Chapter 1211

"You miss me too, Missy?" I answered the phone in the summer.

It was song Yumei who called. Her voice was quite gentle, and she also had some coquetry: "I didn"t miss you!"

"It"s not right to cheat my wife. I know you miss me. In fact, it"s not disgraceful to miss your husband, just like it"s not disgraceful to miss your wife. In fact, I miss you too." Summer said with a smile.

Song Yumei was silent on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then said softly, "in fact, I want to be Mei Yi."

Summer suddenly a little depressed: "Mei Mei wife, what do you want her to do?"? You might as well think of her as me. "

"I know you don"t like Mei Yi, and I know there are many enemies between you. But I don"t want to cheat you. I really miss her. I want to see her. Can you take me?" Song Yumei"s voice is still soft, just a little bit more pleading.

"If you really want to see her, of course I will take you. Who makes you my wife?" Summer is a bit listless, "but, Mei Mei wife, can you tell me why you like that dead woman so much? I think she has nothing to do with her except beautiful body. If a man thinks of her, I can understand. After all, she is so beautiful, but you are not a man. Why do you think of her like that? "

"In summer, you don"t understand that Mei Yi is very important to everyone in our song family. To me, she is especially important. My biggest wish is to get her recognition. Her unique temperament, her beauty and her coldness make me adore her. I don"t know how to explain this feeling like you. I only know that she is very kind to me It"s really important. " Song Yumei"s tone is filled with an unspeakable emotion. "She is like my mother, my sister and a goal I will never reach. In fact, there is something I always want to tell you, but I think it"s a little selfish, so I haven"t said it."

Summer is still powerless: "Mei Mei wife, I am your husband, you can say anything."

"These days, in fact, I"ve been worried about one thing. I"m always worried that you and Mei Yi will fight to death. Of course, I also know that Mei Yi is not your opponent now. If you really want to kill her, Mei Yi can"t live. I"ve always wanted to tell you that I really don"t want you two to continue to treat each other as enemies. No matter who happens to you, I will be very Sad, I want to ask you not to hurt Mei Yi, but I know it"s unfair to you, because I can"t guarantee Mei Yi doesn"t hurt you, so I haven"t said this to you all the time. " Song Yumei said softly, "but now I suddenly think of a possibility. Maybe I can make Mei stop hating you. She cares about me."

Summer spirit slightly better, but the tone is still lazy: "Mei Mei wife, you want to see Yeyu Mei, just want her not to hate me?"

"It"s not just that." Song Yumei was silent for a moment. "I don"t want to cheat you any more. Actually, I didn"t plan to go to Meiyi so soon, because I know that I"ll see Meiyi with you in the future, so although I really miss her, I"m not so eager to find her. But now some people in the family begin to doubt whether Meiyi is really alive, and they start to question I"m overwhelmed by your sweet words, so I still want to see Mei Yi with my own eyes. If Mei Yi can"t leave Qingfeng mountain, I can record a video or something, at least to prove that Mei Yi is still alive, so that everyone will have nothing to say. "

Summer suddenly a little unhappy: "Mei Mei wife, which idiots don"t believe you?"? I"ll hit them! "

"Don"t scold them for being idiots, and don"t try to beat them. After all, they are all my family. They don"t believe me, but they care too much about Mei Yi. Mei Yi just disappeared. They will worry about it." Song Yumei soft voice advised summer, "if you are not free now, it doesn"t matter, but if you plan to go back to Qingfeng mountain, take me there, OK?"

"All right." Summer is not very happy, but still promised: "Mei Mei wife, I plan to go back to Jianghai city in a few days, then I"ll take you with me, and then I"ll go to Qingfeng mountain by the way, I can also go to see the fairy sister by the way."

After a little pause, summer added: "in fact, you can rest a.s.sured that if yeyumei doesn"t mess up, I"m not likely to kill her. Although I want to beat her up and punish her, it"s a pity that sister Shenxian doesn"t let me do this. She is a good sister!"

Although yeyumei is not happy in summer, he doesn"t want to make sister Shenxian unhappy. Therefore, unless yeyumei is nervous and does something bad to her or wants to kill her other wife, he doesn"t really care about yeyumei. Of course, he plans to secretly spank her when she doesn"t know, He couldn"t get out of his bad temper if he didn"t spank her.

"In fact, if you stay with Mei for a long time, you may like her." Song Yumei said softly, "Mei has a special charm. No matter who she is, if she is with her for a long time, she will be conquered involuntarily and be willing to do everything for her."

"Is it?" Summer is a little bit surprised for a while, "can she enchant?"

"No, it"s just that some people are born with that unique charm. Mei Yi is that kind of person. If you don"t believe it, you can try to spend more time with her later." Song Yumei said in a coquettish voice.

"Well, I"ll have a chance to try it later, but before I like her, I must give her a beating." Summer said quickly, and finally added, "don"t worry about my wife, I won"t kill her."

"I believe you." Song Yumei replied softly.

After a pause, song Yumei said, "before you go to Jianghai City, remember to tell me that I will go with you at that time. I won"t say it today. I will have something else to do later."

"Well, my sweet wife, I"ll see you then." Summer nodded, and then hung up the phone.

It seems that he is going back to Jianghai city these days. Before returning, he thought it"s better to solve the problem of Gu Hanshuang. Otherwise, he always felt a little uneasy.

Looking back at Gu Hanshuang sitting on the sofa, he asked casually in summer, "frost girl, where is yuan Tianzheng?"

"Young master, he is at my home, that is, to take care of his family. However, his injuries are very serious and his skills are basically lost. If he goes on like this, he may die within a month." Gu Hanshuang replied, this time, she rarely said so much.

"Well." In summer, he said to himself, but he was still a little depressed, because he was still not sure whether Gu Hanshan lied or not.

"Young master, if you need to deal with Yuan Tianzheng, I can help you deal with it." Gu Hanshuang took the initiative to say that when she was on the Great Wall, she had already known that the main goal of summer was yuan Tianzheng and other immortals, and she was not his real goal, just an accessory.

Deal with Yuan Tianzheng?

Summer suddenly flashed a light in his mind. Yeah, why did he forget this all the time? It"s quite a simple thing. It"s a mistake that he made it so complicated!

"Frost girl, take me to find yuan Tianzheng. I will deal with him personally!" Summer soon made a decision. He always thought it was difficult to judge the truth of Gu Hanshuang"s words, so he was always embarra.s.sed. On the one hand, he didn"t want to hypnotize such a beautiful woman as Gu Hanshuang. On the other hand, as he told Zhao Yuji a few days ago, Gu Hanshuang was not so easy to be hypnotized, so he thought of other ways to let Gu Hanshuang die slowly Heart collapsed.

It"s just that he wants to go back to the river and sea in a few days, which is not enough for Gu Hanshuang to die for him, so he can only find another way, and just mentioned yuan Tianzheng, he suddenly remembered that it"s very difficult to hypnotize Gu Hanshuang, which he didn"t want to do, but it"s absolutely easy to hypnotize yuan Tianzheng, which he doesn"t mind doing, which Gu Hanshuang knows, Yuan Tianzheng should know basically. In this way, as long as he hypnotizes yuan Tianzheng, then he can know what other immortals are. He can also use his words to compare with Gu Hanshan"s words to know whether Gu Hanshan lied.

"OK, young master, I"ll take you there." Gu Hanshuang also promised to come down immediately. In fact, from the feeling of summer, Gu Hanshuang should be obedient all the time these days, and he should not have cheated him, but he has not been sure.


Gu"s family is not a big family in the capital city, and the residence of Gu"s family seems to be quite ordinary. It"s just a quadrangle, and it"s quite old, but the floor area is quite large, and there are many rooms in it.

When Gu Hanshuang entered Gu"s home in summer, he didn"t attract anyone"s attention. With their skills, he was able to get in and out freely. However, Gu Hanshuang soon came to one of the wing rooms, on the bed of the wing room, lying on a man with a pale face, sleeping in a coma, but it was yuan Tianzheng.

Now yuan Tianzheng is obviously old, with some wrinkles on his face and gray hair. Obviously, after he was injured, he is aging rapidly. In just a few days, he looks tens of years old. At the beginning, he looked like he was only thirty or forty years old, but now he looks like an old man in his sixties.

"Frost girl, wait for me outside." Summer take out silver needle, say to Gu Hanshuang at the same time.

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