Chapter 1041

For many white-collar workers, the weekend is the time to sleep in, and Luhui is no exception. He usually gets up before 7 o"clock every day. He didn"t get up until nearly 10 o"clock today, until his mobile phone rang.

"h.e.l.lo, who is that?" Lu Hui didn"t hesitate to answer the phone immediately. He didn"t dare to turn off his mobile phone even when he was sleeping at night, for fear that the company might find him temporarily.

"Is that Mr. Lu Hui?" A very moving voice came from the mobile phone.

"It"s me, is it you?" Lu Hui is eager to find out the owner of the voice from his memory, but he still hasn"t found it after searching his brain. Finally, he confirms that he doesn"t know the person.

"My name is Ning Jie. My husband borrowed ten yuan from you yesterday. He said he would pay you back 100000 yuan. If it is convenient for Mr. Lu, please tell me your address. We will pay you back now." The moving voice explained quickly, but Lu Hui was a little confused.

"Ah? What do you say? " Lu Hui is not very clear-minded now. When he hears this, he is even less clear-minded. Is he still dreaming?

After the person at the other end of the phone repeats what he just said, Luhui finally hears it clearly. He finally thinks of the ten yuan thing. He thinks of the strange guy he met yesterday morning. He looks like a violent guy who is sick, who is alive and kicks the emergency doctor. He looks like a beggar, but he has no money to borrow four yuan, He claimed to pay him back 40000 yuan, but in the end he gave the guy 10 yuan, and the guy also claimed to pay back 100000 yuan.

"That, Miss Ning, I really don"t need to pay back the money. It"s only ten yuan. It"s just a small thing." Thinking of it, Lu Hui said.

Luhui didn"t even think that the other side would pay 10 yuan, let alone that the other side would really pay him 100000 yuan. At that time, he was in a hurry to go to work, and after going to work, he basically forgot about this matter, but he didn"t know how. Now someone called him, he really wanted to pay back the money, and still wanted to pay 100000 yuan!

"Mr. Lu, my husband is a man of calculation. If he says he wants to pay you back 100000 yuan, he will pay you back 100000 yuan. So please tell me the address, and we will come back later." Ning Jie over the phone insists on paying back the money.

"Well, Miss Ning, if you really want to pay back the money, you can pay back ten yuan at most. How dare I ask you for one hundred thousand..." Lu Hui said in a daze, but before he had finished speaking, he was interrupted again.

"Mr. Lu, as I said, my husband does not care about this money, so we will give you 100000 yuan, not less than one point. Please tell us the detailed address so that we can go to find you." Ning Jie at the other end of the phone seems to be a little impatient.

"Well, I live in Chengzhong Village on the side of Xigang. When you come, you can call me again." Lu Hui is a little dizzy. Finally, he tells the address to the other party, thinking that the other party may just say something, and will not really come here to find him.

Waiting for the other party to hang up, Luhui still left for a long time, until a little puzzled voice came from the side: "Luhui, who called?"? What Miss Ning, what"s a hundred thousand yuan? What did you say to her? "

It"s natural that Su Qin, Lu Hui"s live in girlfriend, has a good family background in the central city where Lu Hui used to work. Her father is a civil servant. Although she is not a senior official, her family background is OK. In addition, Su Qin is also pretty. So there are many pursuers in that place. In terms of conditions, some people are better than Lu Hui, But in the end, Su Qin chose Luhui, and with Luhui, he left his hometown and came to fight in this coastal city. Because of this, Luhui always felt sorry for his girlfriend, and he always hoped to give her a good life in this city.

However, after coming to this place, Suqin began to feel a little uneasy about him, because after that, Suqin found that there are too many beautiful girls in w.a.n.ggang City, which is also normal. In such a country with more men than women, there are more women in w.a.n.ggang city than men. It"s not surprising that there are more beautiful women here.

Su Qin has good conditions in her hometown, but it"s ordinary here. Her salary is far less than that of Lu Hui. In addition, she is far away from her parents and always lacks a sense of security. So she is more nervous about Lu Hui. When she hears Miss Ning on his phone, she immediately starts to be alert.

Lu Hui actually knows his girlfriend"s mind, so he has nothing to hide from her. Then he tells Su Qin the strange thing from beginning to end.

"Really or not?" Suqin listened to it, but she doubted, "and this kind of thing?"

"I don"t know. I didn"t have to pay back the money. It"s only ten yuan. But she has to pay it back. She also said that her husband can count. I can"t help it. It depends on whether they are coming or not." Lu Hui is a little helpless. "Su Qin, don"t take it seriously. Maybe it"s just a joke."

"If we really give you 100000, we will be lucky." Su Qin suddenly got a little excited. "We have 100000 yuan in savings now, plus these 100000 yuan. Then I"ll go to my parents and borrow 100000 yuan. We can buy a smaller house here with a total price of about one million yuan, and 300000 yuan will be able to pay a down payment!"

"This, Su Qin, if someone really wants to pay me back 100000 yuan, do you think I should take it?" Lu Hui is still struggling. He always feels that it"s not proper to borrow 10 yuan from others and ask them to exchange 100000 yuan.

"Yes, why not? Anyway, people don"t care about 100000 yuan. You"re not happy if you don"t accept them! " Suqin said without hesitation.

Lu Hui thought about it and found that it seemed that it was true. He just said it was unnecessary to return it. The woman on the phone seemed to be a little unhappy.

Then, Lu Hui is merciless, biting his teeth, and decides that if someone really wants to pay him back 100000 yuan, he will really take it down!


Ning Jie and Xia Xia have just got on a taxi and are going to the village in Xigang city. After the bad experience of taking the bus last time, it is obvious that they will not take the bus again in summer.

According to common sense, they should have bought a car. They just made 10 million from the guy w.a.n.g Lixing has hung up. It"s no problem to buy a car, but the problem is that they can"t drive in summer and Ningjie can"t drive.

Ningjie used to be short-sighted or short-sighted, so she would not learn to drive. When she was normal, she would basically follow song Yumei to learn martial arts or other things. At that time, she had a full-time driver, and she didn"t need to learn to drive at all. So now, Ningjie also has a look with summer. She would smash a car, but it would never drive.

Maybe most people are still sleeping at this time of the weekend, so there is not much traffic jam on the road. Within half an hour, the taxi arrived at what Luhui called the village in the city of Xigang.

"Sir, the village in the West port city is just opposite. I can"t turn here, so I can"t drive there. You"d better get off here. It"s faster." The taxi stopped at the side of the road, the driver said.

"OK, wife, let"s go down." In summer, I heard that it was faster, so I immediately agreed, and handed the driver a hundred yuan, "no need to find it."

Looking at the summer pulling Ning Jie out of the car, the driver"s mouth is a thank you, but in the heart is scolding the summer fool, is not to install money in front of women? Even tip for a dozen. You really have money to fight?

It"s a pity that he doesn"t know how to read his mind in summer. Otherwise, he will definitely ask for the money back, or even smash the taxi.

In summer, he is taking Ningjie to the pedestrian overpa.s.s. He is going to the village in Xigang city. He thinks that he always talks and counts. Since he promised to pay others 100000 yuan, he would have to pay 100000 yuan. Anyway, 100000 yuan is small money for him. It"s no big deal.

But he just walked a few steps, but was stopped, and a woman"s voice came into his ear: "young man, wait, donate a dollar!"

Summer looked, but found that he was in the way of a middle-aged woman in her forties, then looked at her a little strange: "why give you a dollar? Are you a beggar? "

When she heard this, Ning Jie immediately wanted to laugh, and many men and women who were also stopped by this middle-aged woman also wanted to laugh. This man"s mouth was really poisonous. He said that he was a beggar in the name of collecting money, but also in the name of voluntary fund-raising. And he asked that seriously. This was just beating people"s face!

The middle-aged woman"s surname is Bai. All the people who are with her call her elder sister Bai. Some people who are stopped from donating have already known that this elder sister Bai is collecting money for the Hong Kong Hope charity. Everyone only needs one yuan, which is nothing at all. But this person has to donate at least one piece for everyone. If they don"t donate, they will carry out moral education, which annoys some people, especially some people It"s even more depressing at the moment when they have no change. Although they want to donate a piece of money to escape, they only have one hundred yuan on them. They don"t want to donate as much as one hundred yuan. It"s already uncomfortable to be forced to donate. They have to donate one hundred yuan, which will be very painful.

"Young man, how do you speak? Who is the beggar, who is the beggar? Huh? This is a voluntary donation. Do you know what it is? Do you know what helping others is? You know... " That white elder sister immediately displeased, immediately began to teach the summer to rise.

A group of people around looked at the summer with a little sympathy. She was a shrew, which made them have a headache. Many of them had just learned it, but they couldn"t fight with her here. Otherwise, they would be crowned with a hat without sympathy if they couldn"t get it right.

But summer said at this time: "I know I don"t owe you money, and I know you are looking for me for money, so you are a beggar. A beggar told me the other day that beggars are liars, so you are a liar. I hate liars the most, so I won"t give you a dollar!"

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