Chapter 1305

"Ah, it seems that we should coax the dead woman to be a wife earlier, otherwise I will never have a wife. Isn"t that a ascetic monk?" Summer whispered in my heart, and then began to plan how to coax yeyumei.

After thinking for a long time, I still didn"t think of any good way in summer. The biggest problem is that he said ten words and yeyumei didn"t necessarily return one, which really hit his enthusiasm.

"I really want to throw the dead woman down on the road and have a fight!" When summer even said a dozen words, did not get any response from yeyumei, summer can not help mumbling to himself.

At the moment, summer is walking on the national road to Yuenan city. This national road, in fact, is the 106th national road that he went down for the first time in summer. However, now he is heading in the opposite direction, that is to say, he is more and more far away from Jianghai City.

Out of Muyang County, there are fewer and fewer vehicles and pedestrians on the road. In summer, yeyumei is far behind along the national road. Maybe it"s too noisy in summer. Now, yeyumei"s distance from summer is not only 100 meters, but at least 200 meters. Of course, in terms of their ability, 200 meters is not enough Distance, as long as they want, can make it zero in less than a second.

Although it"s depressing in summer, in fact, yeyumei"s mood is much better than that of this time yesterday afternoon. On the one hand, now she has realized that summer is intended to provoke her. If she doesn"t pay attention to it, she won"t get angry easily. On the other hand, maybe she"s not used to walking too slowly in summer Walking speed, in fact, is faster than yesterday afternoon.

Two hours away from Muyang County, they are about 10 kilometers away from Muyang county. Compared with ordinary people, the speed is very fast. If they keep going at this speed in summer, let alone two or three months, I"m afraid they can reach Yuenan city in two or three days.

"A little tired. Take a rest." After walking for a while, summer finally realized that he was walking too fast. A person who has been walking very fast for a long time is not used to walking very slowly, so it is possible to speed up the speed unconsciously. This is the case now in summer.

There is a newly built waiting booth on the roadside in front of her. There is a bench to sit in. In summer, she runs to sit down. Yeyumei doesn"t say anything this time. She follows her into the waiting booth, but she doesn"t sit there. She doesn"t meditate as she did yesterday. She just stands in the booth quietly.

This kind of roadside waiting booth is the waiting booth for buses. There are not many people taking buses. At this moment, there is no one else in the waiting booth except for them. So in the boring summer, they start to talk to yeyumei again.

"Ah, big steamed bread, can you tell me what your old lover looks like? Or you don"t want to go back. I"ll find someone here to help him look like your old lover. " Summer also mentioned the old lover of yeyumei. Unfortunately, yeyumei still ignored him.

Although it"s boring to talk to yourself, if you don"t talk, I"m afraid it"s even more boring, so I keep talking there in summer: "in fact, your old lover is certainly not as handsome as me, and certainly can"t compare with me. I"d better make do with it. When your old lover is good, for the sake of fairy sister, I don"t mind being a subst.i.tute, so you don"t have to look for anything back It"s the way. "

After a pause, the summer said, "by the way, the immortal sister said, your former sect is Sun Moon immortal sect, and what kind of double cultivation sect is it? Is your old lover your double cultivation object?"

Then, summer shook his head again: "no, you haven"t had a man, obviously you haven"t had a double repair. Who is your old lover? It"s not normal for a man you like! "

Ye Yumei"s lips moved, but she could not speak after all.

But the summer was a little excited. The dead woman couldn"t help it at last. He had to keep up his efforts and stop talking about her!

"I said big steamed bread. In fact, although you are similar to ice cubes, you have a good face and a good figure. In particular, your big steamed bread is really different. No one in your place really likes you?" Summer also said: "although I think it"s hard for people to like you, maybe there will be one or two men with poor taste who will fall in love with you accidentally!"

"Do you think that would humiliate me?" At last, yeyumei could not help but open her mouth. She looked at summer coldly, with a sarcastic tone in her voice. "In Xianyun land, people who like me are not less than those who like the elegant moon!"

"Well, it seems that there are so many people with poor taste in your place!" Summer said with emotion that he had heard about the name of Xianyun land, and that his sister had already told him a lot about it.

"No matter how bad their taste is, they will not be less elegant than the moon!" Said Ye Yumei coldly.

"Well, I"ll beat you if you speak ill of sister immortal!" Summer is very dissatisfied staring at the night jade Mei, "fairy sister"s taste is the best, because I am the best man."

"To be a man, you should have self-knowledge!" The tone of yeyumei"s indifference was also full of sarcasm and disdain. "It"s better to find a disciple of Xianmen in Xianyun land than you. Don"t think you are the first in your mortal world. In Xianyun land, there are thousands of people who are better than you. There, you are no different from ants!"

"You"re not even as good as me, so where are you?" Summer discontented stare night jade Mei.

"If I don"t get hurt when I"m crossing the s.p.a.ce, even now, I"m going to crush you as much as an ant!" In the tone of yeyumei"s voice, there was a murderous air. She really wanted to die in summer.

"No one can boast, no tax." Summer said lazily, he didn"t believe the dead woman"s words.

"My accomplishments in those years are comparable to those of yueqingya. Yueqingya has been cured by you. That is to say, my accomplishments in those years are similar to her accomplishments now. Ask yourself, are you yueqingya"s opponent?" Yeyumei"s eyes look at summer coldly, which contains a disdainful taste. "Your cultivation now is just like the golden age. Besides one skill, you hardly know any magic sword skill. As for the elegant moon, twenty years ago, she was only one step away from breaking the pill into a baby. The magic sword skill of the ethereal immortal gate is even more exquisite. If she wants to kill you now, she will die an ant No difference! "

Summer is a disapproval of the appearance: "you say so many are nonsense, fairy sister will not kill me, she hurt me too late!"

Yeyumei"s lips moved, but this time she couldn"t speak. Maybe she didn"t know how to refute. After all, she already knew that yueqingya could not kill summertime, let alone kill him. It"s impossible to beat him.

In summer, there was a gentle look on her face, and she said to herself, "it"s still the best for fairy sister. I miss her again. If only fairy sister came with me."

"If you really like her, you should let her leave with me and let her go back to the fairy gate. She should be the fairy on the top of the fairy gate. She should be proud of the fairy gate and look down on the whole fairy cloud continent, instead of spending her life in this place with you!" It"s hard to hide her anger in the cold voice of yeyumei, but she can"t hide her concern for the moon.

But in summer, he glared at yeyumei: "of course, I like sister Shenxian. The master said that whoever I like will be my wife. If I like sister Shenxian, I will let her be my wife all the time. How can I let her go? You have a brain problem! "

"You don"t deserve last month"s elegance!" Yeyumei almost roared.

"Fairy sister said, I can match any woman." Summer is full of confidence.

Stretching, summer said: "Hey, I said you don"t want to go back to what, can you find a way to go back to it is hard to say, do you think you want to cross can cross it?"? If it"s so easy to cross, everyone has gone. "

Yeyumei didn"t speak any more. She didn"t know what she was thinking.

In summer, staring at yeyumei, he murmured to himself. Somehow, he had a feeling that the dead woman seemed to want to calculate him.

"Ah, big steamed bread, keep going!" Summer did not want to understand how yeyumei wanted to calculate him, and decided not to think about it for the time being. Anyway, he was not afraid of this woman"s mischief. She wanted to calculate him, and he wanted to calculate her!

He walked out of the bus shelter and went on in summer, but he slowed down. He had realized that he had gone too fast before.

Yeyumei is still following 200 meters in summer, but when she finds that the speed actually slows down in summer, she has the impulse to crush the little b.a.s.t.a.r.d again.

At this time, a white Audi drove past by yeyumei, and then suddenly an emergency brake, Audi quickly backed up and stopped beside yeyumei.

"Beauty, do you want a ride?" As the window rolled down, a young face came out, and at the same time, a hand came out. I don"t know if it was intentional. The gold ring on his hand was particularly striking in the sunlight.

It"s just that yeyumei is obviously not interested in the car and the people. She didn"t even turn her head, and didn"t look this way. She continued to walk slowly.

"Beauty, where to go? I can give you a free ride! " The guy who drives Audi is not dead hearted. He drives slowly with yeyumei and continues to send out invitations.

Summer turned around to take a look and murmured to himself that the beauty is really different. At the beginning, he took the initiative to stop Audi on the side of the road when he went down the mountain, but now it"s Audi who took the initiative to find yeyumei.

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