ked them on her body, but she didn"t feel the pain. Instead, she seemed to feel the change of her body. At this time, she remembered that the rogue was a miracle doctor. What was the rogue really doing for her?

Half an hour later, when Shujing felt countless strange breath pouring into her body, and saw that her skin, which was always clean and smooth, was oozing black mud, Shujing suddenly understood that in summer, she said her clothes would get dirty, so it was.

"I didn"t see anyone wrong. This rascal is not so bad." Shu Jing wanted to cry again, but this time it was because she was happy. Half an hour later, when she came into the bathroom to take a bath with her in the summer, she didn"t seem to be angry any more. If she had been, she would have been angry for taking advantage of her in the summer. But after the transformation of sadness and happiness, her mood suddenly seemed to have changed a lot.

"Quiet wife, you first put on your clothes and wait for me outside. Don"t run or move around. I"ll wash the marrow for sister Yunman first, and then we"ll teach you internal skills together." After taking a bath for Shu Jing in summer, she didn"t appreciate her beautiful body full of youth and vitality, so she recovered her ability to act, and then quickly left the bedroom.

Liu Yunman has already arrived. At the moment, she knows what she wants to do in summer, which is naturally told by w.a.n.g Xiaoya. She has a close relationship with summer, and naturally doesn"t mind fully showing her figure in front of him.

Another hour pa.s.sed. In summer, Liu Yunman also successfully washed the marrow. In this hour, Shu Jing also figured out the origin and development of the matter from w.a.n.g Xiaoya"s mouth. She regretted for a while. How could she think of summer so badly? He did it for her good!

Next things went much better. In summer, I was going to teach martial arts to three wives and a little girl friend. So I chose a large room in Qiao Xiaoqiao"s villa as a special training room. He taught Liu Yunman and Shu Jing"s internal skill together. Liu Yunman learned quickly because she came from a family of traditional Chinese medicine and was familiar with acupoints and meridians, It took Shu Jing nearly an hour to learn it in less than half an hour. After finishing the process, the four of them gathered in the practice room in summer.

At the moment, in addition to the four of them, there is another person in the training room, Qiao Fenger. In order to win the gambling appointment with summer, she will come to inquire about the information. When she sees this scene, Qiao Fenger is speechless for a while. In summer, the wolf is just starting a Kung Fu wife training cla.s.s!

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