Chapter 1204

Before Cheng Zhigao spoke, summer said, "I think you are such an idiot. You should be killed by yourself. Now I think it"s meaningless to kill you. If you don"t want to kill yourself, I"ll let my servant girl kill you with a sword."

Turning to look at Gu hanfrost, summer continues to say: "there is a servant girl who can"t waste, frost servant, I won"t do anything tonight. You can cut whoever I ask you to, you know?"

"Yes, sir." Gu Hanshuang replied.

"In summer, I have said that ah Jiu"s affairs have nothing to do with me. Someone framed me!" Although Cheng Zhigao was very anxious, he could only calm himself down. Two days ago, there was a rumor that summer was just a scam. At that time, he was worried that summer would come to trouble. But these days, summer seemed to be quiet. He heard that he had been staying in the dark group, so he was a little relieved. However, he didn"t think of it. Today, something happened that made Xia Tianzhi Pick up the door.

Remembering the fate of the Li family and the sun family, Cheng Zhigao was afraid. Are they really doomed today?

"I said you are really idiots. It"s useless for you to explain to me. Even if you really have nothing to do with killing ah Jiu, I will kill you. Who let you idiots like Cheng family bother me a few days ago?" Summer looks at Cheng Zhigao with disdainful eyes, "I just want to accompany my wife these days and forget to find you for accounting. Today you remind me. So, no matter whether you sent someone to kill ah Jiu or not, I will kill you. If you don"t want to die too ugly, you"d better hit the wall. That"s the most way to break your head, or at least the whole body."

The cold sweat on Cheng Zhigao"s forehead finally came down. At this time, he finally understood that his explanation was redundant.

But just then, someone shouted, "who the f.u.c.k do you think you are in summer? Do you kill whoever you want? I"ll tell you, this is the capital and now it"s a society ruled by law. It"s not what you want to do. You"d better get out of our Cheng family at once, or we"ll be rude to you! "

Summer looked at the guy who was talking. He was also a man. He looked like an idiot in his twenties. Obviously, he was also a member of the Cheng family, but he didn"t know him in summer. In fact, in the yard, there are hundreds of people besides Cheng Zhigao. The shout just made in summer basically scared everyone out Some of them come out to see what"s going on, and even some of them come out to be fools.

The so-called "big woods, big birds, big families, big people." although the Cheng family is not a big family, there are many people. In addition, there are many idiots in the Cheng family. Even Cheng Zhigao is not very smart, so many of them didn"t really realize the dread of summer. Even some people didn"t even hear about it Names for the summer, because they don"t care about the family at all.

The family that just opened his mouth heard the name of summer, and also knew that it was said that summer was very fierce, but he didn"t know exactly how severe summer was, so he just ran out and scolded foolishly.

"It"s strange that there are still people who don"t believe that I dare to kill." Looking at this idiot in summer, I murmured to myself, and then casually said, "frost girl, cut down the idiot who is talking."

"Yes, sir." Gu Hanshuang"s sweet baby sound is very comfortable. With her comfortable baby sound, she did something that made the Cheng family uncomfortable.

A flash of sword light broke through the night sky without any screams. The man who had just spoken suddenly spattered with blood and water and split in two. In such a moment, he was split in two!



The b.l.o.o.d.y scene shocked all the people of Cheng"s family. A few seconds later, some people were speechless, others were directly scared to cry, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

In summer, I also stayed, and then I looked at Gu Hanshan with a strange look, and then I giggled, "frost girl, it"s well done. I want these idiots to understand that I can do whatever I want, and I can kill whoever I want."

Gu Hanshuang"s face was calm, as if nothing had happened. In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, she didn"t move at all. Even Chu Yao didn"t see the sword on her back coming out of its sheath. It was only summer that could really see her movements.

This vegetarian Taoist is not ambiguous about killing people. Maybe in her eyes, the life of ordinary people is nothing at all.

At that time, Chu Yao finally understood that her husband, a servant girl and a pretty Taoist who was dressed strangely, was not an ordinary person. Even her people who often killed and fought often felt that the scene was a little b.l.o.o.d.y. It was one thing to kill people, but it was another thing to cut people in two with one sword.

At this moment, the people of Cheng family are really afraid. Several of them have been paralyzed directly. As for Cheng Zhigao, they are obviously scared. However, he can barely stand still at this moment.

"In summer, I am the only one who troubles you. If you want to kill me, you can kill me. It has nothing to do with other people of our Cheng family!" Cheng Zhi bit his teeth and said that he wanted to pretend to be tough, but he betrayed him with uncontrollable shaking in his voice.

"Well, it"s not just you who are troubling me, it"s your whole Cheng family, so I"m going to kill you all. Otherwise, there will always be some idiots in your Cheng family coming to trouble me." Summer lazily said: "Hey, do you know? A few days ago, an idiot woman in the Li family kept asking me for trouble and almost killed my wife. So, I think there"s a saying that"s right. Cut the gra.s.s and don"t get rid of the roots, and the spring wind blows again. Besides, you idiot don"t only harm people but also waste food in the world. I also occasionally do something good and send you all to the fields as fertilizer. That"s your last price It"s worth it. "

"In summer, do you have to do it so well?" Cheng Zhigao is very angry. "Even if our Cheng family has offended you, you have no loss from the beginning to the end, and my brother almost died in your hands. Now there is another person in our Cheng family who died in your hands. Even if you want to make an example of others, that"s enough?"

"I have never done such a thing. I will kill the monkey directly." Summer a little impatient, "it seems that you don"t want to hit the wall, then I"ll let the frost girl cut you all to death."

Summer turned to look at Gu hanfrost, is ready to let her do it, at this time, he suddenly heard an urgent voice: "wait!"

With this sound, a Hummer quickly drove in, the car stopped quickly, and a middle-aged man jumped out of the car first.

"In summer, please don"t start. I"m Cheng Boping." The middle-aged man came running towards the summer: "I"m Cheng Zhigao"s father. I know that our Cheng family is not doing well, but please look at Xiao Zhao"s face and let us live!"

Summer Zheng Zheng: "young master Zhao? You mean Zhao Xiaozhuo

"Of course it"s me. Besides me, who dares to call Mr. Xiao Zhao Another person jumped off the Hummer, Zhao Xiaozhuo.

"What are you doing here?" Summer a little strange look at Zhao Xiaozhuo, "Cheng family when these idiots have a relationship with you?"

"Then, brother-in-law, they used to hang out with Yue Zhifeng, but Yue Zhifeng was not kind and left them aside. No, now they find me. Now I need help. Look, you can give me face. Let"s forget it. I promise they won"t bother you again." Zhao Xiaozhuo went to summer side, tone quite a bit of begged taste.

Zhao Xiaozhuo now knows that if he wants summer to give him face, he has to say something good. In front of others, he will not be so low spirited, but he thinks that he and summer are a family. It"s not a shame to be low spirited in front of him.

On the other hand, he does need people now, because his eldest brother Zhao Gongzi is about to leave the capital. In the future, things in the capital will really be entrusted to him. Although he is now in the name of Zhao family, there are not many people who can help him. Now Cheng Boping of Cheng family takes the initiative to find him to commit, and he naturally does not want to let go of this opportunity.

"Doctor Xia, I can guarantee that if anyone in Cheng family is disrespectful to you or your family in the future, we will solve him immediately if you don"t need to speak!" Cheng Boping then opened his mouth to a.s.sure him.

"In summer, believe it or not, I"ll tell you again. It"s really nothing to do with me. Someone really wants to kill people with a knife." Cheng Zhigao saw a turning point in the matter and hurried to explain it. Although he said it was useless before summer, he still felt that if he could explain it clearly, he might change his mind in summer.

"Brother in law, give me face. You don"t give me face. I"m not easy to get along in the capital. If you don"t give me face, I"m going to cry to elder sister!" Zhao Xiaozhuo was a little depressed when he saw that he had not let go in summer.

"Well, for the sake of the goblin"s wife, I"ll give you face and let them go." Summer at the moment can not help but think of Zhao Yuji last night in bed enthusiasm, and finally decided to give Zhao Xiaozhuo this face.

But then he pointed to Cheng Zhigao and said, "well, I have to ask this guy something. If he really has something to do with the incident of a Jiu being shot, I will still kill him."

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