Chapter 1197

"Zhuang Yundong, you, you..." Gu Hanshuang, with one hand on the ground, barely sat up, his eyes full of disbelief.

Song Yumei and Zhao Yuji are also in a daze. What"s the matter?

Summer is also very unhappy, he stared at the Taoist: "Hey, what do you do? It"s not your turn to kill her, is it? "

What happened just now was beyond summer"s expectation. He didn"t expect that the Taoist priest suddenly attacked Gu Hanshuang and beat her to the ground with spitting blood.

"In summer, I"m willing to do business with you. I can tell you the whereabouts of Yuan Tianzheng, and even help you solve him. I can also tell you the whereabouts of other immortals cultivators. Besides, compared with Gu Hanshan, I can give you another thing!" There was a trace of malice and Madness on the Taoist"s face.

"Well, what else can you give me?" Summer asked lazily, he wants to find out what the idiot Taoist is playing.

"She!" The Taoist pointed to Gu Hanshuang on the ground. "I can give her to you, too. Aren"t you reluctant to kill her? I can give her to you now. You can do anything you want to do to her. I have investigated you. I know you like beautiful women. I also know that Gu Hanshuang is a beautiful woman. Even compared with the two women around you, she is no different! "

"Zhuang Yundong, you are so mean!" Gu Hanshan said, gnashing his teeth, maybe it was because of the impatience, which caused the internal injury. After that, she opened her mouth again and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The beautiful white face also turned morbid pale and bloodless at the moment.

"Your name is Zhuang Yundong?" In summer, I look at the monks.

"Yes, Chuang Tzu"s village, cloud cloud, east of the East." The Taoist replied.

"What"s your relationship with Gu Hanshan? Why did you give her to me? " Asked the summer, a little puzzled.

"She"s my wife." Zhuang Yundong hesitated a little and then replied.

"Is it?" In summer, I stare at Gu Hanshuang for a while, then shake my head, "not quite right, I see clearly that she is still a virgin, how could it be your wife?"

"We used to have a marriage contract, but a senior in the world of immortality once told us that men"s and women"s affairs would affect cultivation. So at that time, we agreed that we would formally get married when Jindan was successful." "So we only have the name of husband and wife, but in name, she is my wife, at least my fiancee," Zhuang explained

"Well." In summer, he looked at Zhuang Yundong with strange eyes, "in order to let me wash your marrow, you can even give me your future wife?"

"Women are obstacles to practice. For me, it"s better without her." Zhuang Yundong looks at Gu Hanshan coldly, then turns to summer, "how about that? Are you going to make the deal or not? However, I want to modify this transaction. I will give you Gu Hanshuang, and you must use eight needles against the sky to directly upgrade my realm to the golden age! "

"Zhuang Yundong, you are really unworthy of being a man!" Song Yumei can"t bear it. "You can give your fiancee to other men. Even if you can live forever, what"s the meaning of your life?"

"Miss Song, do you know what it means to stand and talk without backache?" Zhuang Yundong said coldly, "you can easily become a master in the golden age. Have you ever thought how hard it is for us who have not been able to reach the golden age in a hundred years of hard work?"

"Hey, don"t talk to my wife like that!" Summer glared at Zhuang Yundong.

"In summer, you like women and I like to cultivate immortals. I"ll take care of Hanshuang for you. You let me become a master in the golden age. That"s what we need from each other. If you don"t want to do this trade, then since I"m bound to die, I"d better really enjoy this woman tonight!" Zhuang Yundong said in a deep voice.

"Shameless!" Zhao Yuji could not help but scold out, "summer, don"t do this kind of business with him, this kind of person, let him die!"

"Ah, but I really want to know where yuan Tianzheng"s idiot is. I also want to know if there are any other immortals Summer says to himself, he really wants to know these two things, because he doesn"t want to encounter this kind of trouble in the future. He hopes to solve this problem completely. In the future, neither he nor his beautiful wife will be in any danger.

Looking at Zhuang Yundong, she sighed again in summer: "sister fairy said that some immortals are psychopathic. In order to pursue the so-called immortality, they can sell everything without relatives or friends. I didn"t believe it before, but now I really believe it."

At this time, a weak voice came into summer"s ear: "in summer, kill Zhuang Yundong, a despicable villain. I am willing to be your woman, Gu Hanshan!"

In summer, he was stunned again, but when he heard this, Zhuang Yundong"s face changed greatly. He suddenly rushed to Gu Hanshan on the ground, as if he wanted to control her. But at this moment, a white ribbon shot at him, which made Zhuang Yundong have to dodge away, and then the white ribbon rolled up Gu Hanshan on the ground, and then flew to song Yumei"s side.

"Summer, kill that shameless guy!" Zhao Yuji said angrily that she couldn"t accept that a man would send his wife out for his own benefit.

Zhuang Yundong shouted: "in summer, don"t believe Gu Hanshan. She won"t be willing to be your woman. She lies to you!"

"Zhuang Yundong, you can even sell your fiancee. What else can"t you sell?" Song Yumei snorted, "in summer, such a despicable person as Zhuang Yundong can"t be trusted. You"d better kill him."

Summer shakes head: "Zhuang Yundong, my two wives think you are d.a.m.ned, you do not die also not!"

Hearing this, Zhuang Yundong turned around and wanted to run. Unfortunately, in the summer, he also shot. He suddenly appeared beside Zhuang Yundong and clapped dozens of palms. At the same time, song Yumei shot. Her white ribbon also shot towards Zhuang Yundong.

"Er "Ah!" There is no suspense. After making two screams, Zhuang Yundong fell on the great wall and died completely.

"h.e.l.lo, congratulations. There"s another beautiful woman to be your wife." Zhao Yuji seems to be a little jealous.

In summer, he took out the silver needle and quickly p.r.i.c.ked it on Gu Hanshan"s body. The effect was also immediate. The pallor on Gu Hanshan"s face quickly disappeared, replacing it with a normal complexion.

"Your internal injury is not a big problem for the time being. When I have time, I will wash the marrow for you, and you will be cured completely." Summer at this time said to Gu Hanshuang, obviously, he did not plan to give her eight needles against the sky to wash the marrow immediately.

"Thank you." Gu Hanshuang looks at summer, but her eyes are still dead. What just happened seems to make her heart die completely.

After a little pause, Gu Hanshuang said with no expression: "I will keep my promise and be your woman."

"My wife doesn"t want to do it." Summer replied.

"I didn"t say to be your wife. I just said to be your woman. You can do whatever you want. I don"t mind." Gu Hanshuang"s face is dull.

"Well." Looking at Gu Hanshuang in summer, I seriously thought, "in fact, you are really beautiful. Although your eyes are like a dead man, your eyes are still pretty, your skin is good, and your body is too big to talk about. That is to say, I always think you are a little older and your voice is a little strange. It"s not very pleasant to hear. Well, your throat seems to be hurt. This is not a big problem. I It can be cured. "

After a pause, summer added: "what"s more, you just kidnapped the goblin"s wife. If I want you to be my wife, it doesn"t seem good. I think about it. I find that I lack a servant girl. Why don"t you be my servant girl later?"

Servant girl?

Zhao Yuji and song Yumei look at each other. How could this guy let such a beautiful woman or a super expert be his servant girl? Isn"t that too funny?

"Yes, master." Gu Hanshuang agreed, as if nothing mattered to her.

"Well, I don"t like the name master. You"d better call me young master." Summer think want to say.

"Yes, sir." Gu Hanshan immediately changed his mouth.

"Well, frost girl, you are pretty good." I am very satisfied in summer.

Frost girl?

Zhao Yuji and song Yumei can"t laugh and cry again. This guy doesn"t seem to be ordinary bad taste. They are more than 100 years old. He even called them frost girl and said they were pretty good!

But Gu Hanshuang"s face was calm, as if nothing had happened. Now she looks like a beautiful puppet.

Summer"s mobile phone rang at this time, temporarily interrupting the bad taste of summer. He took out his mobile phone and found that it was Zhao Gongzi who called, so he still answered the phone.

"h.e.l.lo, the goblin"s wife is safe. Don"t worry about it." Summer said a word, then hung up the phone.

Zhao Yuji asked, "who called?"? Is it my big brother? "

"Yes, he is." Summer answers casually.

"I"m not on my phone. Give me your cell phone. I"ll give him a call." Zhao Yuji said in a hurry.

Summer had to give the phone to Zhao Yuji, he looked at Gu Hanshuang, thought for a while, and then said: "frost girl, if you have something to explain, you should go home first, tomorrow, you will officially come to me as a servant girl, and follow me, understand?"

"Well, young master, I"ll go back home." Gu Hanshuang responds, then turns around and leaves.

When she went far away, song Yumei couldn"t help asking, "are you relieved to let her go like this?"

"I"ll see her later." Summer casually said that he would not believe Gu Hanshuang so easily, but if he wants to find other immortals in the world, he must rely on Gu Hanshuang. After all, he knows nothing about other immortals.

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