Chapter 1161

"I see. I"ll ask her the next time I see her." Summer downplayed said that he didn"t care about it very much. He could probably guess that Yue Zhifeng was his new rival, but he was very confident that Yi"s wife was his and no one could take it away.

"Husband." Chu Yao also came out of the room. "Grandpa Chang has something to discuss with you."

Summer conveniently hugged Chu Yao"s waist and walked into the ward, and Bai Xiaolei followed him in, but the nurse inside, had already left at the request of changdonglin. As for the two bodyguards of Bian Yunxia, from the beginning to the end, they didn"t enter the ward, just stared at the situation here at the other end of the road.

"Doctor Xia, thank you so much this time." Changdonglin is still sitting on the bed. He can"t get up yet. Although yixiaoyin is a miracle doctor, it"s not summer after all. With acupuncture alone, it"s impossible for him to recover immediately.

"You don"t have to thank me. I just don"t want to kill you." Summer said lazily.

Changdonglin"s face slightly changed: "Xia Shenyi, do you mean that the Yin Shenyi brought by Bian Yunxia is not a real Shenyi?"

"That fellow is also a doctor, but he is not the one who cures people. He is the one who cures people to death." Summer said: "in a word, the guy named Bian Yunxia certainly didn"t want to cure you, just wanted to kill you."

"That traitor!" Chang Rong finally can"t bear to scold.

"Hey, old Chang, didn"t you say you had something to discuss with me? Come on, what"s up? " Summer at this time asked, he does not want to stay in the hospital, he did not even eat lunch.

"Doctor Xia, I"m old, but Xiao Bao is still young. In addition, he was not in good health before, so he doesn"t care a lot about the affairs of Chang"s family. Now, Bian Yunxia suddenly changes his tune. I doubt that there are other people behind him, so I think..." Chang Donglin said slowly, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by summer.

"Don"t beat around the Bush, old Chang. Just tell me what you want me to do." Summer is a little impatient, he likes direct, do not like around.

"I"m sorry, doctor Xia. I"m so wordy. In fact, I want to invite doctor Xia to manage all the affairs of Chang"s family." This time, changdonglin finally stopped talking, and all the people in the audience were stunned at his opening. How could changdonglin hand over the changs to summer?

"I don"t have time for these things." Summer"s answer, but even more unexpected to everyone, at last, summer saw Bai Xiaolei, casually said: "Xiaohei, or you to manage it, anyway, you do almost the same thing, together just right."

The atmosphere inside the house suddenly became a little weird. You know, the Chang family and the Bai family before occupied half of the city road. Although there are some small gangs besides these two, none of them can survive. The reason why these gangs exist is because they are doing something that these two families are not willing to do.

On the status of the Jianghu, changdonglin is actually a little higher than Bai Xiaolei, but Bai Xiaolei has the support of Bai family, so Bai Xiaolei"s ident.i.ty on the road can also be equal to that of changdonglin, but now, if changdonglin directly hands over Chang"s family to Bai Xiaolei, it will make people think that this is Bai"s annexation of Chang"s family. There is no doubt that this is the case for changdonglin As for Chang"s family, fame doesn"t sound good.

If other people say that, Chang Donglin will definitely object, but the problem is that just this was said in summer. Even though Chang Donglin was reluctant, it was not convenient to object, and Chang Rong and Chang Xiaobao had the same idea. So the ward is still, but the atmosphere has become a little abnormal.

At this time, Bai Xiaolei broke the silence. He took a look at Chu Yao and said politely, "elder brother, otherwise, let elder sister-in-law manage it. I will help with elder brother Chang, which may be better."

Bai Xiaolei is not stupid. He knows very well that although Chang"s family is willing to be his subordinates in summer, they don"t want to be his subordinates, so he proposes this compromise.

"Well, well, I have nothing to do!" Chu Yao immediately followed up.

"Brother Tian, I think it"s very good." Chang Xiaobao also can"t wait to say.

Changdonglin also slowly nodded: "doctor Xia, I also think Bai sanshao"s proposal is very good."

Both changxiaobao and changdonglin think it"s very good. In fact, changdonglin doesn"t think it"s disgraceful to be subordinate to Bai Xiaolei, but worries that Changjia will lose its former status completely. The interests of Changjia can"t be guaranteed naturally, but if it"s subordinate to Chu Yao, it"s totally different. On the one hand, Chu Yao is a summer woman, subordinate to Chu Yao When they were under the leadership of summer, their Chang family and Bai Xiaolei were still on the same footing. On the other hand, the relationship between Chang family and Chu family was good, and Chang family naturally didn"t have to worry about the protection of their interests.

"Oh, since you all think it"s so good, let"s do it." Summer is obviously not very interested in this matter. From his point of view, as long as he doesn"t let himself manage it, who will manage these things is almost the same.

Just as he finished speaking, Bai Xiaolei"s phone rang again.

A few minutes later, Bai Xiaolei hung up, with a slightly unnatural look: "Bian Yunxia has already started to act. It seems that the police are also trying to cooperate with him on purpose, so they have released his confidants."

"Just in time, I"ll cut them down and solve it once!" Chuyao said quickly.

"I"ll go, too, and get rid of it." Chang said at once.

"Honey, are you going? If you don"t, I"ll go with Xiao Bao first! " Chu Yao is always interested in these fighting and killing things, and now she is very excited.

"You go. I"ll eat." Summer is not interested in this kind of small things, said to see Bai Xiaolei, "Xiaohei, you also go."

"Yes, big brother." Bai Xiaolei nods and agrees.

"I"ll go first." Summer don"t want to stay in this place, "Yaoyao wife, when you get that idiot named Bian Yunxia done, remember to come to me."

"I know, honey, I"ll get it done this afternoon. I"ll come to you later." Chu Yao agreed.

In the summer, I didn"t say anything more. I went out of the ward, left the hospital, and then went to find a restaurant. I was going to have lunch first, and then I thought about where to hang out.


Iraqi Pavilion.

Close the door, a Jiu hurried a few steps, catch up with yixiaoyin, and finally asked: "Miss, why do you really help that b.a.s.t.a.r.d?"

"Ah Jiu, I just wanted to make sure that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d was really hurt." Yixiaoyin"s tone was calm. Although she couldn"t resist her anger before summer, she calmed down immediately after leaving the hospital.

As long as she doesn"t face the summer, she can always control her mood very well. But in front of the summer, even if she doesn"t talk, just a single look may make her very angry.

"Miss, are you sure now?" A Jiu can"t help but ask: "you give him pulse, should be able to find out whether he is injured?"

Yixiaoyin shook his head: "no, I can"t find out. The breath in his body is very strange. It seems to be sick and disordered. But the problem is that I can"t find out exactly where he was injured."

"Is it that b.a.s.t.a.r.d who makes a fool of himself?" Ah Jiu thought about it and then said.

"If he"s really hurt, I"ll find out." "Now there is only one possibility for this situation," said yixiaoyin lightly. "It"s a pity that he underestimated me. He pretended that he was hurt, which just made me understand one thing. He was really cheating."

"Ah, how deceitful is it?" Ah Jiu looked disappointed, and then he became very distressed. "Then, miss, what shall we do?"

"As I said, we have a long time. For the time being, we should focus on hospital management." Yixiaoyin said lightly.

A Jiu was silent. After a long time, she began again: "Miss, when Yin Xiaoqi said you were that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s wife, why didn"t you refute?"

"What about refutation?" Yixiaoyin"s face was calm. "Yin Xiaoqi won"t let go of this opportunity, either in refutation or recognition. Believe me, now he has already spread the news. No matter Yue Zhifeng or other people in yinyimen, they all know that I have such a relationship with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

While talking, yixiaoyin has come to the pavilion to sit down and take a breath gently, and then continues: "a Jiu, Yin Xiaoqi will not let go of this chance to hit me. In this case, I have no need to refute. I believe that tomorrow, the whole capital, at most, will know that I have a close relationship with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"Miss, you can explain!" A Jiu is a little anxious. "If you don"t explain like this, others will think you are willing to be with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"Ah Jiu, maybe you don"t understand, but I would rather let them misunderstand me than let people know that I was humiliated by that b.a.s.t.a.r.d by means of coercion." "I don"t want to be laughed at or sympathized with. In a word, I don"t want a fourth person to know the real situation except us and the b.a.s.t.a.r.d," he said in a low voice

"But what if that b.a.s.t.a.r.d talks about it?" Ah Jiu asked hesitantly.

Yixiaoyin was silent again for a while, then shook his head: "he won"t, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, although he is an animal, will not talk about it everywhere. He will only show off that I am his woman, and won"t show off how to get me. Maybe, he will tell others that I am willing to be in his arms."

"Miss..." What else did ah Jiu want to say? The knock was not light or heavy. Suddenly, it came from the gate.

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