Chapter 1248

"I don"t know." Summer didn"t even think about it and replied, "anyway, I don"t think that guy is a good thing. Maybe he wants to make a decision on your beautiful sister!"

"It"s not like that." Ye Mengying is a little helpless. After thinking about it, she asked again, "do you want to know why I can"t sleep well these days?"

"Yes." Summer immediately replied: "beautiful sister, you tell me, who makes you sleep badly, I will beat him right away, who makes my wife sleep badly, I will let him sleep for a lifetime!"

Sleep for life? That"s a dead man!

Ye Mengying immediately understood the meaning of the summer words. In her gentle voice, she suddenly had more helplessness: "husband, this matter can"t be solved by violence. Listen to me first."

"Well, say it slowly, sister." Summer this time has a little interest, there is really violence in the world can not solve things?

The meal soon began to be served. In summer, we chatted with ye Mengying while eating. Gradually, we finally understood what was causing his beautiful wife to sleep badly.

The reason why ye Mengying can"t sleep well is not from her Tiannan group, but from the Shenyi group that she and Xia have jointly owned. In fact, in recent months, ye Mengying has gradually focused on the Shenyi group, because in fact, the Shenyi group has started to surpa.s.s Tiannan group in terms of turnover and profit Yingying is also convinced that in the future, Shenyi group is the company she really needs to manage. Although Tiannan group has 10 billion a.s.sets, in the future, compared with Shenyi group, Tiannan group is not worth mentioning.

Of course, she believes that in the future, Tiannan group and Shenyi group will be inseparable. Once the time is right, she will integrate all the companies under Xiaxia"s name into Shenyi group. Although Tiannan group had nothing to do with Xiaxia, she also plans to integrate with other companies, which she thinks is easier to manage.

Recently, ye Mengying and Qiao Xiaoqiao often contact each other. In fact, they have a preliminary idea. In the future, ye Mengying will manage all the industrial a.s.sets under her name in summer. Because in this respect, ye Mengying is more experienced. In some non industrial investments, such as stock futures and other financial investments, Qiao Xiaoqiao will manage them. In this regard, Qiao Xiaoqiao It"s a true genius.

Although they didn"t think about these things in summer, in ye Mengying"s and Qiao Xiaoqiao"s opinion, they have to deal with them. In the future, they will definitely need a lot of money. Of course, making money is not only for their own lives. For example, they have reached an agreement with Liu Yunman and will draw some money and give it to Liu Yunman so that Liu Yunman can go on smoothly Her charity project.

As for the future group of doctors, ye Mengying and Qiao Xiaoqiao have drawn up the basic blueprint, and only when the time is right, they will officially implement it. However, what ye Mengying has to do now is still to develop the group of doctors that has only been established for a few months. At present, the group of doctors has encountered some problems.

In fact, the early development of Shenyi group is very smooth. The establishment of the company and the approval of various products listed in the name of health care products are very fast, almost without any resistance. Ye Mengying also heard that the reason why it is so smooth is not because of Ye"s family, but because there is Zhao"s greeting in Beijing, so Shenyi group"s products have not met any formalities Trouble, can be said to be all the way green light, also because of this, the product can be listed in a short time and sold out every day.

In recent months, Shenyi group has been continuously expanding its production, but after all, the company has not been established for a long time, and some production equipment has not been purchased yet. On the other hand, raw materials also need time to be collected. As a result, no matter how much Shenyi group increases its production, it is still unable to meet the market demand. Then, the problem arises. A gilded signboard group has no more than ten products to quit. But whether it is cosmetics or perfume, or health products, it is stolen by the public at first. In the past few months, the brand of the magic medical group has become a real gold medal sign, so that it is immediately bought by people who see the products of the group of G.o.ds, and so on, so they will be bought by

. The fakes appeared.

About half a month ago, someone began to report to ye Mengying that there were various kinds of health care products counterfeiting the products of Shenyi group in the market. At that time, ye Mengying didn"t care too much, just let the company"s employees stare at it, and report to the industrial and commercial department as soon as it was found.

only as like as two peas of a week ago, Ye Mengying found something was wrong. The market began to produce counterfeit products. Especially in some small city, fake products were everywhere. The fake products were also packaged with the products of the medical group. In some places, fake and genuine goods were put together for sale. Consumers can"t tell the true from the false. In fact, even ye Mengying has to admit that she can"t tell the true from the false just by looking at the outer package.

Ye Mengying realized that the situation was not quite right, so she immediately contacted the local industrial and commercial departments and the police, asking them to trace the fake places. The industrial and commercial departments and the police also seemed to cooperate with each other several times, destroying several fake manufacturing dens. However, the counterfeit products in the market did not decrease at all, and even there were more and more trends.

Ye Mengying also began to take measures to add anti-counterfeiting marks to new products, and then put advertis.e.m.e.nts everywhere, asking everyone not to buy products without anti-counterfeiting marks. However, although this strategy has some effect, it also let everyone know that there are counterfeit products in the market. According to the investigation of the marketing department, there are still a large number of counterfeit products in the market, and the sales volume Not bad.

What annoys ye Mengying even more is that the staff of the marketing department told him that the local industrial and commercial departments and the police cooperated on the surface, but in fact they all kept their eyes open and closed. They didn"t care much about the fake products, but she was annoyed and couldn"t help it, because the fake products were all in the country, and she couldn"t care about them at all.

But just three days ago, a more headache happened to her. A young girl bought her parents several boxes of health care products from the group of miraculous doctors. Then her parents were poisoned after eating them!

Nowadays, health care products are full of deception, but although most of these products have no effect, generally speaking, there will be no harm if they are eaten. Now, the health care products of Shenyi group are poisoned, which is naturally a big problem.

Although she knew that the girl bought fake goods, ye Mengying still had to send someone to coordinate. Fortunately, the girl didn"t make much trouble, and it didn"t make much trouble. But just when ye Mengying was glad, she received a phone call from Zhang Xin, who claimed to be a reporter of world business newspaper.

Zhang Xinsheng said that he was investigating a series of products of the Shenyi group. He hoped to interview ye Mengying face to face. After a little consideration, ye Mengying agreed. Then she investigated the so-called world business newspaper. The survey found that the so-called world business newspaper, despite its big name, is actually a small newspaper, but this newspaper is Attached to a big newspaper.

Ye Mengying also found that the newspaper didn"t have much influence, but Zhang Xin had some reputation in the press circle, but his reputation was mixed. Some said that he was a just reporter, because he had opened some dark scenes of several big companies, and it was said that he recovered justice for many people, but others said that this guy actually relied on le Suowei"s black reporter.

As for the black reporters, ye Mengying is not the first time to meet them. Many journalists are using the so-called king of uncrowned fame to make money secretly.

"Husband, in fact, according to your chat with Zhang Xin, it can be inferred that Zhang Xin really wants to knock us for some money." Ye Mengying finally said.

"I knew that idiot reporter was not a good thing." Summer has long known this.

"Husband, in fact, it"s nothing. I don"t care what the reporters say. After all, our product quality is no problem. No matter how we investigate or how they slander, as long as our product quality is no problem, the final problem will not be very big." Ye Mengying slightly pondered, "what I am most worried about is the problem of fake products. We have to think of a solution."

Summer thought about it, then blinked: "or I"ll call the boss of the Bureau of industry and Commerce and tell him not to get rid of all the fakes, and I"ll kill him?"

"No use." Ye Mengying shook her head. "Even if the director general of the State Administration of industry and Commerce orders, I"m afraid those people below will be rebellious. I"ve never seen that kind of fake goods can be completely seized."

"Well, let"s shut down the Shenyi group and tell everyone that we won"t sell this product, so no one will buy fake products." Another bad idea came out in summer. It"s like killing eight hundred enemies and self destroying three thousand!

Ye Mengying is speechless. Her husband"s idea is always so weird. How much money will you lose if you shut down the miracle medicine group!

"Honey, is there any other way?" Ye Mengying asked.

"In fact, I can find all the fakes and kill them all." There is a new way in summer.

Ye Mengying suddenly cried and laughed: "husband, I think it"s more reliable that you just used that method, and it"s just a loss of some money."

When it comes to this, there is a flash of inspiration in ye Mengying"s mind. Suddenly, she begins to really think about this method. Then she finds that it seems to be feasible. Of course, this method needs to be improved. It can"t really shut down the group of miraculous doctors.

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