Chapter 919

Since she came back in the summer, Leng Bingbing has hardly cared about the case, but that doesn"t mean that she doesn"t want to solve the case. She has always wanted to find the real killer behind the scenes, not only to find justice for the bodyguard and the beggar, but also to eliminate the threat for her man.

"Where is that man?" Leng Bingbing asked at once. As for Leng Hongbo"s business, she temporarily left it aside.

"Chief, I"ve arranged him in interrogation room one. Would you like to have a look?" Tongjiang quickly replied.

Leng Bingbing didn"t speak, but answered Tong Jiang with practical actions. She stood up and walked out of the office towards interrogation room 1.

Leng Bingbing quickly walked into the interrogation room, and Tong Jiang followed him in. Then he pointed to a man sitting at the interrogation table and whispered, "director, it"s him."

The man"s hair is a little long and his head is slightly low. He can"t see his appearance clearly, but he can see that his face is full of beard, and he is wearing a rather thin clothes. In this cold winter, he is wearing so few.

Cold ice slightly frowned, this person gave her feeling a bit down, clothes and hair are a bit messy.

"I am cold." Leng Bingbing went to the interrogation table, sat down opposite the man, and then continued to ask, "I heard that you know the inside story of the explosion in the Affiliated High School of Jiangda?"

Although Leng Bingbing suspected that the man didn"t really know the inside of the explosion, maybe he just came to the police station for fun, but she still didn"t want to let go of any possibility, so she asked the man seriously.

"Yes, I know." The man replied, but strangely, he still didn"t look up.

"Now you can tell me what clues you know. If it"s true, our police department will provide rewards." Cold said, and slightly frowned, "what"s your name? Can I have a look at your ID card? "

"I know who put the bomb on that beggar." The man continued to answer, but he didn"t answer the cold questions.

"Who is it?" Asked coldly.

I don"t know why, cold ice suddenly felt something was wrong, and then said: "first, you raise your head, and keep lowering your head to do what?"

"My face is ugly. I"m afraid that looking up will frighten the cold officer." The man still didn"t look up, and then he said, "don"t you want to know who wants to blow up w.a.n.g Xiaoya?"

"Do you really know who put the bomb?" She frowned coldly. At this time, she began to believe that this person knew at least some information about the explosion, because, at least in the public news, the name w.a.n.g Xiaoya did not appear.

"Of course I know." The man"s voice suddenly became a little strange, "because I put the bomb!"

Just as the voice fell, the man suddenly raised his head and clapped his hands on the table.

With a loud bang, the interrogation table suddenly collapsed, and the man suddenly bounced up, kicking to the cold ice, with extremely fast and fierce momentum!

Although this man"s attack is quite sudden, it"s not a problem for the current cold ice. She jumped up at a faster speed, dodged her body first, and then punched out quickly. At the same time, she snorted: "I said who is so hiding his head and tail, it"s you!"

Although his face is full of beard and looks rather haggard, and there are many changes compared with his before, Leng Bingbing still recognizes him at a glance. He is obviously Li Mingxuan, who once forced into her house to take her away and hurt li Mingxuan in summer!

But Leng Bingbing is still confused. As far as she knows, Li Mingxuan is maimed in the summer, and has not recovered at all. Moreover, she also knows that the whole Li family in the capital city has disappeared. The important figures of the Li family are either dead or imprisoned. How can Li Mingxuan not only have nothing but also come here to find her?

"Come on, come on!" Tongjiang is shocked at the moment. He has pulled out his gun, but he dare not shoot because he is afraid of being hurt by accident.

If it had been, lengbingbing would not have been Li Mingxuan"s opponent, but now lengbingbing is far from what it used to be. Under the cultivation of summer, her combat ability is totally geometric multiple. Although she met Li Mingxuan at this time, lengbingbing did not panic at all.

And the fact also proves that she really doesn"t need to panic. Now she has the strength to calm down and deal with the danger. The first punch she hits, she accurately blows on Li Mingxuan"s shoulder and pushes him back until she leans against the wall of the interrogation room.

"It"s cold. You"ve really made a lot of money in summer. I can"t believe you"re so strong now!" Li Mingxuan looked at Leng Bingbing with fierce eyes. "All things arise from me, and also from you. I have killed our Li family. Today, we will finish it!"

"Bang bang!" All of a sudden, the whole East Bureau was shocked by the gunfire.

The shooter was not someone else. It was Tong Jiang who dared not shoot before because he was afraid of hurting lengbingbing by mistake. But now, Li Mingxuan has kept a certain distance from lengbingbing because he didn"t start because he talked. Shooting is not a problem naturally.

Of course, Tongjiang"s shooting is measured. He didn"t mean to shoot Li Mingxuan directly. He shot Li Mingxuan in two legs respectively. In his opinion, as long as Li Mingxuan lost his ability to move.

But Tong Jiang immediately found something wrong. He shot Li Mingxuan with two shots, but Li Mingxuan still stood there, as if he didn"t respond at all.

No, Li Mingxuan still has a reaction. He suddenly turns his head and looks at Tongjiang. Next second, he pours at Tongjiang. In a blink of an eye, he appears in front of Tongjiang and blows at him.

In panic, Tongjiang fired several more shots in a row until the bullets in the pistol were all shot at once, but this was still not enough to stop Li Mingxuan. The huge fist appeared in Tongjiang"s sight with the momentum of thunder, and it was about to hit his head.

Li Mingxuan was not hurt by the gun, which surprised Leng Bingbing. So she stopped for a second or two. But at this time, she finally came back to her feet and walked in a ghostly way. She quickly got out of Li Mingxuan"s fist and beat him around. Then she raised her foot and kicked Li Mingxuan On his body, he kicked Li Mingxuan out of the interrogation room and fell into the corridor outside.

"Get out of the way!" Cold ice quickly chase out, at the same time a loud drink.

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