Chapter 1255

Shujing is annoyed at once. Her beautiful eyes are dissatisfied with the star: "why is this my fault?"

"Of course, it"s your fault. If you want to kill that foreigner, you can tell me. As long as you say, I can kill him right away. How can I use this trouble now?" Summer is full of reasons. "Now, you"re wasting your time!"

"How can I tell you that you were not here?" Shujing said angrily, "in a word, it"s like this now. The official compet.i.tion between brother Jiang and cook is less than ten days away. In the current situation, it"s unlikely that brother Jiang will defeat cook. If you really want to help me, you can quickly find a way to improve your strength!"

"Can"t I just kill that guy?" Summer doesn"t want to be so much trouble.

"Of course not. The match time has been fixed and the candidates have been determined. We can"t change people." Shujing said not very angry.

"Then I can kill that guy secretly, so that he can"t partic.i.p.ate in the game, doesn"t it mean you won?" Another idea came up in the summer.

"What would others think of you doing this? Sure everyone thinks we can"t afford to lose, so find someone to kill cook, so even if we win in name, we still lose in fact. " Shujing is a little speechless. How can this person make a bad idea!

Summer or not: "quiet wife, I can not kill that guy, I can make him sick, or broken hands and feet, as long as can not play or even if the game will lose."

"Can"t you come up with a bad idea?" Shujing is about to collapse. "In a word, we need to defeat cook squarely. You can find a way for brother Jiang to have the ability to defeat cook. I know you can do it!"

"That"s it!" Summer is a little reluctant, but Shujing said so, he can"t help, can only promise, "OK, I"ll guide this guy, so that he can defeat cook."

After a pause, one thing came to mind in summer: "by the way, where"s that cook guy? I have to go to see him to know how powerful he is. Otherwise, I don"t know how strong I want to make your elder martial brother Jiang. "

"You don"t have to watch him. There are many videos of Cook"s game here. You can watch the videos, and you can probably see cook"s real strength." Seeing summer"s promise, Shu Jing is in a better mood. Although this guy has made a lot of bad ideas, he just wants to be lazy after all, not unwilling to help her.

"Oh, quiet wife, let"s go to the video." Summer immediately said.

This time, Shujing had no objection. She took Xiaxia to a rest room on the second floor. There was a computer and a small bed in it. The arrangement was very warm. Obviously, it was a special place for Shujing. That"s why, although she didn"t say anything, other people were very discerning and didn"t come in. This is what summer is most happy to see. At last, there are not so many outside The light is on.

"There are many videos of this man on my computer. You can watch them first." Shujing turns on her computer, opens cook"s game video, and tells summer.

"This guy is a man? Look like a chimpanzee. " When I saw cook in the summer, I said this.

This guy named cook is very tall and strong. He looks a bit like a gorilla, but his fist is pretty fierce. Basically, when he punches, his opponent will go to Ko.

This guy is a real champion who is rough and fleshy. It doesn"t matter how many punches he gets. That"s why it seems that many times in the video that his opponent has the upper hand. But in the end, cook wins, because he only needs to hit his opponent once to win, but he hasn"t even hit him ten times It will fall.

"It"s going to take a lot of strength to defeat this guy. If I were, I could kill this guy with one finger. But Jiang Zhenkun is a little bit difficult." Summer said to himself.

"Or would you wash his marrow with a silver needle?" Shujing said with a little hesitation.

"How can I do that?" Summer immediately shook his head, "I don"t help men wash pulp."

"Do you have any other way to make people stronger at once?" Shujing asked.

"There"s no way. I can give him some medicine, or give him a few injections, which can make him stronger in the game. But after a while, he will return to normal. Quiet wife, I tell you that for ordinary people, strength is actually the most difficult thing to practice." Summer said quickly: "I use eight needles against the sky to wash your marrow, which can really make you become strong at once, but in addition to this, it"s basically impossible to strengthen your strength at once. Usually, it takes a long time for strength to be effective. You can practice external skills from an early age, or you can start to practice internal skills from an early age, whether external or internal Kung Fu takes a long time to be effective. Jiang Zhenkun is going to compete with people in less than ten days. It"s basically impossible to achieve any effect. "

"Then what? As you say, are we not doomed to lose? " Shujing is a little worried.

"Oh, not really. It"s just a little bit of a ha.s.sle." In summer, he shook his head and said, "well, it"s impossible to expect to improve Jiang Zhenkun"s strength in this period of time. That can only improve his fighting skills. Although the chimpanzee has a strong fist, he is clumsy and inflexible. As long as Jiang Zhenkun is flexible and doesn"t want to be hit by that chimpanzee, he can still win, but it will be difficult to win. I guess he has a fist We have to punch that chimpanzee at least 20 or 30 times to get the chimpanzee down

"Then teach him quickly. There"s not much time!" Shujing urged.

"Quiet wife, in fact, we can do something else first." In summer, he didn"t want to teach Jiang Zhenkun at once. As he said this, he felt Shu Jing"s hands at a place with a higher alt.i.tude.

Shujing pinched the back of summer"s hand fiercely, said angrily: "can you not be so anxious? People think you haven"t touched a woman! "

"Quiet wife, I just want to tell you that I am a very normal man." Summer solemnly said.

"I believe you are a man, but when have you been normal?" Shujingjiao hums, "if you want to be normal, then everyone else will be abnormal. Do normal people rob their wives like you?"

"Quiet wife, you are right. I am normal. Other men are not normal." In summer, with a smile, my hands finally arrive at the destination, and I will gently rub and slowly press the straight part of Shujing.

Shujing"s body seems to be getting hot all of a sudden. She is not young either. She has matured psychologically or physiologically. If a man presses this part like this, if she doesn"t respond, it"s a problem.

"Hey, in the daytime, don"t mess around..." Shujing struggled for a few times, pleading with her voice, "can"t you wait for the night? First of all, they are still waiting for us outside

"Quiet wife, we are doing business now!" Summer still think this is the most serious thing.

"Well..." Shu Jing almost crooned out a voice, which was half heard. She forced her to press a part down. She suddenly earned hard and jumped off her body in summer.

Shujing stares at summer, but her face is red: "in short, you go to help elder martial brother Jiang first. After the work here is finished, we will go to dinner together, and then you can do whatever you want!"

When Shu Jing said the last sentence, she almost bit her teeth. She didn"t feel aggrieved, but she was a little shy. She couldn"t imagine that she would take the initiative to say this one day. She always felt that she would be forced to go to bed by this guy in summer. But these days, although summer has been forced to do a lot of things to her Love, but I haven"t forced her to do it.

Up to now, Shujing"s feelings for summer are still not very deep, nor so vigorous. Maybe it"s related to the reason that summer and she know each other. After all, they are together only because of a bet. Even in the beginning of summer, she didn"t think she was beautiful enough, and they always despised her. But between them, they didn"t experience anything vigorous, in fact, everything Both of them seem flat. Shujing always thinks that things between them are a little weird, and they are not normal all the time.

But even though she feels abnormal, she is ready now. She no longer thinks about other things. In her opinion, she and summer are bound to be together. Whether she wants to or not, since the result cannot be changed, why should she make the process entangled? It"s better to make everything go better than that.

In fact, Shu Jing doesn"t really hate summer. She has always been fond of summer, and the magic power of summer has always attracted her. Although this guy often does something that makes her unhappy, Shu Jing actually knows that maybe she doesn"t love summer as much as the heroine on TV in the novel, but she at least , and she still likes summer. She thinks that if she can get rid of her bad habits in summer, such as being less playful and more like a normal person, she should like him very much.

But she also thinks that this guy can"t change these two bad problems. At least the first one can"t be changed. In other words, if he really changes the first problem, even if she likes him, he won"t even want her. He has so many women better than her.

"Quiet wife, can you really do anything?" Summer at this time but a little uneasy asked.

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