Chapter 123

Summer naturally shook his head: "no, with another wife!"

"Be honest in summer!" Mao Biao can"t look down. "How can you have so many wives?"

"Hey, I have a lot of wives that are none of your business!" Looking at Mao Biao in summer, "if you are jealous, speak up!"

"I"m jealous? I... " Mao Biao wants to get angry.

"Mao Biao!" Ge Lei whispered.

Maobiao suddenly quiet down, just looking at the summer"s eyes a little bit bad.

"In the summer, you said you were with a woman last night. We need the woman"s contact information for verification." Ge Lei is still calm. He deserves to be an old criminal police officer.

"OK, but don"t call her now. She"s still sleeping." Summer first ordered some, and then put Liu Yunman"s phone number out.

Unfortunately, the criminal police don"t really listen to summer"s words. No, as soon as they get the phone number, someone calls Liu Yunman.

Liu Yunman, who was about to go to work, learned that he was caught in summer, so he hurried to the police station. On the way, he called Qiao Xiaoqiao. Qiao Xiaoqiao called Qiao Donghai, and then Qiao Donghai called Huang Haitao. Later, Qiao Donghai knew that this was a bit of a problem.

King Kong really died. Before he died, hundreds of people saw him smash a beer bottle in summer. Summer also admitted it. Although summer thought his two beer bottles wouldn"t kill King Kong, other little gangsters who were smashed in summer were good. But the problem is that no one saw other people move him besides being smashed in summer In addition, even forensic doctors believe that King Kong died of blunt head injury.

In other words, the police have determined that King Kong died in the hands of summer. The only question is whether he intentionally injured people to death or defended himself. Obviously, the police do not want to think that this is self-defense.

According to the logic of the police, King Kong just claims to beat and maim him in the summer, but those people have not yet started to beat him in the summer, which is not justifiable defense, which makes Qiao Donghai very upset. According to them, doesn"t it have to be beaten first in the summer to be justifiable defense?

In fact, Qiao Donghai is very clear that the problem is not here. The problem is that someone deliberately wants to spend the whole summer, and this person is Lin Zihao, who has just been robbed of his fiancee by summer.

Lin Zihao, once the first young master of Jianghai, has a lot of energy. In fact, his father is Lin He, the current senior official of Pinghai province. Although for Jianghai City, the Lin family is just a foreign family, and there is no foundation. But after all, Lin He is the top official of Pinghai province. How many people can violate his words?

What"s more unexpected for Qiao Donghai is that Ji Nan, the senior executive, also strangely intervened in the case and asked the police to handle the case impartially and not let the suspect go easily because of the pressure. Ji Nan"s words are like telling Huang Haitao that he can"t let summer days go because of the pressure of Qiao"s family. In this way, Huang Haitao naturally didn"t dare to act rashly.

In fact, even Qiao Donghai"s second uncle, the senior official Qiao, has told Qiao Donghai to leave Qiao"s family out of the business, which makes the situation in summer even worse.

However, although Qiao"s family was not involved in the incident, Qiao Donghai did not. He personally came to the police station and met with Xia Xia.

"In summer, someone wants to straighten you up this time. The second uncle said that the Qiao family can"t help you, but I will help you in my personal capacity." Qiao Donghai opened his mouth and said, "I"ve asked the police. They said you didn"t admit to killing King Kong, did you?"

"I didn"t kill it." It"s a bit rough in the summer, "what"s the matter with these cops? If it wasn"t for sister Jinghua to let me come, I didn"t care about them. I would have locked me up here and asked endless questions. When would I go out? "

Qiao Donghai smiled bitterly: "in summer, you have to be prepared. I"m afraid you"re going to stay at the police station for a while."

"This place is not fun at all. I don"t want to stay that long." In summer, I would like to have lunch with sister Jinghua

"In summer, I"ll find a way, but this noon, you are unlikely to go out." Qiao Donghai had to tell the truth.

Summer does not think: "they don"t let me go, I can"t go by myself."

Jordan Haydn was shocked. "Don"t run away in summer, it will be more troublesome!"

"If I didn"t run over by myself, no one would catch me." Summer don"t care.

Qiao Donghai has a headache. How can I persuade him not to escape in summer?

Slightly pondered, Qiao Donghai said: "in summer, in fact, this is not a very troublesome thing. Fang Kun"s death, because Liu Yunman testified that you have been cleared of suspicion. As for the relationship between you and Isabella, Liu Yunman also made it clear that you only knew last night. Therefore, your trouble now is to defend properly and cause King Kong"s death."

"I didn"t kill King Kong." Summer can not help but insert a sentence.

Qiao Donghai shook his head: "in the summer, before you can find no evidence that other people have hurt King Kong, it can only be planted on your head, but this matter is not very serious, so, I will find a lawyer to help you with the guarantor pending trial as soon as possible, you wait patiently, maybe you can go out before noon today."

In other words, Qiao Donghai is not sure at all, because it"s Lin Zihao who wants to spend the whole summer. If Lin Zihao doesn"t intervene, he can get a self-defense. Originally, King Kong is not a good thing, and no one sympathizes with him when he dies. But Lin Zihao"s intervention makes things different. I"m afraid the police won"t give him summer How could Lin Zihao be willing to let go so easily in summer when he is going to go through bail pending trial?

"Well, if they don"t let me out before noon, I"ll go out by myself." Summer casually said.

Qiao Donghai was about to say something. The door of the interrogation room was opened, and Ge Lei came in.

"In summer, you can go." Ge Lei looks very strange.

"What?" Qiao Donghai thought he heard it wrong.

"Someone turned himself in and admitted that he had secretly dealt with King Kong after he was sent to the hospital. He also admitted that he killed Fang Kun afterwards. Since the murderer had been caught, he could go in summer." Ge Lei explained that he knew the origin of Qiao Donghai.

Joe Dong Haydn is speechless. So he is busy for so long. Is he busy for nothing? If someone turns himself in, he doesn"t have to do anything. He will be OK in summer!

A thought flashed through my mind in summer, and then I asked, "is Isabella turning herself in?"

Ge Lei looks at summer in surprise: "how do you know?"

"That Isabella woman turned herself in?" Qiao Donghai was also surprised.

After a meal, Qiao Donghai said: "forget it, no matter how much, let"s go first in summer!"

Summer looked at GE Lei and asked, "where is Isabella? I want to see her. "

"Just in time, Isabella asked to see you." Ge Lei looked at summer with a strange look. "This is the only condition for her to confess truthfully."

Hearing this, Qiao Donghai was shocked again. Didn"t he say that Isabella and summer met last night? What makes him think the relationship between the two is extraordinary?

A few minutes later, summer went from one interrogation room to another. Of course, he was no longer a suspect, and the handcuffs were naturally opened. In the new interrogation room, he saw the charming Isabella.

Isabella was still dressed last night, but she had a pair of handcuffs. When she saw summer coming in, she smiled at summer"s coquettishness and cried out: "husband!"

Ge Lei, who came in with us, looks a little strange. Is this woman really a summer wife?

"Officer, can you go out for a moment? I have a little whisper to tell my husband! " Isabella smiles at GE Lei again, which makes Ge Lei feel very bad. The woman killed two people, as if nothing had happened. At the moment, she doesn"t look like a captured prisoner, but it feels like she came here for a tour.

"I"ll give you a minute." Ge Lei gestured to another policeman in the interrogation room, and then walked out of the interrogation room together.

Looking at Isabella in summer, I was a little dissatisfied: "sister Isabella, are you useless? You don"t have to kill so obviously, do you? How can I be caught? "

Isabella gave the summer a charming white eye: "you have not killed people have been caught in, more useless than me!"

Isabella, as she spoke, got up and went to summer. She soon came to him, put her lips to her ears, and said in a subtle voice, "at nine o"clock tonight, I will wait for you in room 1401 of Yihai hotel. The room has been reserved. Use your name. Remember to go alone."

Summer is stupefied, he felt a warm soft lips in his face, but Isabella kissed him, and then a smile, back to the chair to sit down.

Ge Lei pushed the door in just in time: "it"s time."

Summer saw Isabella for a while, then went out, he knew that Isabella was sure to escape. In this case, he had nothing to worry about. As for why she killed King Kong and Fang Kun, let"s ask her later in the evening.

"In summer, let"s go back to Joe"s building first. Little Joe is waiting for us!" Seeing summer coming out, Qiao Donghai said in a hurry that he had informed Qiao Xiaoqiao at the first time of the accident and then called the second uncle of the senior official, who was quite satisfied with the result.

In summer, they had no opinion about it. Just after they left the office of the serious case group, they met Qiu Ming who came back from the hospital in the corridor.

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