Chapter 1294

"I"ll tell you how the hooligan came back so early. I"m afraid he"s in a hurry to cheat on his servant girl." Qiao Fenger murmurs to herself that she always doesn"t understand why such a beautiful woman as Gu Hanshuang would like to be a servant girl for summer and let him do whatever he wants?

At this time, the sweet and moving voice of the gentle female sounded: "husband, you are back!"

Qiao feng"er looks up and sees Qiao Xiaoqiao walking down the stairs slowly. What makes her strange is that Qiao Xiaoqiao is obviously dressed deliberately today. He is usually a plain Joe. Today, he has made up a simple make-up and wears jewelry.

A beautiful woman with a natural beauty, after a little modification, often becomes more charming. Now Qiao Xiaoqiao is like this. A red evening dress perfectly outlines her graceful figure though not tall. A beautiful diamond necklace makes her charming deep ditch more attractive and bright face, Her eyes are full of emotion, which makes her more unique.

There is no doubt that Qiao Xiaoqiao has always been a gorgeous beauty, but before that, she was dressed like a girl next door most of the time. Although she was beautiful, she didn"t deliberately exude temptation. But now, she is obviously different. She has a bit more mature taste than before, and obviously makes people feel more temptation, even a kind of feeling. She is beating her body To dress up is to deliberately show her most beautiful and attractive side.

"Not normal. It"s really not normal today." Qiao Fenger feels that something is wrong. Even if she went to the party, she would not dress like this. Why did she suddenly dress like a woman?

"Wife, I"ll take you somewhere." Summer is also a bright moment, and then he got up to pick up Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Well." Qiao Xiaoqiao answered softly, and then looked at Qiao Fenger. "You don"t need to come. I"ll go out with my husband."

In summer, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Qiao Xiaoqiao left home quickly. After they left, Qiao Fenger suddenly looked shocked and pale, and shouted, "Yuer, it"s not good!"

Hearing Qiao feng"er"s shouting, Qiao huang"er just came down from the upstairs, at the same time a little strange asked: "what"s the matter?"

"That Coyote took Miss Joe out in the summer!" Qiao Fenger looks worried.

"Is there anything strange about it?" Qiao huang"er asked a little puzzled.

"Didn"t you find Miss Joe out of order today? She"s dressed up specially! " Qiao Fenger asked in a hurry.

Qiao huang"er looked at Qiao feng"er even more confused: "of course I know. I helped Miss Qiao dress up, but what"s the big deal?"

"Hey, yur, are you really stupid or not?" Qiao feng"er is speechless. "You didn"t find out. Did the wolf take Miss Qiao to open a room?"

Qiao huang"er is speechless: "Hey, I say feng"er, even if you have two legs with summer, it"s normal for you to open a room with Miss Qiao in summer, isn"t it? Why do you care so much? "

"Yur, do you want to fight? When did I have two legs with that hooligan? " Qiao feng"er was immediately annoyed. "I just don"t think that rascal should go to harm Miss Qiao!"

"Feng"er, Miss Qiao has no opinion of her own. Don"t be so critical!" Qiao huang"er was speechless and murmured to herself that Miss Qiao was destined to be harmed in summer. Even if it wasn"t tonight, it would be one night later. Don"t mention Miss Qiao. Qiao feng"er must be harmed. Maybe this morning, Qiao feng"er has already been harmed.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yuer was a little depressed, because she finally remembered that she was also taken advantage of by the summer guy in the morning.


Roman restaurant.

In the summer, Qiao Xiaoqiao came to this place again, and this time, the two chefs in Rome also came to serve them personally.

"Wife, what do you think of the chef here?" In summer, I don"t eat much tonight. Although Qiao Xiaoqiao has a lot more food than before, in fact, her food is still at the level of ordinary people, which is not at the same level as summer.

"It"s very good. Whether it"s Chinese or Western food, the taste of every dish is pure. I"ve heard about it before. It seems that there"s no false rumors about it. They are at least the best chefs in Jianghai." Joe is really satisfied with the chef here.

Summer giggle a smile: "wife, since you also think so, then I am at ease."

"Husband, it"s not the first time you eat here, is it?" Asked Joe in a low voice.

"This is the second time. After I had a meal here last time, I decided to let them go to Shenxian island to cook for us later." Summer nodded, "I was a little uneasy at first. I"m afraid that the food they cooked won"t meet your appet.i.te. Now that you feel good about it, it"s up to you to let them move to the island after three months" construction."

"Well, no problem. I"ll arrange it." Qiao Xiaoqiao nods. There is a real need for a cook on the island. Although Qiao Fenger can cook, she can"t let Qiao Fenger cook all the time. More importantly, there are many people on the island who let Qiao Fenger cook alone. Then Qiao Fenger may have to cook all day.

What"s more, Qiao can see that the husband and feng"er are so ambiguous. If there is no accident, they will get together in the future. At that time, it"s even worse to ask feng"er to cook. Therefore, special chefs are still needed on the island. In fact, not only chefs, but also many servants are needed.

When they heard the conversation, the two chefs in the Roman restaurant were helpless. Now they understand that, in the second half of their lives, they are going to cook for the summer.

The only thing to be thankful for is that being a chef in summer doesn"t disgrace their ident.i.ty. Even in some people"s eyes, it"s still their honor.

The dinner was not too long. The two had left the restaurant before seven o"clock.

"Husband, are we going home now or..." Qiao Xiaoqiao looks at summer and asks for his advice. She just goes to the hotel for the last time, but she doesn"t say it.

Ten hours ago, summer told her that tonight was their wedding night, and she was already waiting for this moment. For this moment, she had been prepared. After all, she had known summer for more than three years. Besides sister Yue, she was also the first woman to know summer. It is no exaggeration to say that other women in summer should rank I"m afraid it"s not so easy to arrange, but she can"t compete with her. She is the first wife worthy of her name.

Yes, it"s the youngest wife. She never wanted to fight with sister Yue. Long ago, sister Yue described a future world to her. It belongs to her, summer, sister Yue, and other girls. For a long time in the future, they will have to see some relatives leave. They will have to bear some ordinary people This is the price of long life. In order to get through this kind of pain, they need to rely on each other. That"s why Yuejie doesn"t mind finding more women in summer, and she doesn"t mind either. She will not regard other women as emotional enemies, but as sisters who depend on each other in the future.

"Wife, of course we are going home." Summer solemnly said: "tonight is our cave flower muddy night, how can we go to other places?"

"Well, let"s go back then." Qiao Xiaoqiao nods gently. She doesn"t want to spend such a memorable evening in the hotel.

"Come on, wife, let me show you the feeling of flying in the air." In summer, he hugged Qiao Xiaoqiao"s slim waist. As soon as his voice fell, he had already jumped into the air and walked in the air.

"Husband, in fact, sister Yue took me to fly by before." Qiao Xiaoqiao said softly, in fact, it was after that time that she fully believed that yueqingya was a real fairy, a fairy who could fly in the sky.

"By the way, my wife, do you seldom practice the mental cultivation method I taught you?" Summer suddenly think of a thing, then asked a, because he found that Qiao Xiaoqiao"s skill, compared with other wives, the gap is too much.

"Yes." Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded a little bit, which was not very interesting. "Honey, I don"t know what"s wrong. I don"t like practising. I"m not interested in practising martial arts at all."

"Well, it seems that I have to find another way to increase your skill." Summer began to seriously think about this problem, "you can not learn martial arts, but if you can"t increase your skills, you can"t live forever. Although my eight needles against the sky can help you, you also need some foundation."

"Husband, I will spend time to practice later." Qiao said in a hurry.

"No, my wife, since you don"t like it, don"t practice. I can use my medical skills and medicine to increase your internal skill. You just need to practice occasionally." Summer soon came up with a solution. Before the achievement of golden elixir, the effect of drugs on the growth of skill is good. Especially with his medical cooperation, the effect will be better.

"Well, I"ll listen to you." Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded gently and looked at the bottom. She could not help sighing, "this is the real overlooking of the city. Unfortunately, it"s not dark yet, and the night scene is not beautiful enough."

"It doesn"t matter. I can see it later." Summer comforted Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Well..." Qiao Xiaoqiao nods, but suddenly he says, "honey, where are we going? We seem to have just pa.s.sed Qiao"s house! "

"Wife, of course, go home!" Summer giggle, suddenly speed up the flight, a moment later, he will hold Qiao Xiaoqiao floating on the ground.

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