Chapter 1042

"Well said!"

, "brother, you are awesome!"

"I"ve got a good scolding!"


A few people thumbed up to the summer, and a few whispered their praises there. They didn"t dare to speak too loudly, but in any case, the summer words helped them out.

"You see, what qualities do you have? You won"t donate a dollar. Do you think a man like you can make a difference? A man like you won"t have a girl"s family... " Elder sister Bai looks very angry and scolds summer loudly there.

But at this time, another voice interrupted Bai"s words: "this aunt, does my husband have any future? It seems that you just need me to care. Don"t you need to be so excited?"

It"s Ning Jie who speaks naturally. In fact, according to her original idea, she gave the man a dollar. However, she didn"t want to give it in summer. Now the middle-aged woman is belittling summer. She"s a little unhappy. To say that her husband has no sympathy, she absolutely agrees. But to say that he"s not promising, it"s too far fetched. It"s really better than promising. She doesn"t think there are several men left Better than her husband.

When they heard Ning Jie"s words, they all looked at her together. Then everyone had only one idea. Slapping, it"s red fruit"s slapping. The white elder sister just said that she couldn"t find a woman, but she had a beautiful wife who had blocked the female star!

Seeing Ning Jie, elder sister Bai was also shocked, and then immediately changed her education goal: "I said pretty girl, you look so beautiful, why do you have to go with such an unpromising man? It"s better to find someone on your terms. I"ll tell you that a man who can"t even afford to give a dollar to do good deeds is really a must. Even if he is really rich, he won"t spend it for you... "

"Go away, old woman!" Summer kicked out, this man actually bewitched his wife to find other men, this is simply looking for death! Awesome,

awesome, this brother is very helpful, but it seems too strong for him to kick the fly. You know, there"s a video camera next to it. This so-called voluntary fund-raising also brought reporters for interviews. It"s not so good that the beating was recorded.

Just when these people are worried about summer, summer has flashed to the camera, grabbed the camera in one hand, and then fell heavily on the ground. At the same time, they also said with dissatisfaction, "don"t take this broken thing to shoot my wife!"

The camera reporter was depressed. Who took pictures of his wife? He"s the guy who shot himself!

Depressed to depressed, but this camera reporter is very witty, actually also did not curse, with his well-informed experience, can see this is a violent maniac at once, or don"t eat the immediate loss is better, otherwise he will lie on the ground like that elder sister Bai.

But seeing that elder sister Bai is lying on the ground and still hasn"t got up, and the camera is broken, those who were stopped before and can"t walk, immediately disperse and run away.

Seeing this scene, summer is quite proud: "stingy wife, who said I would not do a good thing, I just did a good thing?"

"I know you"ll do a good job. Let"s go first!" Ning Jie will leave in the summer. It"s better to take advantage of the white elder sister before she gets up and leaves. Otherwise, she will be entangled again.

************In the rental house, Lu Hui and his girlfriend Su Qin naturally got up early. They were watching movies with their computers on, but they were obviously upset.

Before receiving Ningjie"s call, Luhui didn"t care about it. Suqin didn"t know it, but now it"s different. They are really looking forward to Ningjie"s coming.

A lot of things are like this. When you didn"t have any expectation, you didn"t care about it at all. But when you really care about it, you will start to worry about gain and loss. For example, now, after more than half an hour waiting for Luhui, you start to feel uneasy.

"Why haven"t you come? What kind of Ning Jie did you cheat? " Su Qin can"t help it at this time. Although 100000 yuan is not a lot, it"s definitely not a little for them. With this money, they can at least advance their dream of buying a house a year earlier. In this year, who doesn"t want to have a house of their own? Renting a house is not only expensive, but also often subject to the anger of the landlord, plus it will be looked down upon by others.

"How can I know?" Lu Hui was helpless, thought about it, and then said, "Su Qin, don"t worry about it. I didn"t really want to ask for a hundred thousand yuan before anyway, just because it didn"t happen."

"That"s the way it is said. It gives people hope and now it disappoints us. It"s a little hateful!" Suqin is a little dissatisfied. It"s no wonder. It"s like winning the lottery. You can get the lottery station. They say that your lottery is fake and can"t be cashed in.

Luhui is trying to comfort his girlfriend again, but his mobile phone rings at this time. He quickly takes it over and looks at it. He is stunned. It seems that the lottery can be cashed again?

"Is it her call? If so, I"ll take it! " Suqin urged.

"She called." Lu Hui nodded, then asked Su Qin, "where do you think we should meet her?"

"If there"s a bank of China at the intersection, ask her to meet her there. If you really give us money, we can deposit it there. It"s not safe to take 100000 cash with you. If they"re liars or robbers, we"re safe in the bank. There are police there now." Suqin soon had an idea.

Luhui immediately thought it was a good idea, and finally answered the phone. It was Ningjie who called. Ningjie also agreed to meet with the bank. After less than a minute, Luhui hung up and looked at her expectant girlfriend: "Suqin, let"s go down. They have come."

The two quickly went out and went downstairs. They came to Zhonghang, less than a kilometer away from their rental house. Then they saw Ningjie at a glance.

There"s no way. Ning Jie"s beauty stands out from the rest in this place. At this moment, Su Qin can"t help being ashamed. Even Lu Hui, who thinks her girlfriend is the most beautiful in the eyes of her lover, has to admit that she is more than one level more beautiful than her girlfriend.

"Is it her?" Suqin couldn"t help asking.

"I don"t know, but the man next to her seems to be the guy who borrowed my money." Lu Hui also saw the summer at this time, and then said to Su Qin.

"That"s the cheapskate"s wife. That"s the guy who borrowed my money." At this time, summer also saw Lu Hui and Su Qin, and then he pointed to Lu Hui with his fingers.

Ning Jie nodded, then walked to Luhui and Suqin in summer.

"Mr. Lu, I"m Ning Jie, who just called you. Here"s 100000 yuan. Please take care of it." Ning Jie came to Luhui, and said directly. At the same time, she handed Luhui the bag with the money in her hand.

Lu Hui hesitated for a moment and didn"t take it right away. He didn"t react until Su Qin stabbed him. He bit his teeth. He opened the bag and saw that there were banknotes in it. Although there were no numbers, it was roughly estimated that it should be 100000 yuan.

"Please count Mr. Lu. If it"s all right, we"ll go first." Ning Jie said again.

"No problem, of course not." Lu Hui hurriedly said that he was naturally embarra.s.sed to count the money. After all, he only borrowed ten yuan from others. Even if there were no 100000 yuan here, he didn"t have the cheek to ask for money.

"In that case, we"ll leave first." Ning Jie doesn"t want to stay here too long. After saying this, she turns around and wants to leave.

"Miss Ning, wait a minute." Suqin called out in a hurry.

"Is there anything else?" Ning Jie asked back.

"Miss Ning, it"s almost noon. Why don"t we have a meal together? We treat, otherwise, we"re really a little embarra.s.sed. " Su Qin said quickly, in fact, she was also thinking about xiaojiujiu. She thought that Ning Jie must be a rich woman. She and Lu Hui have no background here. It"s a rare chance to meet such a person. If you are familiar with her, you may find this rich woman to help you in the future.

"Yes, let"s have a meal together." Lu Hui also sent out an invitation at this time. He really felt embarra.s.sed.

Ning Jie turns to look at summer: "husband, do you see?"

"Well, let"s go to dinner. I"m a little hungry." After thinking about it in summer, he agreed. Although it"s less than 11 o"clock, it"s OK to have lunch. Finally, he"s hungry. The reason is simple. He didn"t have breakfast.

"Well, Miss Ning, I"ll go first to save the money and come out at once." Lu Hui said with some difficulty.

Ning Jie nodded. She could understand Lu Hui"s practice. If she had, let alone had 100000 in her hand, she would not be at ease. She would have gone to the bank first.

"Now there are not many people in the bank, and saving is always faster than taking money, so Luhui quickly saved the money, and at the same time confirmed that Ningjie did give him 100000 yuan. For a while, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. He was excited, but more surprised. He can"t believe it until now. This kind of strange things will happen to him.

The four soon left the Chengzhong Village of Xigang, and then took a taxi. Lu Hui usually had guests, who took them to a small restaurant near the Chengzhong Village. But this time, they gave him 100000 yuan. He was really embarra.s.sed to treat in such a place, so he bit his teeth and went to a cafeteria introduced to him by others. It was a luxury seafood restaurant The a.s.sistant Restaurant, 500 yuan per person, for 100000 yuan, Lu Hui also decided to give 2000 yuan as a luxury.

This restaurant is not very far away. It"s ten minutes away. Four people get off the bus and walk towards the buffet. Just after entering, they ask Ning Jie in the summer, "stingy wife, do you want to eat any buffet?"

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