Chapter 1162

"Miss, I"ll open the door." A Jiu walked to the door and came back quickly: "Miss, it"s Cheng Zhigao of the Cheng family."

"Cheng Hao"s brother?" Yixiaoyin frowned slightly. "What is he doing?"

"I want to invite Miss Cheng Hao to treat him, but I don"t think it"s that simple." Ah Jiu replied.

Yixiaoyin thought for a moment and then said, "then tell Cheng Zhigao to make an appointment."

"Yes, miss, I"ll tell him now." A Jiu goes to the gate.

But, less than a minute later, ah Jiu came back: "Miss, he said that Cheng Hao"s injury was very serious and he couldn"t wait for a long time. Moreover, he said that Mr. Yue introduced him."

"It"s not a day since Cheng Hao was injured. If he can"t wait for a long time, he would have died. Besides, as far as I know, Cheng Hao"s injury is stable and there is no danger of his life. It just needs time to recover." "A Jiu, tell Cheng Zhigao again. If you want me to see a doctor, follow my rules," said yixiaoyin

"But, Mr. Yue"s side..." A Jiu is a little hesitant.

"Ah Jiu, I hope you understand that I don"t need to be attached to anyone and never to anyone in the past, now or in the future. Mr. Yue has helped us and I"ve seen Mr. Yue sick. I don"t owe him anything. As for the rumors in the capital, others may not know, but you should know, then It"s just a rumor. No matter what Mr. Yue thinks, to me, he is no different from other people. "

"Yes, miss. I"ll go and make it clear to Cheng Zhigao." A Jiu nodded, then quickly returned to leave.

This time, it took three minutes for a Jiu to return.

"Miss, Cheng Zhigao has gone, but it seems that he is very angry." A Jiu looks a little uneasy.

"Leave him alone." Yixiaoyin"s face is calm. To her, Cheng Zhigao is just a n.o.body. He is not angry and has no influence on her.


in the summer, he is having lunch at a roadside restaurant, and he is still thinking about what to do after eating. He is getting tired of cheating. Because of cheating, he can"t go to many places. For example, he hasn"t been able to find the old witch and the beautiful princess wife for several days.

It"s just that he"s been deceitfully injured for several days. At the end of the day, he thinks it"s a bit uneconomical, because the enemy he wants to lead out most still can"t come out. The idiot who tried to bomb his wife several times in Jianghai city hasn"t appeared yet, and the guy who installed a miniature bomb in his princess"s wife hasn"t appeared either.

"If only everyone were as stupid as those two idiots of the yuan family, then I could bring everyone out at once." Summer mumbles to oneself, also put down chopsticks at the same time, the meal of a table, had been eliminated by him, he also filled the stomach finally.

After settling the bill, he went out of the restaurant, took out his mobile phone in summer and dialed a phone.

"Honey, what can I do for you?" When the phone is connected, the soft voice of Mu Han comes.

"Wife, something"s wrong. You ask the dark group to stare at Ann Xiaobei for me. There"s something wrong with this woman." Summer said quickly, and then told Mu Han the origin of an Xiaobei and the matter that an Xiaobei asked him for help this morning.

"Husband, I"ll let people stare at anxiaobei and Shi Pengfei, but listen to what you say, anxiaobei should be right. She seems to really want to ask you for help." Mu Han at the other end of the phone is a little confused. Obviously, she doesn"t understand why she thinks there"s something wrong with an Xiaobei in summer.

"Blonde wife, I thought she wanted to help me, but I asked the goblin wife to check the person who called anxiaobei. Then, the goblin wife found out." Summer remembered the result that the goblin told him not long ago, and his voice was still a bit unbelievable. "Blonde, you can"t imagine who that person is."

Mu Han is a little surprised: "husband, do you know that person?"

"I don"t know, but I"m sure she does." Summer replied, "that guy"s name is an Qingsheng. He is the chairman of Singapore"s an group, and he happens to be an Xiaobei"s father!"

"What?" In the mood of Mu Han, he was surprised, "how is this possible?"

"Blonde wife, I also think it"s strange, but the goblin wife can"t get it wrong, so I think Ann Xiaobei may have a problem." Summer said quickly: "in a word, you first let people stare at her, and let people investigate that anqingsheng, they should also be with Yi Zhiyan"s group."

"Husband, as you say, Ann Xiaobei may have a problem. Otherwise, she has no reason not to hear her husband and wife"s voice." Mu Han thought and said.

"Not necessarily. When anqingsheng called anxiaobei, he used a sound transformer, so it was normal that anxiaobei could not hear it." Summer explained, "I"ve asked Ann Xiaobei to lead anqingsheng to the capital. Then I"ll see if Ann Xiaobei can do it. If she does, she really doesn"t know. But I think it"s strange. How can anqingsheng threaten her daughter for many years?"

"Husband, I"m now abroad. In this way, I"ll let the dark group check it. I"ll go to Singapore myself tomorrow to make this clear." Mu Han thought and said.

"Well, wife, be careful." I also think this arrangement is good in summer.

"Honey, I"ll call first." Mu Han quickly hangs up.

In the summer, I put away my mobile phone and stood there for a while. Then I wandered in the street again.

It"s terrible to go shopping with a woman. But if you go shopping alone without a woman, it"s not terrible. It"s pathetic. No, it seems a little pathetic to be wandering alone in the street in summer.

Of course, he doesn"t feel sorry in summer. He just feels bored. But in order not to be bored in the future, he has to do something boring now.

"Let"s have an idiot to trouble me!" Summer in the heart of muttering, no, not an idiot, the best is to come to a group of idiots.

"Hi, handsome!" Maybe I heard the voice of summer. Just then, a little weird female voice came into his ear.

When he looked around in the summer, he saw a rather ostentatious open top sports car parked on the side of the road. He didn"t know the model of the car, but only knew that it was red, very eye-catching. Not only was the car eye-catching, but also the driver was eye-catching. She was a foreign beauty with red hair and snow skin. She was tall, full of s.e.xy and wild, which made summer miss that same wild but better The night elves, many times as beautiful as the beauties, get up.

But at this time of the year, the capital is actually quite cold, and the wind is not small. In fact, it"s a little weird to drive an open top sports car.

"The idiot didn"t come. There was a white man. He was pretty. Let"s play with her." Summer in the heart of a murmur, and then a bright smile toward the red haired beauty: "Hey, what do you call this handsome boy to do?"

"Handsome boy, do you want a ride? By the way, I"m a tour guide. I"m from New York. I"m in China for the first time. " Red haired beauty has a charming smile. When she speaks, she straightens her chest forward intentionally or unintentionally, making her magnificent part even more magnificent.

Summer stared at that place for a while, then nodded: "OK!"

"Get in the car!" The redhead opened the door excitedly.

In the summer, I got on the bus without hesitation, and then asked casually, "Hey, what"s your name?"

"Grace." The redhead pretty woman is very straightforward answer, then asked a question, "handsome boy, you?"

"My name is summer." In summer, I scan the key parts of the red haired beauty, and the red haired beauty seems to pay no attention to his aggressive eyes, but it"s a very enjoyable look.

"Summer?" Red haired beauty Grace giggled, "your name is very strange!"

"Because I am different, and my name is different from others." Summer said with a smile.

"Is it?" Grace giggled again. "So, summer, are you familiar with the capital? I want to go to the Great Wall. Do you know how to get there? "

"I don"t know. In fact, I"m not familiar with this place." Summer a very honest look replied.

"You don"t know?" Grace seemed to be in a daze. "Then why do you get in the car?"

"A beautiful woman asked me to get on the bus. Of course I have to." Summer is a matter of course.

"Hee hee, I can"t believe you Chinese are so direct!" Grace looked a little surprised, and then she smiled at the summer, "since you don"t know the way, I don"t know the way, or let"s change places?"

"Yes, anywhere." Summer a promise down.

"That"s what you said. Don"t regret later!" There was a sly look in grace"s eyes.

"I never regret it." Summer said lazily, at the same time murmured in my heart: "I will only let others regret."

Grace didn"t speak any more. She just started the car and drove quickly to the front.

After about ten minutes, the sports car stopped after entering the gate of an independent villa.

"Get out of the car." Grace said to summer.

"Where is this?" Asked the summer in a daze.

"It"s a place you regret." Grace a charming smile, voice did not fall, a hard thing, will be in the summer waist.

Before she could speak in summer, grace took out another pair of handcuffs and handed them to summer: "if you don"t want to die, cuff yourself first. As long as you cooperate, I promise you will live well."

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