Chapter 1007

In the summer, with a quick action, I p.r.i.c.ked these silver needles on myself. Within a while, the silver needles were all p.r.i.c.ked on him.

Ning Jie didn"t know what was going on, but when she saw the action of summer, she understood a little. The Yin Fire in her body in summer was about to start.

Summer soon stopped needling. She just sat on the ground and closed her eyes. Ning Jie didn"t know what summer was doing, but she could feel a slight fluctuation of the nearby real Qi. For a while, she could not help worrying. She could guess that summer was just about to solve the Yin fire attack on him.

Despite her worries, Ning Jie can do nothing now. The only thing she can do is to stay by her side and let no one disturb him.

"Don"t worry, he"s so good at medicine. He"ll be able to solve this problem." Ning Jie comforted herself in her heart. She believed that since she dared to guide the Yin Fire into his body in summer, she would definitely suppress the Yin fire.

Ning Jie did not know that there was no choice in summer at that time. Of course, summer is sure to solve these Yin fires now.

Now the Yin Fire and ice fire spirit are two different forces in his body. To some extent, the two forces are incompatible, but in fact, ice fire spirit is quite special. Therefore, if ice fire spirit is strong enough, it can devour and transform any real Qi. Similar things have been done in summer. Now, he just wants to do the same thing 。

The only problem is that the power of yin and fire in the body is too strong now, even stronger than ice and fire spirit. It"s impossible to swallow Yin and fire with ice and fire spirit at once. Fortunately, in summer, he came up with a way. Step by step, he sealed some of his meridians with silver needles, dividing the Yin and fire in the body into two parts, one is powerful, the other is powerful Some of them are relatively weak. What he has to do now is to swallow up the weak part of Yin Huo with ice fire spirit!

If this plan can succeed, it can devour part of the Yin fire every day in summer. After a period of time, it can devour all the Yin fire. However, whether this plan can succeed or not is not fully a.s.sured in summer. It depends on this experiment.

It"s a very hard process. In summer, the ice and fire spirit in his body is constantly running. It devours those Yin and fire little by little. The speed is very slow. For him, it"s actually a kind of suffering.

He is not the only one who is suffering. For Ning Jie, who is staying nearby, it is also a kind of suffering. After several hours, she still sits there in summer, and she doesn"t know what"s going on in summer. Naturally, she is worried. But she has no other choice but to wait in the suffering.


almost at the same time, Beijing.

In a big house, a beautiful woman is sitting next to a piano, her eyes are slightly closed, her fingers are skillfully sliding on the piano, and beautiful music pours out, but the beautiful music is still not as beautiful as the song in her mouth. She sings this song with great heart: " The snow is still falling Xueji is already intoxicated... "

The beautiful woman sang the same song over and over again. Unconsciously, there were two more tears on her face.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa......" Soft applause suddenly came, woke the woman up, the woman turned around, and then wiped away the tears on her face at a fast speed, and forced a smile at the visitor: "big brother."

"Xiaoyu, is this your new song?" Zhao Gongzi, who is hailed as the first childe of the capital city, is very handsome. Looking at this woman, he looks very gentle, and has no such arrogance in front of outsiders. Only because this beautiful woman is his sister, the famous Chinese singer, Zhao Yuji.

"Well, eldest brother, the music has just been composed. Tonight is my first time to sing it." Zhao Yuji nodded and answered truthfully.

Zhao Gongzi sighed: "Xiaoyu, you are really a musical genius. Your musical talent is the first in the world."

"Big brother, actually it"s not. Now the dream of the devil is more popular than me." Zhao Yuji shook her head and said.

"Although the singing of the nightmare is beautiful, it"s because her voice is beautiful. She is different from you. Your singing is not the voice, but the emotion contained in it." Zhao Gongzi shook his head, and then suddenly the conversation turned, "by the way, Xiaoyu, this song, do you have a good name?"

"Think about it. The song name is Xueji." Zhao Yuji replied.

"Xueji, Xueji." Zhao Gongzi repeated it twice, and then stared into Zhao Yuji"s eyes, "Xiaoyu, you are Xueji, right?"

Zhao Yuji stayed, then asked a little unnaturally, "elder brother, why do you ask?"

"Xiaoyu, I already know that you have been to Muyang County, and you have looked for summer. I know better that you spent a night with summer in Qingfeng mountain. That night, Qingfeng mountain was snowy, and you and summer were nowhere to go." Zhao Gongzi said slowly: "I didn"t know where you spent that night before, but I heard your song, and I finally understood."

"I"m sorry, brother, I didn"t mean to hide it from you." Zhao Yuji whispered.

Zhao Gongzi sighed softly: "Xiaoyu, you still can"t lie. I know you are deliberately hiding from me. I know what you want to do. You want to kill summer, and you want to help me. But Xiaoyu, I told you, if you help me like this, it"s really a shame to me."

"Big brother, I"m sorry, I, I just..." Zhao Yuji is very upset.

"Don"t say I"m sorry." Zhao Gongzi looks at Zhao Yuji with spoiled eyes. "Xiaoyu, you are my sister. No matter what you do, I won"t really blame you, but there are some things I hope you can tell me truthfully."

"Big brother, what"s up?" Zhao Yuji asked.

"Xiaoyu, you are in love with summer, aren"t you?" Zhao Gongzi was silent for a moment, then asked softly.

"I......" Zhao Yuji stayed and didn"t know how to answer for a while. After a long time, she said softly, "elder brother, I really don"t know. I haven"t loved anyone. I don"t know what it"s like to fall in love with someone."

"In fact, from your singing, I know that you fall in love with summer. I have to admire that boy in summer. He can capture your heart in just one night." Zhao Gongzi sighed softly, "I have to say that he is really unique."

"Big brother, why don"t you sigh tonight?" Zhao Yuji can"t help but ask, "you seldom sigh before."

"Xiaoyu, although I don"t think it"s necessary to ask now, I still want to hear the exact answer from you. You didn"t kill summer, did you?" Zhao Gongzi suddenly became a little serious.

"No, elder brother, what"s the matter?" Zhao Yuji suddenly had a very bad feeling in her heart.

"Missing in the summer." Zhao Gongzi said slowly.

"What?" Zhao Yuji exclaimed, "he, he is missing?"

"Yes, it"s missing, and it"s clear that he didn"t want to go missing." Zhao Gongzi nodded, "Xiaoyu, I don"t want you to summer all the time, but now, I prefer you to make summer disappear."

"Big brother, I really didn"t do it." Zhao Yuji"s brain is in a mess. The news is too sudden for her.

"I know." Zhao Gongzi"s tone was a little low, "but this means that there are people in the world who are stronger than summer, which means that our Zhao family is likely to meet stronger enemies than summer."

Zhao Yuji didn"t speak. She didn"t know what to say. She found her heart suddenly sour and wanted to cry.

"Xiaoyu, don"t worry too much. He"s just missing. Maybe something will happen." Zhao Gongzi comforted Zhao Yuji at this time. "It"s late. You can have a rest earlier."

Zhao Gongzi stayed for more than ten seconds, then turned around and left, while Zhao Yuji sat next to the piano again, the beautiful melody sounded again, but unconsciously, Zhao Yuji was already in tears.


late at night.

All of a sudden, Ning Jie almost cheered because she finally saw summer open her eyes, but she still did not dare to speak at the moment, for fear of disturbing summer.

In summer, he took out the silver needle from his body, and then after another ten minutes, he stood up.

"Are you all right?" Ning Jie finally can"t help asking.

"It"s all right." Summer replied, but there was a trace of fatigue in his voice, and as soon as he had finished speaking, Ning Jie jumped on him with cheers.

Summer a stumble, almost fell to the ground, fortunately Ning Jie immediately reacted, hurriedly held him, stabilized his body.

"You, didn"t you say it was ok?" Ning Jie worries again.

"It"s OK, just need a rest." It took so long in summer to absorb that part of the Yin Fire, but he was also very tired. At this moment, what he wanted to do was sleep.

Ning Jie was a little relieved, and then let go of summer. In summer, she immediately fell on the bed, and soon fell asleep without even covering the quilt.

Looking at the summer when she fell asleep, Ning Jie was in a daze for a while. She couldn"t help but think of the situation when she first met with summer. That time, he was also very sleepy, and even fell asleep on the road.

"This time, I will be with you." Ning Jie mumbles to herself, and then goes to bed. She takes off her clothes for summer first, and then lies down next to summer. When she holds summer, she finally finds that although half of her body is still cold in summer, it seems that it"s not as cold as it was in the morning.

"It will be better." In an instant, Ning Jie suddenly has confidence and more hopes for the future.

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