Chapter 929

"It"s you. It must be you. It"s you who killed my Xiaozhen. I"ll fight with you!" Lin XianMei, who was pestering the doctor, suddenly woke up to summer"s words, and then rushed to summer like crazy. However, she failed to do so because two policemen involved in the rescue stopped her.

"This lady, please calm down." One of the policemen also began to persuade him, and at the same time he murmured that he wanted to fight with the summer? That"s going to kill you.

Nowadays, some people in Jianghai city don"t know cold ice or summer, but they don"t know each other. It"s estimated that few of them. Even these fire police basically know summer. In fact, it"s normal. Usually they chat with friends and colleagues, and these things spread quickly.

"Let go of me, let go of me. That"s what the b.a.s.t.a.r.d did. They are murderers in the cold house!" Lin XianMei cried out crazily, "he is the first one to know that the villa has collapsed, and he is also the one who said that my son died early. I think he has knocked down the villa. It must be him..."

"Hey, don"t make a fool of people. It"s a villa, not a building block. How can it be broken by one person?" w.a.n.g Wei can"t help talking for summer. "I think it"s your son he Zhen who has done a lot of bad things. Does that mean retribution understand?"

"Yes, G.o.d is watching!" Leng Hongbo also helps his girlfriend.

Although w.a.n.g Wei"s words sound reasonable, according to common sense, it"s impossible for a person to break a villa. However, many people can"t help but take a look at summer. Because it"s very unreasonable. Once it"s related to summer, it may become reality. At this moment, the police who just arrived and the bodyguards all think Lin XianMei may not have guessed wrong. That villa may have been destroyed in summer.

As for coldness, it"s not doubt, but confirmation. She knows that it must be done in summer. Otherwise, how could a good villa collapse so unexpectedly?

"Fart, I never believe in retribution. You murderers killed my son. I want to sue you. I want to shoot you all..." Lin XianMei cried out crazily.

Summer but at this time said: "ah, idiots ugly eight strange, I tell you, in fact, there is a retribution, but it is not that G.o.d"s Retribution bulls.h.i.t."

People murmured to themselves, this is true. Even if there is retribution, it should not be G.o.d"s business. The old man of G.o.d is in the west, regardless of the East.

But in the summer, he continued: "Whoever offends my wife will surely be punished. Your idiot son wants to peep at my wife with a telescope, so he died. That"s retribution."

"Listen, you listen. He killed my son. Get him!" Lin XianMei shouted.

Just did not speak, just a face of pain he Guangming suddenly raised his head, with fierce eyes staring at summer: "my son is really you killed?"

"I"ve said that. It"s retribution." Summer solemnly said: "also, you idiot don"t look at me like this, or you will be punished."

"Well, you have seed, I don"t care how you do it, but I swear here, I won"t let you go!" He Guangming looks at summer fiercely, and then glances at lengbingbing and others with fierce eyes. "And you are the same, I will not let you go, I will let you pay for my son"s life!"

"Yes, let these murderers die..." Lin XianMei also snapped, but before she had finished speaking, she suddenly lost her voice and fell to the ground.

"XianMei..." He Guangming suddenly found out that it was not right and called out in a hurry, but it was also the last voice he made. Next second, he also fell to the ground with a soft body.

"And the doctor? Come on! " Several police saw something was wrong and shouted in a hurry that the ambulance had not left and the doctor was still there.

The doctor came for a while to check and rescue, and finally declared the rescue invalid and died. The preliminary conclusion is sudden death.

"Well, I have already said that it"s retributive to offend my wife. Why do some people always believe it? Look, is it dead? " In the summer, I said a word to myself, then yawned, "ice, no more fun, let"s go back to sleep!"

In the summer, they walked towards the house with cold ice, and the audience watched their backs. Some people couldn"t help shivering in their hearts. Almost all of them had the same idea, that is, don"t offend summer"s wife!

Although we didn"t see anything, now, as long as we are not fools, we can guess that the death of he Guangming and Lin XianMei is definitely related to summer!

And when he got home, Leng Bingbing took the summer upstairs and couldn"t help saying, "how did you kill them all? Although they are not good things, but you are too... "

Although Leng Bingbing knew that she had killed many people in summer, as a policeman, she always felt that this method was too fierce.

"Sister Jinghua, anyway, they are not good things. Moreover, since I found that Li Mingxuan"s garbage almost hurt you, I think it"s better to kill someone simply." Summer said slowly, and at the end of the sentence, "I found that the second master was right. If you don"t have a chance to retaliate, you have to kill each other completely!"

What do you want to say? I didn"t say it at last.

Silence for a while, cold just whispered: "well, it"s not early, let"s go to bed earlier."

"Good!" In summer, he couldn"t help it. He reached into the building owner"s cold waist and kissed her red lips.

However, less than a minute after kissing, the cold ice was released in summer, and then he cried, "ice, I"d better go."

"What"s the matter? You, what are you doing at night? "

"I"m fine, but you"ll be fine soon." Summer face bitter melon phase, "you have a relative to come, you will be entertaining her later."

"What are you talking about?" Cold can not help but white summer a look, "where do I have any relatives?"? My aunt and cousin are here! "

"No, Bingbing. You have a really annoying relative." Summer looks gloomy.

Colder and more confused: "ah, who are you talking about?"

Confused at the same time, Leng Bingbing is a little angry. What are these hooligans playing with? She"s going to accompany him tonight to make his long cherished wish come true. How can he leave? Even if I have to leave, I have found such an excuse!

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