Chapter 1059

When he heard summer praising himself, Ning Jie was a little sad. When is it? He still had this mood.

"Is this medicine effective?" Ning Jie can"t help but ask.

"Of course it works. How can my medicine not work?" Summer is a natural look, "but the effect of this medicine is so good, so I can only use half of it this time, and I can still use half of it."

After a meal, summer added: "mean wife, don"t take this medicine. It"s a spring medicine specially for men. If a woman takes it, it will become a human demon."

"Of course I won"t!" Ning Jie is a little sad. What does she do with spring medicine? Don"t say that this medicine is for men. Even for women, she doesn"t want to take medicine at random to make her hair spring.

"Come on, for safety"s sake, I"d better put the medicine away by myself." Summer said to himself, picked up the medicine bottle, ready to go upstairs, and then thought of one thing, "by the way, stingy wife, I"m going to start taking medicine to absorb the Yin Fire, you remember to tell Weier"s wife and Isabella"s sister, no one can enter my room, and especially you can"t come in."

"I see." Ning Jie nodded, but at the end she couldn"t help asking, "why can"t we go in? I used to watch you absorb Yin fire. If we can"t go in, we don"t know if something happens to you! "

"Stingy wife, because you are so beautiful, especially Wei"er"s wife has a very good figure, so you must not enter the house, let alone let me see you, otherwise, I will really have an accident." Summer looks very serious. "This is the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world. Ordinary men will immediately incarnate in the estrous beast if they eat a little. Anyone who wants to find a mother will jump on it. However, I"m not an ordinary man, and I have a lot of control power. But after all, I eat too much, and I can"t neutralize all the anger at once. If I see ugly women, I may be able to resist it, But if I see you, I can"t help it. My efforts will be in vain, so don"t come in! "

"I see. We won"t go in. We"ll just guard outside. Besides, husband, just close the door inside." Ning Jie agrees to come down immediately, listen to this reason, she also knows that really can"t go in, a man who has taken super aphrodisiac sees what is the result of beauty, normal people can think out.

In summer, he didn"t speak any more. He went upstairs quickly, went into the bedroom, closed the door, sat down with his knees crossed, took out the silver needle, stabbed a dozen needles on his body quickly, and completely released the Yin fire that had been suppressed on one side of his body. The cold breath rushed to the other half of his body like a flood, as if to devour him completely!

Fortunately, in the summer, he quickly poured half a bottle of freshly prepared super spring medicine into his mouth. As soon as the strong spring medicine entered his body, it immediately generated a huge heat, which is the so-called Yang Qi. And this Yang Qi quickly met the attack of yin and fire. Yin and Yang absorb each other, and the collision between yin and Yang must be the result of mutual blending, and then transformed into a new kind of spring medicine True Qi. At this time, ice fire aura starts its effect again. It merges and absorbs this new aura, and finally converts it into ice fire aura.

Although it"s easy to say, it"s not so easy to completely absorb. The main reason is that the Yin fire is too strong and too many. After the integration of Yin Fire and Yang Qi, the new Qi is also quite huge, even larger than the original ice fire spirit in summer. It"s impossible to completely absorb them with ice fire spirit in one move, but only gradually Enter.

Sitting on the ground quietly in summer, if there is someone nearby, he will feel that he is just sitting on the ground sleeping. Although it"s weird to sleep like this, he doesn"t seem to be special now. Only in summer can he understand that there is a fierce real Qi struggle in his body, which is not peaceful at all. Now he almost blocks all perception of the outside world, Spend all your energy on the integration of Qi.

Time flies quickly. Unconsciously, it is the next morning. Avril and Isabella are outside the room at the moment, while Ning Jie is sitting in the living room with her knees crossed. She uses her keener perception at the moment to feel everything around her. Once there is any threat approaching, she will know it immediately.

Fortunately, nothing has happened since last night. After all, this is a high-end villa area. Generally speaking, there is little chance for someone to make trouble. Now Ning Jie"s only worry is that any enemies will come to her at this time, which is more troublesome.

No. 18 villa in Xiangxue lake is very quiet at the moment, and Qingfeng mountain, which is thousands of miles away, is also quiet at the moment.

The sunshine in winter sprinkles on Qingfeng mountain, which seems to add a little more beautiful feeling to the green Qingfeng mountain. Unfortunately, although there is sun today, it is winter now, and at this time of morning, it is almost the coldest time of the day, so few people can enjoy the beautiful scenery. At this time, most people are still hiding in the quilt Where is it?

But at the moment, it"s not that no one appreciates this kind of beautiful scenery. On the hillside of the breeze, she is standing in an extremely beautiful tall figure, dressed in a black tights, which perfectly outlines her good and abnormal figure. Dozens of black ribbons are wrapped around her body and flutter with the wind, which makes her feel a bit mysterious.

The sunlight reflected on her white face made her originally beautiful face more beautiful and soul stirring. However, her beautiful eyes emitted cold cold light, which was enough to offset the warmth of the sun. It seemed that the trees around her could feel the chill on her and shiver there.

Although her indifference is enough to make people avoid, if someone sees her at the moment, they will admit that although the scenery of Qingfeng mountain is beautiful, the woman in black is enough to make the scenery of Qingfeng mountain dim. At this moment, she is the most beautiful scenery on Qingfeng mountain.

The woman in black is standing quietly. It seems that for a long time, she still hasn"t moved. If she is standing here to enjoy the scenery, she should be independent. But in fact, as long as she looks at her eyes, she will know that she doesn"t have any interest in the scenery around her. She just seems to be standing like this, doing nothing. If her eyes don"t move occasionally, she It"s not so different from a beauty statue. Of course, there is no such a lifelike beauty statue in the world.

Ten minutes later, the woman in black suddenly moved. She suddenly stepped forward and disappeared on the hillside. Fortunately, no one saw it at this time. Otherwise, she might think she saw a ghost.

"It turns out that there is also a great array of heaven and earth in this world. No wonder no one can find you." At this time, the woman in Black said to herself, then raised her head and looked at the changed Qingfeng peak. "The moon is clear and elegant. Twenty years later, we will finally meet again."

A moving voice suddenly came from the air: "Xiaomei, come on, I"m waiting for you."

The woman in black jumped up in the sky and flew to the mountain in an infinite and beautiful posture. A moment later, she had arrived at the top of Qingfeng mountain.

Qingfeng mountain top is a flat land, which is obviously renovated, flat and clean. At this moment, on the top of the mountain, there is a beautiful and extraordinary woman in white robe.

The woman in black stood down less than three meters away from the woman in white robe, and then looked at her so quietly, while the woman in white robe didn"t speak, so they looked at each other so quietly.

The mountain wind is very strong. It blows the white robe on the white robe woman, and the black ribbon on the black robe woman also dances with the wind, but it doesn"t affect the beauty of the two of them at all. When they stand together, their looks are almost the same, and the curvy figure is also indistinguishable. The only difference is that the black robe woman"s chest is more prominent, The waist and legs are thinner, while the body proportion of women in white robes is more symmetrical.

I believe that no matter what people see them at the moment, they have to admit that this is the two most beautiful women in the world, and any other women will be ashamed to see them. They are the bright moon in the sky that day, enough to cover up the brilliance of all the stars.

The only pity is that no one else can appreciate their beauty at the moment. There is no one but them at the top of Qingfeng mountain.

"Xiaomei, you are the same as twenty years, nothing has changed." The white robed woman finally broke the silence. Her voice was gentle, but it also contained deep feelings.

"You"re different from twenty years ago!" The tone of the woman in black is cold, and she seems to be angry. "Twenty years ago, you were the most outstanding disciple of the immortal sect, and the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of the whole immortal sect. You are the hope of the new generation of the immortal sect, and you also carry the future of the immortal sect. You are recognized as the leader of the next generation of the immortal sect, and you are also known as the first beauty of the immortal sect. Because of you, the immortal sect is not stingy You are the only one of the disciples of the immortal sect who has been called the immortal sect for thousands of years since its establishment. Many young talents of the immortal sect made great efforts to only ask for one side of you. At that time, you were pure and uncountable. All men were ants. You could not look at them with your eyes. You would step on them unconsciously. But now And now? Now you have found a humble mortal who has defiled your body! "

In the end, the woman in black almost lost control of herself and yelled: "yueqingya, how can you become like this? Have you forgotten your ident.i.ty? How can you mix with the lowly prisoners and even commit yourself to such lowly and shameless mortals in summer? "

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