Chapter 1034

Before Gan min could speak, Ning Jie opened the door and walked out of the living room towards the gate.

"Ningjie, wait..." Gan min chased out in a hurry. She was going to catch up, but she stopped and continued to call the security department. She thought it would be safer to call the security department anyway.

Gan Min has just dialed the phone. Ning Jie has arrived at the door and opened the door. However, the courier is a little impatient. He immediately delivers a small cardboard box.

"Sign for it. I have express delivery." The courier delivered a pen.

Ning Jie takes over the cardboard box and signs. At this time, the courier suddenly probes into his arms and takes out a pistol. The muzzle of the gun points at Ning Jie quickly. There is no doubt that Gan min"s suspicion is correct. It"s not a courier, but a killer!

It"s a pity that Ning Jie dare to come out even though she is suspicious. Naturally, she has been on guard for a long time. In her opinion, the killer"s action is as slow as a snail. Just when the killer reaches into her arms, Ning Jie has found that his action is not right. When she sees the pistol, she immediately cuts it with a knife, directly on the killer"s wrist, and the killer sends it out With a groan of pain, the pistol fell to the ground.

The killer"s face changed, but he didn"t attack again. Instead, he turned around and ran away. Ning Jie, who was about to throw the package away, smashed it directly at the killer.

Although the package is just a cardboard box, the contents seem to be very light, but it is also a powerful weapon thrown out in Ning Jie"s hands. No, the package directly hit the killer"s back, and the killer screamed and fell down.

Ningjie is going to interrogate the killer, but Gan min"s voice comes from behind: "Ningjie, are you ok? I"ve already called the security office. There will be security guards coming soon. Come back quickly! "

"Gan min, it"s OK, i..." Ning Jie naturally doesn"t want to go back to her room like this. She has to find out who sent the killer. However, before she can finish her words, the package nearby suddenly bursts with a bang!

As soon as Ning Jie"s face changed, she hurried back. Before the explosion came, she had led Gan min into the room. A few minutes later, when Ning Jie came out again, she found that the destructive power of the explosion was far beyond her imagination, not too severe, but too ordinary. Maybe because of the distance from the villa, the villa was not at all Some were affected, but the killer of the cup was killed directly.

At this time, the security guard of the security office of Xiangxue lake villa area arrived soon, and Gan min also walked out of it. Seeing that Ning Jie and Gan min were OK, the security guards seemed to be relieved.

"What"s the matter with you? How did the killer get in? " Gan min sees these security guards, immediately discontented scold.

"Mrs. Ren, we are..." The leading security guard was trying to explain, but there was a voice behind him, "get out of the way, all of you. Now we take over!"

The security guards followed the prestige, only to find that the speaker was a man in a police uniform. The man was very big and had a good appearance. He looked a little familiar in his thirties. Then they quickly recognized him. Isn"t this the famous detective Li Si of w.a.n.ggang Bureau?

Li Si can be called the star policeman of w.a.n.ggang city. Nowadays, many cities have star policemen as signs. Some places are looking for beautiful women policemen as signboards. However, w.a.n.ggang city is looking for a male policeman, that is, Li Si.

Li Si is a good-looking man, and the name is easy to remember. As long as you know that the metropolis of the first emperor of Qin knows Li Si, although Li Si is not Li Si, there is a star"s name, which is also an advantage of being a star. What"s more, Li Si is a real detective. He can solve many big cases like a G.o.d. He"s in w.a.n.ggang police station Under the deliberate propaganda, Li Si became the well-known detective Li Si.

Of course, the star police is still the police, not the real star, so no one will really know lish, but these security guards are the exception. They also have to deal with the police from time to time, and pay more attention to the police, so they basically know this person, and at this time, every security guard is in his mind: "this detective seems to be a little too G.o.d?"

It"s really amazing. Just a few minutes after the explosion, the man came, and several of his subordinates, even forensic forensics, were brought. It"s obvious that this is not an accident, but a preparation. Can this man predict in advance that there will be a case here?

"We"ve been tracking the killer, but we"re a little late." At this time, lish added that it"s an explanation for his presence here. Of course, this explanation is far fetched. Even if he is really tracking the killer, he won"t be able to track it with the forensic doctor, right?

At this time, Li Si has already walked to Ning Jie and Gan min, looked at them for a short time, stayed on Ning Jie"s face for a second, then took back his eyes and asked, "who is the owner of this villa? I"m Li Si, the leader of the special investigation team of the Bureau. Now I"m in charge of the explosion. "

"I am." Ning Jie replied lightly.

"Well, our forensics are going to investigate the crime scene. Please cooperate." Li Si said politely, but his action was not polite at all. Before Ning Jie could reply, he waved his hand, "go in and show me more carefully. We must find out the clues of the explosion and murder!"

Two forensic officers with boxes came running to the door and wanted to enter, but Ning Jie stopped them.

"You"re in the wrong place." Ning Jie said coldly, "that"s the crime scene. If you want to investigate, go there."

The two forensic officers were stunned, then turned to look at LISS.

Li Si is also slightly a Leng, then a little unhappy: "this young lady, please cooperate, we are handling the case according to law."

"Officer Li, although I"m not a law student, I"m not a law blind either. The explosion site is tens of meters away from my home. I"m not a crime scene here, am I?" Ning Jie said lightly: "if you really want to go in, that"s OK, first take the search warrant to say."

"But the killer is here to kill you. Of course, we need to investigate..." Lee retorted.

Ning Jie interrupts Li Si"s words: "officer Li, how do you know that the killer is coming to kill me?"

Li Si was a little bit at first, and then immediately said, "is that right? According to common sense, he can only come to kill you. Can he kill himself there

"Is it?" Ning Jie looks at lish coldly. "How do I think officer Li seems to know what the killer is going to do?"

Ning Jie is not a fool either. She also thinks that lish"s appearance is too coincidental. Seeing that lish didn"t go to find the killer first and let the forensic personnel in the room directly, she begins to suspect that lish may have come for her and summer. It seems like a series of plans from the killer in the beginning to the explosion to the appearance of these police officers.

"What are you saying?" When Liston was angry, "I"m here to investigate the case. You"d better cooperate a little and don"t interfere with the official business!"

"What if I don"t cooperate?" Ning Jie snorts, "officer Li, is that how your police deal with the case?"

Before Li Si spoke, Ning Jie continued, "well, I don"t want to talk nonsense with you either. I"m going back to have a rest now. It"s good for you to deal with the case or not. Don"t disturb me, or I won"t blame you for being rude."

After saying this, Ning Jie turned around and left. She was ready to close the door. But just then, a familiar voice came into her ear: "wife, wait for the door to close!"

Ning Jie, who was not in a good mood at first, immediately turned around when she heard this voice. Then she saw that summer had already run to her.

"Honey, you are back!" Ning Jie"s voice is full of surprises. Seeing that summer is safe, she finally gives up.

"What"s the matter here?" Looking at so many people in summer, I couldn"t help wondering and asked.

"You are the master of the family, aren"t you? I"m Li Si from the special investigation team of the Bureau... " When lish saw the summer, he immediately opened his mouth.

"Shut up!" Summer discontented glared at LISS, "don"t disturb me to talk to my wife!"

Did not wait for Li Si to react to come over, summer asked Ning Jie again: "wife, who is this idiot?"

"Honey, let"s go into the house and let you know later." Ning Jie pulls in the summer, then closes the door, and then says to Gan min, who is already in the house, "Gan min, come in with us first!"

Gan min nodded, and then followed Ning Jie and Xia Xia into the villa, while a group of policemen were blocked by the iron door.

After entering the living room, Ning Jie took a little time to introduce Gan min, and then she told summer what had just happened. She was not very clear about LISS, but Gan min knew, so in less than ten minutes, summer found out the whole situation.

Gan min"s phone rang at this time. She quickly answered the phone, and then looked at Ning Jie and Xia with a little embarra.s.sment: "Ning Jie, Xia Shenyi, I"m sorry, my husband just went home, he called to urge me to go back, I have to go first."

"It"s OK. Then you can go back and get in touch." Ning Jie nodded. In fact, she also hopes Gan min to leave now. She is having something to ask about summer.

Gan min quickly left, and Ning Jie immediately asked: "husband, what happened last night? Did you see that miss? Who is she? How could she know who you really are? "

Summer is trying to talk, suddenly turned to look at the door, Ning Jie almost felt something at the same time, also looked at the door, and then they found that a group of police rushed in, led by Liz!

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