Chapter 1072

Is eating important or eating a wife important?

For summer, there is no need to ask for answers to this question, so he did not hesitate to pick up Yunqing and walk into the bedroom, close the door and start enjoying his wife"s meal.

But because there are no outsiders at home, Yunqing has become unbridled. She once resisted men, but now she seems to be a bit wild, full of body, and her mouth is shouting out the enchanting symphony. In these hours, she seems to forget everything, but completely sink into the raging tide.

When Yunqing was extremely happy, the time always pa.s.sed quickly. When Yunqing heard the cell phone ringing next to her pillow and saw that Qiao Xiaoqiao was calling, she was shocked that it was three o"clock. Unconsciously, she had spent five hours in bed.

"Honey, it"s time you left." Yunqing didn"t answer the phone, just panting. As soon as the voice dropped, she felt that the speed of the man behind her was much faster. The waves of pleasure came in like the tide. She sang loudly unconsciously, "Hmmm..."

A few minutes later, Yunqing was once again sent to the peak of desire, and then fell high, lying on the bed paralyzed.

"Sister Yunqing, I"ll go first. I"ll be back in a while." The soft voice of summer sounded in her ear.

"Well." Yunqing didn"t look back, but answered softly. She wanted to speak, but found her voice seemed a little hoa.r.s.e.

Yunqing hears the sound of closing the door soon and knows that summer has gone. She pulls the quilt and covers her naked body. Then she lies on her stomach for a rest.

After a few minutes, Yunqing recovers a little physical strength and is ready to get up to take a bath. When she gets up, she can"t help but mutter: "the knee hurts a little. Next time, she can"t use this posture for so long..."


on the helicopter, Qiao feng"er looks at summer with strange eyes. The coyote is sleeping with his eyes narrowed, and his body is still fragrant. It"s obvious that he has just done something bad. But isn"t Yunqing coming to the aunt? Isn"t this wolf disgusting to go through the back door? It"s disgusting, it"s hooligan!

"h.e.l.lo, I know I"m handsome, but you don"t have to stare at me all the time, do you?" Summer suddenly opened his eyes, a little unhappy to Qiao Fenger said.

"I didn"t look at you!" Qiao Fenger said a word angrily, and then turned his head.

See Qiao Fenger turn around, summer also didn"t pay attention to her, continue to squint, it seems to close his eyes, in fact, he is still in the aftertaste of Yunqing"s wonderful plump body and her pa.s.sion.

More than half an hour"s flight in the air was very smooth. The helicopter soon arrived in Jianghai city. However, the place where the helicopter landed was on the Shenxian island just named in summer. There is already a small heliport on the island, and now it looks like there are some buildings on the island. In summer, the future home has already had a rough prototype, and now there are some workers on the island People are doing things.

However, in summer, he didn"t stay on Shenxian island for long, because he was still in a hurry to meet Mu Han at the airport. He soon left Shenxian island in a yacht, and then went to the airport by car.


Jianghai airport waiting hall.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the number of pa.s.sengers returning home also increases naturally. There are people coming and going in the waiting hall, and some people are waiting for relatives and friends who are about to get off the plane, or for relatives and friends to be found by plane.

The waiting people"s eyes will be boring and wandering around, but before long, the eyes of these people are mostly fixed at the entrance, where stands a very s.e.xy blonde, the blonde with her back to these people, wearing a flaming red windbreaker, although she can"t see the front, but her back alone is enough to cause men"s infinite reverie, which is obviously a little bit The wide windbreaker still can"t cover up her proud body, big b.u.t.tocks, long legs and attractive curves, which makes people have the impulse to get up immediately to see what"s going on.

However, maybe it"s because the back is so beautiful and s.e.xy that many men don"t have the courage to talk to each other, because they will consciously produce a sense of inferiority. Such a top-notch woman, they have no luck or qualification. It"s lucky for them to look so far. At least they can boast about it later They met a real beauty at Jianghai airport.

What excites these people is that this beautiful woman is obviously waiting for someone. She has been standing at the entrance for more than ten minutes without leaving.

In addition to appreciating beautiful women, these people are murmuring to themselves, which lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d has kept such a s.e.xy blonde waiting so long? Nowadays, it"s always men waiting for women. How can I change here and become a woman waiting for men? This woman is still a super beauty?

"This beauty is not the kind of flower behind, the kind of dregs on the front?" Some people have this idea in mind, and then they have the impulse to look at the positive.

As the saying goes, impulse is the devil, so when some people are impulsive, they will force down the impulse, while some people, when they are impulsive, immediately practice their impulse. No, at this moment, someone finally can"t help walking towards the blonde.

This is a tall man of about 30 years old. He is dressed in a suit and has a watch that looks good on his hand. This guy even shows it when he walks. It can also be judged that this watch is valuable. In terms of appearance, this guy is really good. It is preliminarily estimated that this man should be a successful person, at least a successful little white face.

"Miss, are you waiting for someone?" The successful little white face walked behind the blonde and asked in a polite manner.

Although many people are envious that the little white face dare to talk to the beauty, they still thank the little white face, because after the little white face asked a word, the blonde who had not turned her head for more than ten minutes finally turned her head, and she turned her head, and the crowd was even more impulsive.

Beauty, it"s really a beauty. The back is a flower. The front is a bright and delicate flower. And some of the eyes are poisonous. At one glance, it can be seen that this is a mixed race beauty. The white and red skin, the extremely beautiful eyes, the s.e.xy figure, the charming style, all of her are so beautiful, so s.e.xy, so attractive , let men have the impulse to jump up when they see it.

Just when these people want to see the beautiful woman more clearly, the beautiful woman turns her head again and continues to look outside, ignoring the successful little white face, which also makes some people feel dark. What about the little white face? Isn"t it that people don"t dump you?

“h.e.l.lo!” This success small white face but again came such a sentence.

Everyone is speechless. How dare the little white face think that people can"t understand? Although they are blonde, they may not be really foreigners, right?

This time, the blonde didn"t even return her head.

“@¥#¥……” The successful little white face continued to talk, but a string of real birdsong came out of his mouth, which no one could understand.

People are even more speechless. It seems that the goods know a lot of foreign languages. They are not specially for people to translate, are they?

"Don"t drag French with me. I"m Chinese. Besides, I"m waiting for someone, but I"m not waiting for you, so you"d better not bother me!" At this time, the blonde finally spoke. Her voice was very pleasant, but she was obviously unhappy. Obviously, she didn"t like to be disturbed by this little white face.

"Here, miss, I"m just..." The little white face was a little embarra.s.sed, and then he wanted to say something, but before he finished, he heard a word: "go!"

Hearing this, Xiaobai"s face suddenly gets angry. If the beauty let him go, even if he gets angry, he will bear it. But the problem is that it"s not the blonde who makes him go, but a young man who looks very ordinary.

"What do you say..." Little white face was about to question the young man angrily, but before he finished speaking, he closed his mouth and stood there in a daze, because he found that the blonde was happily throwing her face into the arms of the young man who just appeared, and cried out: "husband!"

The little white face didn"t think it was about the guy who just appeared, but now he understands that people are the man of this beautiful woman. Obviously, it"s about the guy"s business. If he still wants to quarrel with people, it seems that he"s a bit guilty.

And the little white face soon found that even if he wanted to fight with others, they might not have time because they were kissing with blondes.

"s.h.i.t, beautiful women with ugly men!" Small white face in the heart of the stomach Fei a, finally or gray turn away.

Naturally, the little white face didn"t think it was the wisest choice for him to leave. Otherwise, he would have to be carried out horizontally or kicked out directly, because the couple who were kissing were summer and Mu Han.

In the eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred of others, summer hugs Mu Han and kisses her for at least three minutes before releasing her red lips temporarily: "wife, let"s change places. There are too many people here."

"Well, honey, you come with me." Mu Han walked towards the waiting hall in the summer, pa.s.sed the security check soon, and then came directly to the ap.r.o.n.

There is a plane on the ap.r.o.n. The door of the engine room has been opened. Mu Han gets on the plane directly in the summer. Just go in and have a look, it will be a little puzzled in the summer.

"My wife, why is there no one in this plane?" Summer can not help but ask, no pa.s.sengers even if, somehow also have a stewardess?

"Husband, you sit here for a while. I"ll go there and come back right away." Mu Han takes summer to the first cla.s.s cabin and lets him sit down in a position first, while she gets up and leaves.

Summer is a little bit puzzled, what is this blonde wife playing?

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