Chapter 1146

At the moment, Meier also hates the person who invented the bomb. She doesn"t know when there are so many bombs in the capital. She just went to have breakfast. The residence was installed with a bomb. If she didn"t react quickly now, she would be killed in the bomb.

"Bang bang bang......" The continuous gunshots let Meier know that she has no time to relax. Before she can stand still, a man with an automatic rifle shoots at her.


Meier runs into a room with summer in her arms and rushes in to avoid the fire temporarily.

"Ah!" But there was someone in the room, a pair of smooth men and women. Suddenly the door was knocked open, and the woman could not help exclaiming.

Meier doesn"t stop. She doesn"t care about the men and women on the bed at all. She jumps to the window in the summer, but she doesn"t jump out of the room. She holds summer in one hand, grabs the outer wall in the other hand, and climbs quickly to the top of the hotel. After a few seconds, she and summer have appeared on the roof of the hotel.

Keep your figure steady. Meier takes out her mobile phone and dials a number: "I"m on the top of the capital hotel. Send a helicopter here. Now!"

Hung up the phone, mei"er turned to look at the summer: "the other side seems to be ready, we don"t know how many of them, you can"t do it now, for safety"s sake, we should leave here first, return to the dark group base, and then I"ll chase these people again."

"Meier"s wife, after returning to the dark group base, shall we live together?" Summer very seriously asked.

Meier suddenly gets angry. Who is this? At this time, what he cares about is this kind of problem!

Angry Meier decides not to pay attention to summer, but to watch the entrance of the roof vigilantly in case someone comes up.

About two minutes later, a helicopter came from the distance, and Meier could not help but breathe a little sigh of relief.

"This helicopter is coming soon!" Summer said one to himself.

Meier is slightly stunned. Then she finds something wrong. She looks up and sees the sky. As the helicopter flies closer, Meier"s voice finally changes. She hurries to pull summer: "get out of here. It"s not a dark helicopter!"

Meier runs towards the entrance of the roof in summer. The hotel is more than 20 stories high. She dare not jump down with her in summer.

"Bang bang bang......" The fierce gunfire rang out. There was an extra gun at the entrance, which kept firing towards this side, and immediately blocked Meier"s way. Meier had to come back in summer to find a hiding place.

"Bang bang bang......" The gunfire is more intense. This time, it"s from the air. Some people in the helicopter are shooting at this side. The air attack is more deadly, because Meier can"t find the shelter at all.

"d.a.m.n it!" Meier scolded, "we still have to jump down and hold me!"

Meier ran to the edge of the roof again while dodging. Countless bullets were flying in the air, which made her unable to speed up, because she had to dodge these bullets one by one. For a while, Meier seemed a bit embarra.s.sed.

She didn"t want to fight back, or she didn"t have the ability to fight back, but with such a burden as summer, she can only choose the safest way now, which is to escape here.

At this time, Meier suddenly heard a voice: "you idiots, I can"t bear to chase my wife!"

With this sound, Meier suddenly finds that she is surrounded by a powerful arm. Almost at the same time, her body is also out of her control. The gunfire is still fierce, and the bullets are still running. But to Meier"s surprise, when countless bullets are still about half a meter away from her, they suddenly seem to encounter a barrier and are bounced away.

"Die for me!" The man hugged her, roared, suddenly jumped up and flew to the helicopter in the air. In a blink of an eye, he was less than ten meters away from the plane and took a picture.

A strong wind burst out and hit the helicopter heavily. The helicopter lost control and fell down quickly.

In summer, when he shook his hands, several warheads flew out of his hands, and several screams rang out. Before the helicopter fell to the ground, all the people in the helicopter had gone to see the king of h.e.l.l first.

Meier is like a dream for a moment. The dead wolf is not hurt at all? It"s not only unhurt, but it looks worse than before!

In Meier"s stupefaction, summer has hugged her back to the top of the building. Next second, he comes to the entrance and says, "you idiots will die for me!"

"Bang bang bang......" The gun rang out.

"Er Ah... " With a scream.

Three seconds later, all was quiet, with only a few bodies left on the corridor.

But in summer, she has already returned to the center of the roof.

"Let go of me!" Meier suddenly had a drink and broke away from the embrace of summer. She was very angry. "It"s fun for you to fool me, isn"t it? Why do you pretend that you have lost all your martial arts? "

"Meier wife, don"t be angry, I just..." I stayed in summer, explaining and trying to be charming.

"Don"t touch me!" Meier is angry again. She hides and goes, "I thought you were hurt and came to protect you, but now I find that I am a fool. I wonder why Muhan is not worried at all? She knew you were OK! "

She felt that Meier, who was played by summer, was very angry. She turned around and wanted to leave, and summer rushed to her again. Then this time, she failed to escape and was held tightly by summer.

"Let go, or you won"t want to see me again!" Meier struggles desperately.

"Meier wife, listen to me first. I don"t want to cheat you either. I really met a very powerful micro bomb. The princess"s wife was almost killed. I deliberately pretended to be injured in order to bring out all the idiots who wanted to harm me." Summer still didn"t let go of Meier, just quickly explain the reason, "I"m not going to cheat you, just to cheat those idiots."

"You"re treating me like an idiot now!" Meier is really angry. She takes the initiative to protect him, but he treats her as a fool!

"Meier wife, I"ve been in Beijing for so long. You always say you don"t have time to come out and accompany me. This time, you come to me on your own. Of course, I can"t let you go. But if I say I"m ok, you won"t accompany me. So I have to take care of it so that you think I really need to be protected." Summer a face innocent appearance, "in fact, this can only blame you, who let you usually do not accompany me, so I can only cheat you to accompany me?"

Meier was angry for a while. The wolf cheated her not to say, but blamed her in turn!

"Again, let me go, or I"ll hide from you forever!" Meier doesn"t know why she"s angry. In short, she"s very angry now. She wants to leave the coyote for a while!

"Meier wife, if you hide from me all your life, I will find you all my life." Summer is very serious looking at Meier, then, he let go of his hand, "but I don"t want Meier"s wife you are not happy, for the moment I will let you go."

Meier doesn"t speak. She turns around and runs downstairs.

"Meier wife, are you going like this?" I stayed in summer and hurriedly chased up.

One by one, the two ran after each other and came to the lobby of the capital hotel in a flash.

"Don"t follow me again!" Seeing that summer is still following, Meier finally can"t bear it.

"Meier wife, you"re gone. I"m bored by myself." The summer looks rather pitiful.

"Don"t pretend to be pitiful, I won"t be cheated by you again!" Meier said angrily, "in short, you can do whatever you like. I"m too lazy to care about your life and death!"

After saying this, Meier quickly walked out of the hall and chased out of the hotel in summer. After thinking about it, she did not continue to chase.

Looking at Meier"s figure disappearing in the sight, summer said to himself: "it"s not wrong to cheat my wife. If I cheat my wife and my wife finds out, it"s really not good!"

Stretch, summer began to think about the next step, now Meier wife is not around him, he should be more trouble.

Although he has just shown his real strength, all the people who have seen his strength are dead except Meier, and Meier will not talk about it, so those idiots in Beijing who want to deal with him must still think that he is an ordinary person who has lost all his ability.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rings. In summer, he takes out his mobile phone. The phone is from Mu Han. Naturally, he answers the phone without hesitation.

"Husband, are you ok?" As soon as the phone was connected, Mu Han"s voice of concern came, "I heard that there was an explosion and gunfight just in the Capital Hotel..."

"My wife, I"m ok, but Meier"s wife is angry." Summer a little bit depressed, "she now ignored me, said I lied to her."

After listening to Xia Xia saying something on the phone, Mu Han comforts Xia in a soft voice: "honey, don"t worry. Charming children show that she cares about you. In fact, she specially comes to protect you, which means that she cares about you very much. Don"t worry, I will advise her, and she will be OK in a few days."

"Wife, I also know that Meier"s wife will not be angry all the time, but I find that it"s really boring now!" Summer said listlessly.

"Husband, then, or I"ll be right back?" Mu Han said with a little hesitation.

Summer a little heart, but think about it, or refused to let him heart proposal: "wife, or wait, in a few days, I guess those idiots will come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from his side: "summer, you can"t think of such a fast, treason?"

"Wife, there"s another idiot. I won"t talk to you first." Summer said quickly, hung up the phone, and then turned to look at the person, "who are you idiot?"

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