Chapter 993

"I"ll open the door." Qiao huang"er is still in the room, she says, and walks to the door.

When she opened the door, Qiao huang"er was stunned. She didn"t see anyone at the door. Her professional sensitivity immediately raised her vigilance. Subconsciously, she stepped back a little bit. At the same time, she said quickly, "Miss Qiao, be careful!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao huang"er exclaimed.

"What"s the matter?" Summer came in a flash, a little strange asked.

Qiao huang"er pointed to the ground at the door. In fact, she saw a woman lying on the ground in summer. She seemed to have no voice. But if you look at the skin of this woman alone, she should still be alive, because although her skin is pale, you can see the obvious color of blood.

"No, it"s too much trouble!" Summer face finally changed, because he recognized at a glance, the woman lying on the ground unconscious, is Ning Jie!

In summer, he squatted down and checked Ningjie"s situation quickly. Then he picked her up and walked into the room. But he didn"t put Ningjie on the bed. Instead, he said to Qiao Xiaoqiao anxiously, "wife, song Yumei, who is very abnormal, may be here. I have to leave here first. If I don"t come back tonight, you can leave here as soon as possible, Don"t ask for help. If I can"t beat her now, no matter who you are, you can"t be her opponent! "

"What? She, how could she have come all of a sudden? " Qiao Xiaoqiao was also surprised. The news was really unexpected.

"The abnormal woman asked Ningjie to cheat me, and wanted me to help her cure the disease indirectly. I did something about Ningjie. I wanted to kill the abnormal woman, but now it seems that the abnormal woman took Ningjie as a victim, and she suddenly sent Ningjie here, and probably followed her!" Summer said quickly, at this time, he was also very nervous. The only person in the world who could threaten him was the only one he thought could not defeat for the time being. That song Yumei, her appearance, was definitely not good for him.

Before Qiao Xiaoqiao spoke, he said quickly in summer, "in a word, don"t worry about this matter, wife. You call sister Meng, and then you"d better leave as soon as possible. I"ll get rid of the abnormal woman first, or I"ll get involved with you."

"Husband, what do you do?" Qiao Xiaoqiao is very anxious. "I, do I want to ask sister Yue for help?"

"Wife, don"t go to find fairy sister. Don"t worry about me. I can"t beat that abnormal woman now. Even if I can"t beat her, she won"t kill me. She will kill me, and she won"t survive. In a word, I will be OK!" Summer quickly explained a sentence, and then holding Ning Jie out of a flash, and finally left Qiao Xiaoqiao three words, "I"m gone!"

He dare not stay for a long time in summer. He goes downstairs with Ningjie in his arms. Then he comes to the door of Dongsheng hotel. After standing at the door for about a minute, he runs away with Ningjie in his arms.

When Ning Jie first came to him for treatment, he guessed that the Yin Fire in her body should have been transferred to her by song Yumei. Although he knew that Ning Jie and song Yumei had practiced the same strange mental skill, it was impossible for him to gather so many Yin Fire in such a short time. However, he cured Ning Jie that time.

And yesterday, when Ningjie appeared in front of him again and suffered from Yin fire again, summer was completely certain. That song Yumei was using this method to let him eliminate Yin Fire for her indirectly. So after he thought about it for a while, he spent a little time making some hands and feet on Ningjie, which was equivalent to using pure ice fire spirit in her body, A mechanism was set up.

According to his plan, when song Yumei transfers the Yin Fire to Ning Jie"s body again, it will trigger the refined ice fire spirit in Ning Jie"s body, and the ice fire spirit will enter song Yumei"s body in the shortest time, then explode in her body, and launch an attack in Song Yumei"s body. In this way, song Yumei should be able to be severely hurt, so that her injury will be Heavier than before!

Summer"s plan is quite good. In his opinion, song Yumei didn"t come to trouble him for such a long time after he was secretly calculated last time. It"s probably a physical problem. But this time, if he secretly calculated her again, he would surely make her not come to him at least in the next few months. In this way, he would have enough time to learn the fifth st.i.tch against the sky, and then go back to Qingfeng The mountain cures the immortal sister"s illness. When the immortal sister"s illness is cured, even if song Yumei"s injury is cured, he doesn"t have to worry about it. He and the immortal sister will be able to kill song Yumei easily. At that time, he can also take the immortal sister to play in the capital.

But when he saw Ningjie, who was unconscious and colder, in summer, he found that he had miscalculated one thing. He didn"t expect that the abnormal song Yumei could sacrifice her apprentice like this. As soon as he explored Ningjie"s situation, he knew that song Yumei had transferred all the Yin Fire in her body to Ningjie, and the reason why Ningjie was still alive was that she was still alive Thanks to him.

According to the normal situation, Ning Jie should have been frozen to death by Yin Fire at the moment. However, the ice fire aura mechanism left in her body in summer saved her life, because there are still some ice fire aura in her body, and it is these ice fire aura that protect her heart and make her not die at once even though she is not aware of anything. Theory Come on, it"s possible for her to live in a coma all her life.

In summer, he runs fast on the road with Ningjie in his arms. For ordinary people, he runs very fast now, but for himself, the speed is actually very slow. He didn"t stop until he ran a few kilometers away from the county town, in a deserted land in summer.

It"s very remote here, almost no one pa.s.sed by, so even if there"s any big action here, it won"t attract people"s attention. Of course, summer is not because of this reason. He just thinks that it"s a little far from Muyang County, and he should have a serious fight with song Yumei, the abnormal woman.

Summer looked around, but did not see song Yumei, also did not see anyone to come, in the heart of a moment a little wonder, this abnormal woman did not come, just send his men to send Ning Jie? It"s just that the abnormal woman is not so kind!

Put Ning Jie on the ground, and in the summer he shouted, "Hey, song Yumei, the abnormal man with a big chest, are you there or not? Get out of here. Let"s fight. I"ll kill you! "

As soon as the voice fell, he felt a dangerous breath oppressing him in summer. Next second, he saw a black ribbon shooting at him like a sharp arrow.

"As expected, women still want to praise you. If you have big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, you will appear immediately!" Summer said to herself, the abnormal song Yumei"s chest is really big, bigger than that of sister Jinghua and Qiao Fenger. The most bizarre thing is that although her chest is big, it is not exaggerated at all. It looks so beautiful, which is much better than Qiao Fenger.

At the moment when he spoke in summer, the black ribbon had rushed to him in an instant. He quickly backed away for several meters, and then grabbed it with one hand.

Although the speed of the black ribbon is very fast, the speed in summer is not slow, and the hand is also quite accurate. He successfully grasped the black ribbon, but in the moment of grasping, the black ribbon suddenly shook, and a huge force rushed in.

"Oh!" In summer, he snorted, his mouth hurt, almost the same as the result of his first fight with song Yumei, his palm was shaken open again by her black ribbon.

"It"s not good. I"m not as good as this abnormal woman." Summer murmured in his heart, this time"s trial, immediately let summer understand that song Yumei really has a stronger skill than him, although in this period of time, especially after learning the fourth needle against the sky and washing the marrow for more than a dozen people, his skill progress is quite great, but even so, he still did not catch up with song Yumei.

However, the black ribbon did not continue to attack the summer, but suddenly disappeared in the sight of the summer. Then, in the summer, he felt only a flash of black shadow. A woman in black who impressed him quite deeply appeared less than 10 meters away.

This woman is extraordinarily tall, her legs are extraordinarily long, her waist and legs are extraordinarily thin, and the two peaks are also extraordinarily majestic. The amazing curve, which is close to the demon, looks extraordinarily attractive under the package of her black tights. Just looking at her figure, can cause any man"s desire. However, those black ribbons wrapped around her swing at will, but suddenly let go Her whole person looks very strange, and the cold eyes in her extraordinarily beautiful eyes are enough to make every man"s desire quickly fade in a moment.

She is the only one who really defeated him after summer"s downhill. She is also the only opponent that summer is afraid of. She is the woman who always wants to kill but doesn"t dare to do it easily in summer. She is song Yumei, who has strong ability and is recognized as the enemy of fairy sister by summer!

"Summer, I said, I"ll torture you to death!" Song Yumei"s tone is extremely cold, and her eyes are full of hatred.

"Well, I just touched you a few times? Why are you as mean as your apprentice? There"s no future to be a cheapskate. You see your apprentice is so stingy, so now it"s like this. You"re so stingy, and you"ll be the same as your apprentice in the future. " Summer said lazily, he knew that song Yumei hated him most for touching her body, but he had to stimulate her deliberately. "In fact, I just spanked you ninety-nine times last time, but I haven"t hit you one hundred times. I"ll get it together later..."

"Shut up!" Song Yumei was so angry that she shivered. She gave a sharp drink and then rushed to summer.

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