Chapter 1259

"I know that"s one of the reasons why I have to see Mei Yi." Song Yumei nodded, "I hope Mei Yi and summer can resolve their hatred. If they are always hostile to each other, it will not be good for our song family."

"Miss has always hated summer, and she has made it miserable in summer. I"m afraid it"s a little difficult to reconcile them." Song Jinping sighed softly.

"Actually, I don"t think it"s difficult." Song Yumei shakes her head. "Mei Yi used to think that summer is a humble mortal, but now, Mei Yi knows that summer is not a mortal. As for summer, I always believe that no man in the world will not like Mei Yi. I believe that as long as they can stay together peacefully for a while, they will change their views on each other."

"This, Yumei, you mean, you want to..." Song Jinping was surprised. He didn"t say everything because he thought it was really incredible. How could this niece look like she was trying to draw red lines for her and summer?

Song Yumei obviously understood song Jinping"s meaning. She didn"t deny it, but nodded and said softly, "besides, I can"t think of a better way."

Song Jinping opened his mouth to say something, but he didn"t say a word after all.


Roman restaurant.

Although at the beginning of the dinner, it will certainly be a wonderful memory of Shujing. The two chefs in Rome cooked for both of them at the same time, and showed their best cooking skills. The Chinese and Western food are well integrated, but they are seamlessly connected. The two sometimes eat Chinese and Western food, but they don"t feel any inconsistency. Even in summer, they have to admit it These two guys have great airs, but they do have real abilities.

Shujing also eats a lot tonight. As for summer, he can make the most of his food.

"Well, I can"t eat any more. It"s very strong." Shujing finally can"t eat any more. She rubs her belly and then falls on her body in summer. She drinks a little wine tonight. Under such a slight intoxication, she also begins to play Jiao to summer.

"Let"s do some exercises after dinner and digest it." A smile in summer.

"Well, let"s go for a walk." Shujing smiled charming, then lowered her voice, "you don"t want to do bad things now. It"s not suitable to exercise violently after dinner!"

"Well, let"s take a walk first." Summer didn"t care. She stood up with Shu Jing in her arms, took out a credit card from her pocket, and slipped it to the middle-aged man who had been serving beside her. "Hey, check out!"

"Yes, Mr. Xia." The middle-aged man took the credit card and left soon.

In summer, she hugged Shu Jing and walked out of the room. At that time, Shu Jing was all hung on her body. Instead of being drunk, she ate too much and couldn"t walk.

"I have to take a rest." Shujing mumbled, "you can"t eat like this in the future, or you will be fat."

"Quiet wife, do more exercise, you won"t gain weight." In summer, he said with a smile, "you will not gain weight with me, because we will definitely do a lot of sports every day."

"The coyote." Shu Jingbai looks at summer, but her eyes are extremely charming.

Summer doesn"t mind being called a s.e.x wolf. He is doing what a s.e.x wolf should do at the moment. He holds a comfortable waist in one hand, and touches her beautiful jade leg directly with the other hand.

"Here comes someone!" Shujing pinched the summer again.

Someone did come, not only the middle-aged waiter, but also the two chefs in Rome.

"Mr. Xia, your card." The middle-aged man returned the card to summer, and there was also a consumption list by the way. The above figures are absolutely astronomical. Eating a meal here is enough to bankrupt a middle-cla.s.s family. There is no doubt that only the rich can afford this kind of place.

"Mr. Xia, are you satisfied with the food tonight?" Chef Luo asked respectfully.

"Well, I"m satisfied, so I made a decision." Summer saw two people one eye, "you do not open a restaurant, after a while to my home as a cook."

The two were stunned. They didn"t know what to say.

"I have something else tonight, so I won"t tell you in detail. You are waiting here. I will send someone to find you." Summer said a word, and then hugged Shu Jing out of the Roman restaurant.

These two chefs are depressed. They were worried that they would offend the old man and make their restaurant unable to open. But now it seems that it"s not good for them to serve the old man too well tonight. Now the old man looks after them. In the future, their restaurant may not open.

Summer will not know the depression of these two chefs. He is just walking forward with his arms around Shujing. According to Shujing, they need to do some less vigorous exercise first, so they don"t take the car and go to the hotel. This hotel is not new to summer, although it"s not the Emperor Hotel, it"s the same to him The hotel with wonderful memory is the Hyatt grand hotel that used to be happy with Mu Han for several times.

"h.e.l.lo, do you really want them to be cooks for you?" Shujing asked as she walked on in summer.

"It"s not for me, it"s for us. After a while, we will move to Shenxian island. Of course, we need a chef to cook for us." Summer very serious nodded, "cook for us of course is the best chef, I think they are very suitable."

"But the chef is so good. What should I do if I get fat?" Shujing is worried about it.

"Don"t worry, quiet wife, I said, you will not get fat with me." Summer is full of confidence in this, "besides, even if you really get fat, I can let you lose weight at any time. Su xiaocan"s fat man, who weighs nearly four hundred jin, is now less than two hundred jin."

"Is it? That Su xiaocan used to be so fat? " Shujing is a little surprised. She also met Su xiaocan. When she was robbed in the summer at the auto show, Su xiaocan was beside her.

"Well, Su xiaocan is a fat man." Summer nodded.

"How did you help him lose weight? Give him diet pills? Wow, if you have this diet medicine, you will be rich soon! " Shujing is a little excited.

"Quiet wife, I have become rich!" Summer can"t help saying.

"Oh, yes, I forgot." Shujing is not so excited.

"In fact, I used silver needles to help that guy lose weight, but I also know how to get diet pills. Well, let me think about it. I"ll give my beautiful sister a recipe in a few days and let her get diet pills to sell. I need to make more money and raise more wives..." Summer said to himself.

"You want to have more wives?" Shujing Du mouth, some angry interrupted the summer"s words, "your wife is almost a strengthening group!"

"Quiet wife, you have wronged me. I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of people in a strengthening regiment. I only have dozens of wives." Summer replied solemnly.

"You"re only a few dozen..." Shujing was annoyed. "I really want to kill you!"

There are so many little drunk Shujing, tonight is also a little different from usual. She said that if she wanted to bite to death in summer, she would really bite to summer with her mouth open. But she immediately found that she didn"t bite anything. Instead, her cherry lip was kissed by summer, and then the two started the movement of mouth to mouth.

She was so dizzy when she bit Shu Jing, so she didn"t find out that she didn"t go on walking with her in summer. Instead, she kissed her and hugged her. Before long, they had arrived at the Hyatt Hotel.

"Give us a room." It wasn"t until hearing the voice of summer that Shu Jing woke up a little. Then she hurriedly answered, "I"ve booked a room. My name is Shu. I"ve booked a honeymoon suite."

A few minutes later, they moved into the honeymoon suite and closed the door. In the summer, they immediately hugged Shu Jing and rolled her down on the bed together.

"Quiet wife, we should start our honeymoon!" Summer finish saying this words, then bowed head kissed Shu Jing"s Pink neck, both hands also began to swim on her body.

"It"s not a honeymoon, it"s a honeymoon night..." Shu Jing murmurs and mumbles to herself. It"s only one night. How can it be called honeymoon? She believed that the wolf would go with other women tomorrow.

The strange feeling began to spread from all parts of the body, quickly spread all over the body, Shujing soon lost in it, and she no longer thought about other things. She continued her original plan, and she wanted to spend a happy night.

I don"t know when the long jade legs have been wrapped around the waist in summer. The short pain pa.s.sed quickly. The strong impact and the feeling of ecstasy accompanied her through this confused and crazy night. This night, they are inseparable. It"s a real night.

In the early morning, she lay on her summer chest feebly and whispered: "now everything is given to you. Don"t forget to promise me the marriage certificate. Don"t fool me. I"ll take it to fool my father..."

Shujing"s voice is getting smaller and smaller, he said, and he has fallen asleep.


morning of the same day.

The head office of Shenyi group finally revealed its true face, and ye Mengying, the president of Shenyi group, also started her first press conference in the head office of Shenyi group.

Hundreds of reporters gathered here, and the TV network was broadcasting live. This event related to the miracle doctor group, the legendary summer of the miracle doctor, and even the three most popular female stars. This morning, almost everyone"s attention was gathered, not only at home, but also overseas.

At ten o"clock sharp, the press conference also officially began. There was no provocative opening speech or special opening. Ye Mengying simply said, "I"m ye Mengying, the president of the Shenyi group. You can ask any questions about the Shenyi group, and I will tell you nothing."

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