Chapter 1258

"How can I become a platinum member of your restaurant?" Shujing frowns a little. She is actually the first time to come to this restaurant. The opening time of this restaurant is not long. She just heard that it"s very different and high-grade. Tonight is a very special day for her. She originally planned to go to the Emperor Hotel, but now she can"t go there, so she wanted to choose a high-grade restaurant, so she came here.

"Miss Shu, only after spending at least ten times in our restaurant can she become a platinum member of our restaurant." The middle-aged man replied.

Ten times?

Shujing murmurs to herself that this is not a general restaurant. Every consumption here is absolutely priceless. It"s impossible to spend ten times here in a few years. But it seems that this restaurant has been open for less than a month.

"Is there no other chance of becoming a platinum member?" Shujing asked after thinking.

"It"s not impossible either. If it"s a guest with special and distinguished status, we will also give special consideration to it." The middle-aged man replied.

"What is special dignity? Money or power? " Shu Jing asked directly. After all, there is no essential difference between this restaurant and other restaurants. Customers with different ident.i.ties are still treated differently.

The middle-aged man smiled: "Miss Shu, for us, dignity is not as simple as money or power. As for the specific standard, I"m sorry, I can"t disclose it."

"Quiet wife, don"t talk to this guy." Summer was a little impatient, he looked at the middle-aged man, "Hey, you tell that guy named Luo and guy named Ma, if they know each other, they will come to make dinner for my wife, or I will directly open your restaurant!"

"This gentleman, please don"t be angry. This is the rule of our restaurant. When you come to our restaurant, you should obey our rule. If you don"t want to, we don"t force you to eat here." The middle-aged man was not angry, and replied in a soft and hard tone.

"My words are rules, and I never have to obey the rules of others." Summer is very unhappy stare at the middle-aged man, "I finally warned you once, quickly let those two chefs roll over to me, if they don"t cook for my wife tonight, they don"t have to cook for the rest of their lives!"

"Come on, stop it. We"re just here for dinner. The chefs here are very good. They don"t have to cook for us." Shujing pulled summer, gently advised: "I just want to be happy tonight, don"t want to be unhappy."

"Quiet wife, this broken restaurant has made us unhappy." Summer discontented said: "not a few chefs? I have to ask those two guys to cook for us tonight! "

"Sir, I"m afraid you must be disappointed tonight. In fact, Mr. Luo has been invited by senior officials song to cook for a guest of senior officials tonight. So even if you are a platinum member, Mr. Luo can"t come to entertain you." The middle-aged man still didn"t get angry, but he said it plainly to tell summer: boy, don"t drag, we know senior officials!

"Senior officials of Song Dynasty? Song Jinping, right Summer hummed, "do you think I"m afraid of you when I move out of a senior official? Come on, quiet wife, let"s not eat here, I will tear down this place! "

In summer, Shujing would like to get up, and then he would like to open the restaurant.

"Forget it. It"s just a dinner." Shujing is pulling summer. She really doesn"t want to make anything happen. As she just said, she hopes to be happy tonight. She hopes that after tonight, all she remembers are good memories. She doesn"t want to think of this evening in the future, but only remembers some unhappy things.

After a pause, Shujing whispered to summer, "don"t talk, let me talk to him."

Without giving summer a chance to talk, Shu Jing turned to look at the middle-aged man again: "I don"t want to embarra.s.s you, but my husband is not very good tempered. You say that Mr. Luo is entertaining guests at the senior officials" house, that is to say, according to your standards, senior officials are honored guests. I believe that although my husband is not a senior official, he is no better than them in terms of status Low, maybe you don"t know who my husband is now, but I believe you should have heard his name. His name is summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the first day in the world... "

Shujing"s words have not finished, the middle-aged man"s face has changed greatly. He looks at summer, and suddenly becomes frightened: "you are Mr. summer?"

"Nonsense, of course, it"s summer. Do you think anyone dares to pretend to be me?" Summer not good gas said.

"I"m sorry, I"m really sorry, I didn"t know it was you!" The middle-aged man said in a hurry, "Mr. Xia, Miss Shu, please take a seat first. I will inform Mr. Luo and Mr. Ma first. They will come soon!"

"That"s about it." In summer, I was in a better mood, and I sat down with Shu Jing again.

The middle-aged man left in a hurry. In less than a minute, a handsome man in his thirties appeared in the compartment, and he was followed by the middle-aged man just now.

"Mr. Xia, Miss Shu, I"m sorry to neglect you. I"m Ma Qifu. Chef Luo is on his way back. For the time being, he asked me to prepare Western food for you. What do you think?" The handsome man said respectfully.

"All right, that"s it. You get ready." Shu Jing rushes to promise. In her opinion, the result is very good.

Summer did not say anything, after all, for him, the most important thing tonight is not to eat, but after dinner activities.

At the same time, in the family courtyard of the provincial Party committee, song Jinping had some helpless expressions on his face.

Song Jinping is sitting at the dinner table. Besides his wife, there is a woman dressed in ancient clothes like a fairy. This woman is his niece, song Yumei.

Although song Yumei is song Jinping"s niece, song Jinping is very clear. In terms of her ident.i.ty and status in the Song family, song Yumei is far higher than him. After all, song Yumei is now the of the Song family. It"s impossible to say that she has the power of life and death in the Song family. She does have this power.

Because of this, after Song Yumei came to Jianghai, song Jinping also entertained her wholeheartedly. Tonight, Mr. Luo, the chef of the Roman restaurant, asked him to cook specially for song Yumei.

In the first half of the dinner, song Jinping was quite satisfied, because he could see that song Yumei was quite satisfied with the dishes Mr. Luo cooked. Only in the middle of the dinner, something that made him laugh and cry happened. Mr. Luo answered the phone, then ran away in a hurry, even without an explanation.

"Yumei, I"m really sorry. Chef Luo didn"t know what was the urgent matter and ran away. Otherwise, let"s go out and find a place to eat now? Or ask your aunt to cook for you and make two more dishes? " Song Jinping apologizes. He can"t look into the cause at the moment. He needs to appease song Yumei first.

"Uncle, it doesn"t matter. In fact, I"m full. It"s just that Mr. Luo makes delicious food, so I keep eating. It"s nothing if he leaves. It"s not your fault. Don"t worry." Song Yumei smiled lightly. "There are still dishes on the table. You and your aunt haven"t eaten much. Now, let"s have some. Mr. Luo is really a good cook."

Song Jinping is relieved. It can be seen that song Yumei is not angry, which comforts him a little. It"s better for his niece to talk. If song Yumei was the other song Yumei before, I"m afraid he would be in big trouble.

Song Jinping"s cell phone suddenly rings. He quickly takes it out and answers the phone. Then he starts a fire: "what the h.e.l.l are you doing What? "

After a while, song Jinping hung up the phone and looked at Song Yumei strangely: "Yumei, Mr. Luo called and said that he was in his restaurant in the summer and asked him to cook by roll, so he hurried back."

"Uncle, I heard it, too." Song Yumei has a gentle smile on her lips, but song Jinping is very clear that this gentleness is not for his uncle, but for summer. Now Song Yumei is very clear about her family. Song Yumei has really liked summer, which makes many people tangled, because many people in Song family still can"t accept this fact.

Song Jinping sighed softly: "now yuan Languang is down. I"m a senior official and acting secretary. In name, I"m the first person in Pinghai. However, at least in Jianghai City, I can"t speak as much as in summer. I say a word, many people will worship the sun and violate the Yin. But no one dares not to do what he says in summer. His influence in Jianghai City It"s much bigger than the one in the capital! "

"Even if he is in the capital now, few people dare not do what he says." Song Yumei smiled, "but uncle, you don"t have to worry about this. He won"t come to take power with you. Besides, we are also from our own family. If he really does something that makes you embarra.s.sed, just let me know. I will discuss it with him."

Song Jinping nodded slightly: "I understand. In fact, in summer, this person is OK with others, that is, ah, he is not very devoted to you..."

"If he were really devoted, he would not know me at all." Song Yumei shakes her head. "He doesn"t know me, and I won"t achieve what I"ve achieved now, uncle. You"ll surely understand this truth."

Song Jinping nodded: "I understand, but, Yumei, I"m still a little worried. Are you going to see the young lady with summer this time? I"m afraid that miss"s side is not so good for you and summer"s affairs... "

Song Jinping stops here. He believes that song Yumei understands what he says.

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