Chapter 978

Climbing is an individual work, and it"s a physical work that consumes a lot of energy. Su Su, who claims to be a writer, seems to have good physical strength. She doesn"t seem to have little exercise in general. However, when she climbs to the middle of the mountain, she can"t bear it.

"I said that the mountain is much higher than we thought. It"s been climbing for several hours. How come it"s only half of it?" Su Su sat on the ground to rest and asked in some confusion.

Zhao Yuji also has this feeling. Although the road to the mountain is relatively narrow, they have to pull the branches to climb slowly, which leads to a slow speed of climbing, but they climb from morning to noon, but they seem to only climb to half of the mountainside, which is a little abnormal.

"It"s getting windier and windier. Why don"t we go down?" Su Su played the retreat drum again.

"You go down first. I think your physical strength is not very good. If you climb up again, you will not be able to support you." Zhao Yuji took a look at Su Su. "I want to see if this Qingfeng mountain really can"t climb to the top?"

"Isn"t that good? If you climb the mountain alone, if you meet any bad people, it"s not very good. " Su Su obviously wants to go down the mountain, but she doesn"t think it"s good to leave Zhao Yuji here alone.

"Don"t worry, I"ll be fine. Don"t say there"s not likely to be any bad people on the mountain. Even if there are, I"m not afraid." Zhao Yuji doesn"t care about this. To say that she is a bad person, she is also a bad person. In recent years, although she is not a killer, there are so many people who died in her hands.

"Then, or I"ll wait for you here for a while." Su Su thought about it and came up with a compromise.

"No, you can go down. It is not so easy to go down the mountain. You can go down before dark if you leave early." Zhao Yuji shook her head and said.

Su Su thought about it, and finally nodded, "OK, then be careful!"

See Zhao Yuji quickly continue to climb up, Su Su secretly muttered a sentence, this singing physical strength how this good? Is it more dancing? But she remembered that Zhao Yuji seldom danced when she sang.


Zhao Yuji continued to walk on some steep and narrow mountain paths. Even with her martial arts skills, she couldn"t walk on the mountain path as fast as she could, and her physical strength loss was not small. Gradually, she also felt tired. At this time, she finally knew that the Qingfeng mountain was a little difficult to climb.

About an hour after Su Su went down the mountain, Zhao Yuji stopped to look at it. Suddenly, she felt something was wrong. Why did she climb for so long? She felt like she was still halfway up the mountain like an hour ago?

"How can the mountain climb higher and higher?" Zhao Yuji was puzzled. After a little hesitation, she continued to climb. After about ten minutes, she suddenly found that the road in front of her suddenly became wider, and the road was no longer steep, but the road was no longer directly leading to the mountain, but began winding around Qingfeng mountain, just like the road around the mountain.

"The road above seems to have been repaired." Zhao Yuji was very confused. It"s not strange that someone repaired the road on the mountain, but it"s strange that no one repaired the road on the foot for such a long time. Instead, someone repaired the road on the mountain. It"s difficult. Who is still living on the mountain? Otherwise, how can people in Qingfeng Village only build the upper road instead of the lower one?

Zhao Yuji went on for a while, and observed for four times. After a while, she was sure that there were people living on it, because she saw a wooden house.

The wooden house is just on the side of the road. A few big trees are the main part of the wooden house. The wooden house is not big, but it"s built very well. Although it can"t be seen inside, it can make people feel comfortable when they see it from the outside. Even in a moment, Zhao Yuji felt like living in it.

Zhao Yuji is thinking about whether to go to the cabin to have a look, but suddenly a person comes out of the cabin, and when she sees this person, Zhao Yuji is stupid.

"You, you, you..." Zhao Yuji pointed at this person and said several words in succession, but she couldn"t say a complete word, because she was so shocked.

The man stretched out and smiled at Zhao Yuji: "the goblin wife, how can you come? I"ve been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Why are you here?" Zhao Yuji finally asked about this. She was surprised to see this guy last night, but she didn"t expect that she would meet this guy on this hillside today!

It"s summer that can make Zhao Yuji so shocked. At the moment, he smiles at Zhao Yuji again: "the goblin wife, I"m waiting for you!"

"Are you kidding me? How could you be waiting for me? " Zhao Yuji said angrily.

"Goblin wife, why am I cheating? The ghost can"t cheat to be a wife, and the immortal elder sister says there is no ghost. " Summer looks innocent. "I"m really waiting for you. I heard you tell that ugly girl named Su Su Su that you are going to climb the mountain. I"ll come here ahead of time to wait for you!"

"Climbing is more than that. How do you know that I will pa.s.s by?" Zhao Yuji still doesn"t believe that she is waiting here in summer.

"Goblin"s wife, you don"t know. No matter how many roads there are, they will eventually pa.s.s here." Summer said with a smile.

Zhao Yuji was stunned for a while. She didn"t know if it was her own delusion. How could this rascal seem to be familiar with Qingfeng mountain?

"Whose wooden house is it?" Zhao Yuji pointed to the wooden house and asked again.

"Mine!" Summer did not want to answer.

"Yours?" Zhao Yuji doubted, "did you live here before?"

"The goblin"s wife, can"t you see that this wooden house has just been built?" Asked the summer.

Zhao Yuji was stunned again, and then looked at it carefully. At last, she found that the hooligan didn"t cheat her. The wooden house looked really new. It was definitely not existed before. As for how long it was built, she couldn"t be sure.

"When did you say the house was built?" Zhao Yuji still doesn"t believe that this house is really summer, let alone that this hooligan can build such a good wooden house.

"Last night!" Summer blinked, "I came here last night to build a house. I was going to call for the goblin"s wife to come and live, but it seems very late, so I decided to wait for you here. But the goblin"s wife is a little slow. When I woke up, you didn"t come, which made me wait here for half an hour!"

Zhao Yuji is completely speechless. There must be something wrong with the rogue"s brain. He came to the mountain in the middle of the night to build a wooden house!

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