Chapter 1123

"No, I haven"t even seen you. I"m sure I won"t go." Summer immediately replied.

Zhao Yuji knows that summer is not about meeting her, but when she hears this, she can"t help but have a sweet taste. Her tone is also tender: "I"ll come back to you in a few days. After the Lantern Festival, I"ll have some free time."

Lantern Festival?

After summer"s calculation, I found that today is the 13th day of the first month, that is to say, Zhao Yuji will have time in a few days. In such days, he can definitely wait.

"Well, I"ll come back to you after the Lantern Festival." Summer very readily agreed to come down.

"I"ll call you after Lantern Festival." Zhao Yuji"s voice is still quite gentle. "Let"s not talk about it. I"m playing chess with my grandfather. He"s urging me."

"Well, Goblin"s wife, I"ll hang up." Summer did not continue to entangle, took the initiative to hang up the phone.

And then, summer dial out a number, this time is to call song Yumei, he wants to let his wife in the capital know that he has come.

This time, the phone was successfully connected. Song Yumei"s moving voice was also heard in summer"s ear: "I heard that you have come to the capital?"

"You already know that I"m here, Melanie?" Summer is a bit of a surprise.

"I know you hit again." Song Yumei"s tone had a hint of anger. "I said why do you like hitting people so much? What do you care about yuan Shifeng? "

"I"ll just kick him. That idiot is annoying." Summer casually explained a sentence, and then asked: "Mei Mei wife, where are you?"

"I"m at home, of course." Song Yumei replied: "there are many things at home now. I haven"t been to Peking University for, but I"m a little busy these days. You know I have to practice at night and manage my family during the day. I didn"t care about these things before. Now I just took charge of them. Many things are not familiar, so I have no free time."

Summer suddenly a little depressed: "Mei Mei wife, do you want to say you don"t have time to accompany me now?"

"I really don"t have time." Song Yumei gave summer a positive answer, "when I"m free, I"ll call you."

Song Yumei chatted with her for a few minutes, then hung up the phone, leaving her listless and sitting on the sofa in the summer. He wanted to continue to call yixiaoyin, but he thought that his wife would not like to accompany him. For the time being, it"s OK. If he really wants to see yixiaoyin, it"s better to go to her directly. It"s useless to call her.

Just when the summer felt bored, the goblin ran down the stairs.

"Husband, how about going out to play?" The goblin doesn"t think it"s fun to practice Kung Fu. Since the husband doesn"t let her sleep in the daytime, she might as well go out and have a look.

Although the goblin is a housemaid, she doesn"t really like to stay at home. It"s just that it"s not easy for her to go out. Since the exposure of her being a goblin, her safety problem has always been worried. Every time she goes out, she has a lot of bodyguards following her in the dark, which makes her have no fun at all. So she just stays at home.

But now it"s not the same. If she goes out with summer, and then just calls brother, those bodyguards won"t follow her. With summer, where can I need bodyguards?

In fact, the goblin thinks that her Kung Fu is very good now. Even if she doesn"t have summer around, she doesn"t need other people"s protection. Unfortunately, her eldest brother Zhao Gongzi doesn"t think so. Fortunately, she also knows that eldest brother believes in summer"s ability.

"Where to play?" Summer asked, he would like to go out to play, but there seems to be no fun place in the capital.

"Whatever. It"s more fun than at home." The goblin has no idea about it. She just wants to go out and play. As for where to play, it doesn"t seem to matter.

Seeing that summer seems to be hesitating, the goblin pouts: "husband, if you don"t go out with me, I will go back to sleep!"

"Then go out and play." Summer promised to come down immediately. He had nothing to do when he stayed here. If the goblin really ran to sleep again, he would be more bored. It"s better to go out than that.

"Yeah, I"ll call brother first, and let him not let others follow us!" The little demon spirit sees summer to agree, immediately a little excited, pick up the mobile phone to call in a hurry.

A minute later, she hung up more happily: "Yeah, big brother promised, let"s go out!"

The little goblin walked out in the summer, rarely leaving the door. The little goblin was very happy naturally. She felt like a canary all these days. She was locked in the cage all day. The most depressing thing was that the cage was made by herself.

"Ah, the air outside is so..." When the goblin came out of the door, she began to sigh. It was windy outside. Before she finished speaking, she seemed to blow some sand into her mouth, so the second half of the sentence became, "p.o.o.p How bad the air is! "

"Little goblin wife, I can take you to live in Qingfeng mountain, where the air is very good." Summer added.

"Can Qingfengshan access the Internet?" The goblin asked casually.

"Well, it doesn"t seem to work now." Summer thought, that place now seems to be unable to make a phone call, want to get online more difficult.

"Oh, honey, you remember to install a fiber optic cable in Qingfeng mountain. I may live in it later." The goblin said with a smile.

"Well, I"ll just have one installed." Summer really agreed to come down.

"Husband, where do you think we should play now?" Pulling the summer to the front for several hundred meters, the goblin asked again.

"Play wherever you want." Summer casually replied, where does he know where to play?

"I don"t know where to play either!" The goblin"s face was bitter, and she thought hard. After a while, she suddenly made a sound, and her face was excited, "husband, I know who should take us to play!"

"Who is it?" Summer a little curious asked.

The goblin has picked up his mobile phone and started to call: "it"s me, where are you? Oh, oh, wait for me, I"ll be right here! "

Hung up the phone, the goblin pull summer: "husband, let"s go to the Affiliated High School of the people"s Congress, where Xiaozhuo is, he can play the most!"

"Little goblin wife, you just called Zhao Xiaozhuo?" Asked the summer.

"Yes, let"s go. Xiaozhuo said that he was chasing girls in the Affiliated High School of the National People"s Congress. Let"s play too!" The goblin pulled the summer to the roadside, stopped a taxi, and pulled him into the car, "uncle, take us to the Affiliated High School of the people"s Congress!"

The taxi driver took a look at the goblin, and then couldn"t help saying, "beauty, I"m only 28 years old!"

"Wow, uncle, are you so old? I thought you were only twenty-five! " The goblin shouted a little exaggerated.

The taxi driver was speechless and at ease.


at the entrance of the high school attached to the National People"s Congress.

Zhao Xiaozhuo took Qin Xiaoluo"s hand and looked around.

"Xiaozhuo, who are you waiting for?" Qin Xiaoluo asked in a low voice.

"Waiting for my sister, I"m so depressed. I can"t play with my sister at all!" Zhao Xiaozhuo is a little helpless, "but if I don"t take her, she will definitely revenge on me, and then my cell phone, computer and other things will suffer."

Just then, Zhao Xiaozhuo saw a taxi stop and two people get out of the car.

"Yaoyao, here..." Seeing the beauty getting off first, Zhao Xiaozhuo waved, and then the next second, when he saw the man getting off, he immediately became stupid, "I wipe, how can this cargo come?"

Qin Xiaoluo also looked at summer with strange eyes. He was so angry about summer. Who told her that she was not beautiful?

"Xiaozhuo, take me to a fun place!" The goblin had already run to Zhao Xiaozhuo and hurried.

"I think the fun places are all what men want to play!" Zhao Xiaozhuo thought he didn"t see summer. "You"re a girl, and you"re young. There"s no place for you to play."

"I"m not young. I"m sixteen, and I"m almost seventeen!" The goblin looks at Zhao Xiaozhuo a little unhappy. "Hey, where can you play what I can"t? Don"t tell me, you play with women every day? "

"Well, it"s not. I play with men occasionally I"m wrong. I said playing with men is not playing with women. It"s another kind of playing... " Zhao Xiaozhuo said more and more disorderly. At the end of the day, he looked at the summer gloomily. "I wipe, I see that you are really Alexander, which makes me start talking disorderly."

"I have a way to make sure you don"t talk." Summer is not a matter of time.

"What can I do?" Zhao Xiaozhuo thought it was not a good way, but he couldn"t help asking.

"I can turn you into a mute. If you don"t have to talk in the future, then you won"t talk in disorder." Replied the lazy summer.

"It"s not a good way for me to wipe it!" Zhao Xiaozhuo subconsciously stepped back two steps, and then turned to look at the goblin, "Yaoyao, you have to watch your man, don"t let him mess with me!"

"What are you afraid of? My husband will only mess with me, not you. He is not interested in men. " The goblin curled his mouth. "Don"t talk nonsense, take me to play. I can"t easily come out to play!"

Zhao Xiaozhuo thought hard, but didn"t think of any interesting place. At the end of the day, he had no choice but to ask carefully: "that, Yaoyao, in fact, Xiao Luo said he wanted to go skating, or you can go skating with us?"

Yaoyao is trying to talk. Suddenly a loud voice comes: "Zhao Xiaozhuo, let go of Qin Xiaoluo!"

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