Chapter 1189

"Wife, you are back at last!" Summer finally happy, this blonde will not be others, in addition to Mu Han, there will not be a second blonde can appear in Meier"s office.

"Husband, if you say you miss me, of course I will come back." Mu Han smiles charming, and then takes the initiative to send her red lips.

They kissed each other with no scruples. Their lips and tongues were intertwined. Four hands were groping for each other"s body. Within a short time, the action began to become too much.

"Well, can"t you two make out in another place?" Meier finally can"t bear it. She says in anger.

The movement of the two men stopped for a moment.

"Honey, go to my dormitory." Mu Han said softly.

"Meier"s wife, I"ll go first. I"ll be with you later." In the summer, Mu Han disappeared quickly.

Meier looks at the information in front of her and suddenly seems to be in a bad mood. At this moment, she finally realizes that, although she sometimes feels annoyed when she is around in summer, she actually prefers him to stay nearby. Now when he leaves, she feels a little uncomfortable. More importantly, she knows that summer and Muhan have gone together.

"Dead s.e.x wolf, I know to do that kind of thing all day!" Meier scolds summer angrily in her heart. Although she had expected that once Muhan came back, she would not pester her again in summer. Before that, she even hoped that Muhan would come back earlier and lead away the disaster around her. But when Muhan really came back, when summer really ran to mix with Muhan ghost, she felt uncomfortable again. What a wonderful person"s psychology!


it"s called xiaobiesheng"s new marriage. This evening, Mu Han also opens her mind again, accepts summer"s love without reservation, and allows his enthusiasm to spread in her body again and again.

One night lingering, until the early morning, Mu Han just languidly and powerlessly lies on the summer body, sink into the dreamland.

But he didn"t fall asleep in summer, because when he just closed his eyes and was going to sleep, he heard a knock at the door and the voice of Meier: "Hey, get up!"

"Meier wife, I haven"t slept yet." I yawned in the summer.

"Get up if you don"t sleep!" Meier doesn"t get angry and says that she"s even more upset when she hears that this guy hasn"t slept. That"s to say, did he hang out in bed with Muhan all night?

The door suddenly opened, and then Meier only felt her waist tight. The whole person was picked up. The next second, she found herself lying on the bed, strictly speaking, in the summer.

"What do you do?" Meier is a little annoyed. After looking at the naked summer, she looks at Muhan, who is still sleeping very well and has nothing to wear. Meier"s face is slightly red, and she can"t help cursing: "l.u.s.ty wolf!"

"Meier wife, I know I didn"t go with you last night, so I"ll sleep with you now." Summer closed his eyes, a bit confused appearance said.

"Who wants you to sleep with me?" Meier is a little sad. The wolf is really amorous. She pinches her hands on summer angrily. "Get up quickly. If you have something to do, you should sleep until you have finished it!"

"Meier wife, I"m not interested in meeting the idiots of the censorship team. Just let them go." Summer casually said that he still remembers it, but now he prefers to sleep with his wife in his arms rather than accept some boring censorship.

"It"s not a matter of censorship. The censorship team is not coming. It"s said that there is no need for censorship. They think you"re a qualified team leader." Meier said angrily.

Summer Leng Leng Leng, finally opened his eyes, and then conveniently took Meier"s down, looked at her beautiful face, his spirit seems to be a lot better all of a sudden, not so sleepy.

"Meier wife, what"s the matter?" Summer is a little strange.

"A lot of things!" Meier said angrily, "do you remember to sleep with Mu Han? Today, you are going to treat the people who were injured in the dark group before, and continue to teach those people how to shoot yesterday. Besides, you don"t care about Ann Xiaobei? According to an Xiaobei, she was asked to put her things in the locker of marvo supermarket at 9 this morning. It"s almost 8 o"clock now. Don"t you stare at it? "

"Meier wife, I remember sleeping with you." Summer face innocent expression.

Meier"s pretty face is a little red. She stares at summer and earns: "let go of me. You promised not to mess with me. Now you mess again!"

"Meier wife, give me a kiss and I"ll get up." Summer hasn"t let go of Meier, because he can see that Meier is not angry now.

"No way!" Meier stares at summer again.

"Meier, just kiss your husband!" Mu Han mumbles a sentence beside her.

Meier is stunned and looks at Muhan: "are you not asleep?"

"You woke me up when I fell asleep!" Mu Han yawned, "kiss your husband, I"m sleepy. I can"t sleep because you make me so busy!"

"h.e.l.lo, it"s agreed. Just a moment. You need to get up at once!" Meier stares at summer.

"Meier"s wife, I always count." Summer said with a smile.

Meier stares at Xiaxia, then lowers her head and kisses her face quickly. Unfortunately, Xiaxia had expected that she might come. When she turned her face, her lips went up. Therefore, Meier"s plan suddenly fails, and her lips are successfully captured by Xiaxia again.

Summer kissed her for a few minutes before releasing her.

Meier"s cheeks are crimson. She looks at summer angrily, but she doesn"t say anything, because she sees this guy has started dressing and getting up.

As for mu Han, after a while, she fell asleep again. Her physical strength is not as good as that of summer after all. In addition, that kind of thing also consumes her physical strength. What"s more, she was too active last night, so her consumption is even greater than that of summer.

Ten minutes later.

The summer after breakfast, Meier came to the training ground. Yesterday, nearly a hundred male and female agents had been waiting there.

"Well, just like yesterday, I"ll test whether your shooting has improved. Don"t waste my time. Shoot me." In summer, I just want to make a quick decision without spending too much time on it.

This time, everyone cooperated very well, and without much hesitation, they started to draw out guns and shoot. After all, yesterday they had seen the fierce summer with their own eyes, and knew that these bullets could not hurt him at all.

A few minutes later, he threw away a bullet in summer and looked at the crowd with satisfaction: "not bad, many of you have made great progress, basically there is no problem."

After a meal, people began to use their hands in summer: "you, you, and you You guys, the shooting method is very good. You don"t need special training any more. You can shoot occasionally and keep some feeling

There are nearly 50 of them, accounting for about half of the training.

And the rest of them were divided into two groups by summer, one group of more than 30 and the other group of more than 10.

"As for you guys, there"s still something wrong with the shooting method, but your shooting method is OK now. That is to say, you just need to continue training according to what I told you before. I think it"s about the end of your training day." In summer, I first told the thirty or so people about the situation, and then I looked at the last ten or so people. "You have some problems, you still have poor psychological quality, you are nervous when shooting, and you still have wrong posture. When you shoot, you should lower your shoulders a little bit, right, that"s it..."

Looking at the situation of training people in summer, Meier can"t help admiring summer. He can"t say that he can always see the weakness of others at once. If he really wants to be a good instructor, he can train a lot of excellent agents every year. Unfortunately, this guy won"t spend too much time on it. He I just want to spend a lot of time doing that with women in bed.

"Well, as I said, you two groups, continue to train shooting skills. Your group, shooting skills have no problem. I"m going to start to teach you something new." In summer, the next step of the course will be started soon. "Many people think guns are the most important thing, because every agent will have guns, and the power of guns is also great, but in fact, many places can"t bring guns in, and not everyone can hide guns in a place that others can"t find, like my three masters, so many times, you just learn the methods of guns No matter how good it is, it won"t work. "

Seeing that everyone listened to him carefully, he was quite satisfied in summer, so he continued: "compared with a gun, a sharp knife is often a more important weapon. What I"m going to teach you now is a set of knife techniques. Well, actually, this knife technique was created by myself. I seldom use it in ordinary times, but I believe it"s useful for you."

Hearing summer"s words, everyone"s face suddenly showed a little excited expression. These agents actually understood the truth of summer"s words. In many cases, the gun really can"t be used, but it must be easier to hide a knife on your body than a pistol.

"Well, I"m sure you"ve also practiced Sabre technique. Did your former instructors always tell you that you should use the simplest moves to kill the opponent, whether with a knife or other weapons, and that your target is always the fatal part of the enemy?" In the summer, he glanced at everyone.

"Yes, team leader, we used to learn that. Let"s fight to be as deadly as possible." A male agent replied.

"In fact, this can"t be said to be wrong, but it depends on who your opponent is. In fact, your opponent, most of the time, is also an agent, so they will basically receive the same training as you." Summer lazily said: "they also know that priority to throat, heart and other critical parts of the hands, so it will appear a problem."

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