Chapter 1261

"I said just tell him." In summer, he doesn"t care about it. At the moment, his eyes are staring at some towering part of Shujing. In this position, Shujing just sends her white bread directly to his mouth.

Looking at the fragrant white steamed bread, summer said to himself: "quiet wife, you are really getting more and more obedient. You know that it"s time to have lunch at noon, and you will give me the steamed bread right away!"

"What kind of steamed bread..." Shujing didn"t respond, but immediately felt a puff of crisp hemp coming, and suddenly involuntarily issued a low voice, "Hmm!"

"I finally know why you are looking for so many wives..." Shu Jing mumbles to herself, if this guy has only one wife, he can"t be tossed to death in bed by this guy?

It"s another period of high-intensity sports. It"s not until there"s another phone call that the sports are over.

This call is not for Shu Jing, but for Liu Yunman in summer.

"Sister Yunman, are you back?" Summer answered the phone and asked.

"Well, I just came back." Liu Yunman"s voice was gentle and a little tired. "Are you free now?"

"Sister Yunman, what can I do for you?" Summer didn"t answer directly, just asked a question. Now he wants to say that he has free time as well. Let"s say that he doesn"t have free time. He does have a wife lying under him.

"Some children are in serious condition. If you are free, please help them first. But if you are not free now, it"s OK to wait two days. They should be OK for the time being." Liu said in a low voice.

"Well, sister Yunman, I"ll go there later." Summer a little thought, then agreed to come down, on the one hand, Liu Yunman find him something, he still want to go, on the other hand, in fact, he also a little Miss Liu Yunman, yesterday he was the first to call Liu Yunman, but Liu Yunman did not come back, he changed his mind to find Shu Jing.

"Well, well, I"m abandoning the children"s home. If you don"t know how to come, you can take a taxi. If the driver doesn"t know the address, tell him it"s the former elite international n.o.ble school, and the driver will know." Liu Yunman"s tone was obviously a lot happier.

"Yes, sister Yunman, I"ll be here this afternoon." Summer promised.

Hung up the phone, summer will embrace Shu Jing sat up: "quiet wife, I help you dress, we are going to get up."

"If you want to get up, I don"t have to." Shujingjiao snorted. She was a little jealous in her heart. As expected, the wolf was going to find another woman when he got it.

"Quiet wife, you have to get up." Summer has begun to dress her, "let"s go to dinner first, and then I"ll take you to the gym. Then, I"ll go to sister Yunman, where there are many abandoned children waiting for me to treat them."

Summer is not a very compa.s.sionate person, but he feels a little empathy for the children abandoned because of illness. So when Liu Yunman wanted to establish such a charity to specially adopt the abandoned children, he agreed at once. At the beginning, Liu Yunman also agreed with him that the children"s illness should be treated by him, so Even though he is still not very compa.s.sionate now, he will do what he promised, so he will definitely cure those children"s diseases.

"Are you going to treat abandoned children?" Shujing is very surprised, "Hey, tell me, what"s going on?"

Summer did not hide, while to Shujing wear clothes, while the matter simple said.

"Unexpectedly, you are really a good man!" After listening to these, Shujing"s eyes are full of strange looks.

"Quiet wife, I"m not a good man, but I"m a good husband." Summer seriously corrected: "you just remember, I am the best man and the best husband."

"I don"t believe you"re a good husband." Shujing, however, turns her mouth away. She would rather believe that summer is a good man than a good husband? Good husband will not find many women, even if this guy"s other convenience is good, this alone makes him unable to become a real good husband.

"Quiet wife, I don"t believe my husband will be spanked." Summer is very serious.

Shujing gives summer a charming white eye, she is not afraid of it.

At this time, summer finally helped Shujing put on his clothes, but the level of his clothes can never match the level of his undressing. The clothes were not very good, so Shujing had to wear them again by herself, dragged her slightly soft body to wash and cough, and then came out of the hotel room with summer.

They had lunch in the restaurant below the hotel, and then went to the Fenghuo fitness club with Shu Jing in the summer. They stayed with her for a while, and then left in the summer. By this time, it was almost 3pm.

"Ah, Shujing, do you really have a room with summer?" As soon as summer is gone, Mo Wenjing comes here.

"What do you care about doing all day?" Shu Jingbai gives Mo Wenjing a look.

"Cough, actually, I"ve been curious. You"ve known summer for so long. You look beautiful, but summer seems to have nothing to do with you. I doubt that he"s not normal..." Mo Wenjing smiled, then looked around Shujing, with an ambiguous look. "But now, it seems that he should be quite normal. I say Shujing, congratulations. This time you don"t have to have girls" day, you can have the authentic women"s day."

"You are a woman!" Shujing blushed and yawned, "I"m not talking to you anymore. I"m a little sleepy. Go to have a rest first."

"Sleepy? Did you stay up all night? " Mo Wenjing began to gossip again.

Shujing ignores Mo Wenjing this time, enters her rest room directly, closes the door, falls on the bed and starts to sleep. She murmurs to herself, "who says women are not tired of doing that? It"s all deceiving! "


in the southeast of Jianghai City, near the suburb, there is a building surrounded by walls. This building is quite new. It"s obviously only built in recent years. Inside and outside the walls, there are all kinds of trees planted, which makes the place feel beautiful. If you go in, you can see rockery fountains. At first glance, it"s a bit like Park, however, in fact, it used to be a school, that is, the elite international n.o.ble school.

When Jinghua international n.o.ble school was just established, it was also paid attention by Jianghai media, because it is the first real n.o.ble school in Jianghai. The school charges a monthly fee, and every month it is tens of thousands. It can be said that it is not a real rich person, and few people can send their children here.

However, this n.o.ble school didn"t last long. It is said that in the first year, there were many students. In this year, there are still many rich people. However, these rich people are not fools. They send their children to n.o.ble schools, and most of them hope to learn something. In the first year, many parents found that this n.o.ble school is really a n.o.ble school Kengda"s school, the so-called foreign teacher, is a maid in the Philippines. What top nutritionists set up nutritious meals were found to have expired food in the supermarket. In a word, apart from the expensive price, the place looks beautiful on the surface, and other aspects are all kinds of kengda, kengda these rich people.

So these people were angry. The so-called rich people were angry, and the consequences were even more serious. No, the n.o.ble school was closed, and the n.o.ble school also owed a lot of debt, and the school was sealed up. Not long ago, when Liu Yunman looked for the location of the charity foundation, he found that the school was quite good, so he bought the school from the court, After some simple transformation, it has become the home of abandoned children.

When he came to the abandoned children"s home in summer, he found that there was a big family character right above the gate, and there were several signs hanging beside it. However, he didn"t look at what was written on it, just walked directly inside.

There is a security room at the entrance, which is obviously not accessible.

"Sir, you can"t go in and out here at will. What can I do for you?" The security guard came out and greeted the summer politely.

"Do you know where sister Yunman is?" Summer casually said.

"You mean Miss Liu?" The security guard was slightly shocked. "Are you Miss Liu"s friend?"

"I"m her husband." Replied the lazy summer.

The security guard was stunned: "Miss Liu"s husband? Are you doctor Xia? "

"Yes, it"s me." Summer nodded.

"Well, you don"t look like the picture. I"d like to ask Miss Liu first." The security guard looked at summer and took out another picture. It seemed that he could not confirm it.

"Summer!" Just then, a moving voice came, and it was Liu Yunman who happened to come out.

"Sister Yunman." Summer a flash came to Liu Yunman side, easy to take her into my arms.

And see this scene, the security guard is also very interesting immediately back to the security room.

"What do you think of this place?" Liu Yunman put his arm around summer. "Look, there is the teaching building, there is the library, there is the canteen, there is the dormitory, there is a small hospital. Our home for abandoned children is not only a charity. I plan to build this place into a real community. Before children go to high school, they can live here. They can live here Life, study here, this is their real home. Here, they can do what they want to do. In fact, I have many ideas, but for the time being, they can only come step by step. "

"Well, I think it"s very good here, sister Yunman. In fact, you can do it without asking me." Summer doesn"t have a clear idea about it. Then he asks another thing, "sister Yunman, you look tired. How come you haven"t slept well recently?"

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