Chapter 1229

Zhang mingtuo immediately looked at summer with alert face: "what do you want to do? There are so many wives and they are still floating. Don"t harm my granddaughter. She is your niece

"Master, I will not look up to your granddaughter even if I have poor taste." Summer casually said: "I just heard that there is a guy on Weibo scolding me, I intend to scold back, but I don"t know how to surf the Internet, so I just find someone who can surf the Internet to help me."

"You go online to curse?" Zhang mingtuo looked at summer suspiciously, "when did you have such a free mind?"

"Because I"m bored today." Summer lazily said: "Hey, I said master, do you call your granddaughter to come or not?"

"It"s OK to let her come, but her boyfriend and her cla.s.smate named Ma Ting are all coming together. I"ll be here too. If you think it"s OK, I"ll call her. At this moment, she should go through the discharge formalities. I can let her come directly." Zhang mingtuo replied.

"No problem. The presidential suite is big. You can call more people." Summer a promise.

Zhang mingtuo was a little convinced that he would not really give his baby granddaughter an idea in summer, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.

"What? Don"t worry, I"ll be right here! " As soon as the phone was connected, Zhang mingtuo was in a hurry when he heard the voice over there. Then he said something quickly and hung up.

"Something happened in the hospital. I"ll go first. You can wait here. I"ll bring Qianqian." Zhang mingtuo said to summer, and then hurried out.

"Ah, master, I"ll go with you!" As soon as summer pulls Gu Hanshuang, he chases up.


for Xu Qianqian, today is a big day. When she gets up in the morning, when she looks in the mirror and can no longer see the scar on her face, she almost feels like she is in a dream. But she knows that this is not a dream, but a miracle that is actually happening. That is the miracle doctor in summer, who let her wake up from the nightmare of being disfigured. Now, On her forehead and hands, there was no trace of being burned by sulfuric acid.

Last night, the hospital gave her a comprehensive examination overnight. Early in the morning, the doctor had come to tell her that she was in good health without any problems, so Xu Qianqian couldn"t wait to be discharged.

In order to welcome Xu Qianqian out of the hospital, her family came, her parents, her grandmother, all came to the hospital, her boyfriend in the University was also there, even her cla.s.smate Ma Ting appeared with her boyfriend Fang Zhixuan.

After going through the discharge procedures, Xu Qianqian walked out of the hospital under the support of all the people. However, as soon as she left the hospital, they were surrounded by another group of people.

"Shameless little b.i.t.c.h, if you frame our new hero, you will die badly..." Originally very happy Xu Qianqian, was a middle-aged woman"s head scold some silly.

"Come to see, come to see, you come to see the shameless face of this family. What do you say is that my new hero has poured sulfuric acid on her. Who of you has seen such a good one poured with sulfuric acid? Is there nothing? Quick, take the picture on her hand, publish it to the Internet, let everyone see clearly... " Another woman in her thirties came directly to Xu Qianqian, who was still in a trance. She grabbed her, pulled her sleeve up, and let her arm, which had been restored to good condition, show in everyone"s eyes.

"Click, click..." There are more than ten reporters taking photos!

All of the Xu family were confused by the scene. For a while, they didn"t react. The first reaction was ma ting. Maybe it was because she had experienced a life and death event a few months ago. Now, this event is relatively small for her.

"h.e.l.lo, what are you doing? Let go of Xu Qianqian, or I will call the police! " Ma Ting pushes the woman away, protects Xu Qianqian behind her, and then scolds the middle-aged woman, "is there someone you don"t want to face? When your son Yao Xinjie splashes sulfuric acid on Xu Qianqian, many people are watching. Do you mean that she framed it? "

"What sulfuric acid? That"s water. Our new hero just splashed some water on this little s.l.u.t! " The middle-aged woman sneered, "you want to call the police? Well, call the police. I"ve just asked the police to give her a physical examination to see if she"s been splashed with sulfuric acid! "

"Xu Qianqian"s injury was only cured by a miracle doctor!" Ma Ting said angrily.

"Ha ha, who do you think believes it? Do you believe it? Do you believe it? Do you believe this reporter? Fellow journalists, do you believe that after someone has been injured by sulfuric acid, he can be cured by any miracle doctor, just like he has not been injured at all? " At the end of the day, the middle-aged woman shouted, "tell me, who do you believe?"

For a while, there was a lot of discussion and the reporters shook their heads. Obviously, no one believed it.

"I believe it." Just then, a voice came over and suppressed everyone"s voice.

They all turned their heads to see the past. The first thing that came into their sight was an extremely beautiful Taoist. What"s more, the Taoist carried a long sword on her back. The reporters, even subconsciously, picked up the camera and took photos of the beautiful Taoist. Naturally, the young man beside the beautiful Taoist took photos with him hand in hand Go in.

"Take more pictures." The young man didn"t mind their taking photos at all. He grabbed the waist of the beautiful Taoist and kissed her on the face. Although the reporters didn"t know who the guy was, they were not polite. They kept pressing the shutter. The beautiful Taoist was qualified for the news.

"Do you believe it? Do you have a brain problem? " But the middle-aged woman scolded.

"You have a brain problem!" It"s summer for the young man. He stares at the middle-aged woman. "I cured Xu Qianqian"s injury. I"m the miracle doctor. Don"t you believe it? If you don"t believe me, I"ll show you! "

"Are you a miracle doctor? Hahaha, I"m so happy. I think you"re nervous! " The middle-aged woman laughed. "You want to demonstrate, right? Well, you"d better show it to me. There are so many reporters here, just to witness it. I"d like to see how you do it! "

"Ah, you all heard that this idiot woman asked me to demonstrate it!" Summer shouted, and then turned to see Zhang mingtuo who had just come here with him. "Hey, master, go get some sulfuric acid."

"What are you going to do?" Zhang mingtuo was stunned.

"Just get the sulfuric acid." Summer casually said.

"Yes, you can wait a few minutes." Zhang mingtuo ran directly to the hospital, and there were more and more onlookers. More than ten reporters were also staring at summer. Obviously, everyone wanted to know how to demonstrate in summer.

"Xu Qianqian, he is the summer, a very powerful man. He cured your injury yesterday." At this time Ma Ting whispered to Xu Qianqian.

When Xu Qianqian was injured yesterday summer, Xu Qianqian actually fell asleep, so Xu Qianqian didn"t know what summer was like.

"h.e.l.lo, summer. Thank you for treating me." Xu Qianqian also came to summer at this time.

"You can go to the Internet bar?" Summer has come to such a sentence.

"Ah?" Xu Qianqian is shocked. The problem is too abrupt.

"I asked if you can surf the Internet. If you can, I"ll help you later." Summer asked again.

"Er, in summer, what you mean by surfing the Internet is the Internet bar where computers surf the Internet?" Ma Ting couldn"t help asking.

"Nonsense, of course, this one is online." Summer saw Ma Ting one eye, the heart is pressing to see, this person is really stupid.

"Yes, of course it will." Xu Qianqian then replied.

"Yes, I will. When I buy a computer, you help me to scold people online." Summer casually said.

Ma Ting then answered a sentence: "actually also need not buy computer, mobile phone can go online."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." In summer, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Xu Qianqian. "Come on, you can help me now. An idiot scolded me on Weibo. I want to scold back. Do you know how to do it?"

"It"s very simple. Do you have a Weibo account?" Asked Xu Qianqian.

"No." Shake your head in summer.

"You need to register an account first." Xu Qianqian connects to the Internet with her summer mobile phone, and then starts to register for him, "what account number and nickname do you want to use?"

"It doesn"t matter. I just need to swear today. I won"t use it in the future." Summer casually said.

Ma Ting can"t help but ask, "who are you going to scold in summer? Is that w.a.n.g Kai? I saw it on the Internet, too. "

"That"s right, that idiot." Summer nodded, just as Zhang mingtuo came out of the hospital with a small bottle of liquid in his hand.

"Boy, you want sulfuric acid!" Zhang mingtuo soon came to summer and handed the sulfuric acid to summer.

"That"s it?" I"m a little disappointed in summer.

"Boy, that"s enough for you to demonstrate. How do you want to demonstrate?" Zhang mingtuo still doesn"t understand what he wants to do in summer.

Summer took sulfuric acid, and then shouted: "Hey, you can see clearly. I"m going to demonstrate it immediately. I want you to know what is the best doctor in the world, even if it"s splashed with sulfuric acid, it can be cured!"

All eyes are focused on summer. Although other people, except some people from Xu"s side, almost don"t believe it, some people have doubts when they see summer"s promise. Is this guy really capable of that?

"Don"t talk nonsense, don"t you say demonstration? Then show it to me. I"d like to know how you"re going to show it... " The middle-aged woman looked at summer with a sneer on her face. Obviously, she didn"t believe that summer had this ability. However, before she finished speaking, she suddenly uttered an earth shaking scream, "ah..."

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