Chapter 1313

"You don"t have to worry if I can"t find anything." Yeyumei looked at summer coldly, but her tone was colder than her eyes. "You have brought me here. You can go now. It doesn"t matter to me whether you go back to work with yueqingya or go to find those people who come from the fairy gate."

"Ah, big steamed bread, how do you know that the people of the ethereal immortal sect are coming?" Asked the summer.

"Of course I know." The tone of night jade Mei is still cold, "I am familiar with the fairy gate, far more than you!"

"That"s, are you the enemy of the ill.u.s.trious immortal sect? However, I say big steamed bread, even if it"s really the people from the ill.u.s.trious immortal sect coming here, you don"t need to be so happy?" Summer lazily asked: "do you think they will not kill you when they see you? Even if we don"t kill you, we will catch you. "

"What they are looking for is yueqingya. You should worry about your problems." Yeyumei didn"t even look at summer.

"Big bread, originally, I don"t want to worry about you, but now I"m a little worried. In case those people are really the people of the immortal sect, in case they meet you, that"s trouble?" Looking at yeyumei in summer, "don"t think I don"t know what you"re up to. If you meet them, you"ll certainly betray the fairy sister. Then they can find the fairy sister."

"I will not betray her." Night jade Mei looked at summer one more time, on cool pretty face, have a kind of ridicule, "I can only save her."

In summer, she stared at yeyumei for a long time, then said, "big steamed bread, I should have killed you."

"If you want to kill me, you"ll have no chance!" Yeyu Mei said coldly, obviously she was not afraid of the threat of summer at all.

"But I"m going to kill you. Sister Shenxian must be unhappy." Summer is still staring at yeyumei, and the expression on her face is very serious. "So, before I kill those people, whether they come from the immortal gate or not, you must follow me."

"You are not ent.i.tled to command me!" With a trace of anger in her voice, yeyumei has never been able to arrange her life!

Summer suddenly started, he rushed to yeyumei, his right hand quickly to her chest.

Yeyumei"s face changed a little, she retreated quickly, and the black ribbon almost shot out at the same time, and rolled up towards summer.

In summer, she still aims at the huge steamed bread of yeyumei, which makes yeyumei ashamed and angry. This d.a.m.ned little b.a.s.t.a.r.d uses such a dirty trick!

The crystal jade palm faces the hand of summer. Yeyumei finds that her body method can"t match that of summer at all. This little b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s speed is beyond her imagination. Not only how can she Dodge, but his shameless salty pig hand is always approaching her part. Since she can"t dodge, she can only block him.

But at this time, the summer"s right hand suddenly changes strangely, and quickly pinches the crystal white wrist of yeyumei. Yeyumei suddenly feels something wrong, but it"s too late to hide.

Dozens of black ribbons have rolled up the summer, but at the same time, the white wrist of yeyumei also falls into the control of summer. A cold and hot alternate Qi rushes into yeyumei"s body with irresistible momentum!

All of a sudden, yeyumei found that she had no strength and her whole body Qi was suppressed by a special prohibition. She could not let out a little genuine Qi any more. But her dozens of black ribbons, without the control of genuine Qi, fell naturally and could not cause any harm to summer at all.

"Big bun, I said you must follow me. Since you don"t obey me, I can only use coercion." Summer back hand, said leisurely.

"What did you do to me?" Said Ye Yumei, biting her teeth.

"It"s nothing. Just like you blocked my ability at the beginning, I also blocked your ability now." Summer said lazily: "if you still want to go now, just go, but a beautiful woman like you, after losing her skill, what will happen when she walks on the street? You must know better than me. By then, you may be desecrated by countless people you despise."

"Shameless!" Night jade Mei is biting a tooth to scold a way.

"For the sake of fairy sister, I can be shameless. Actually, I"m also for you. Fairy sister asked me to take care of you. Since I want to take care of you, of course I have to let you follow me. If you go, how can I take care of you? So, although I used a little coercion, the immortal sister would definitely agree with me to do so. " In summer, he didn"t take it seriously. Obviously, he didn"t think it was wrong. Even if the fairy sister was here, he would probably agree with him.

Yeyumei looked at summer coldly. She was eager to kill him with her eyes. However, she didn"t say anything more, because she knew that no matter what she said, she couldn"t change the facts, and she knew better. In her current situation, it was safer to stay with this little b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Otherwise, now she has no power to bind her hand. I"m afraid that she will come to an end It"s going to be tragic.

"Honey, I have a phone call..." The phone rings again in summer, "it"s a stranger"s phone. You can either leave it alone or wait. The goblin is checking the location of the call Now count down, ten, nine, eight... "

The little goblin"s mobile phone ring really made summer quite speechless. He didn"t answer the phone immediately and continued to listen to the countdown of the mobile phone: " 3、 Two, one The phone has been locked. The location of the call is No. 133, North Yuenan Avenue, North District of Yuenan city. The number belongs to Tian Bofeng. We are searching for Tian Bofeng"s information... "

Hear here, summer no longer hesitates, answered the phone directly: "h.e.l.lo, what"s up?"

"Team leader Xia, I"m Tian Bofeng from the serious case team. I"m now..." Tian Bofeng just reported his ident.i.ty, but in summer he interrupted impatiently: "I know. Tell me something!"

"OK, group leader Xia, we have another murder here. The address is North District of Yuenan city..." Tian Bofeng said quickly, but he did not finish, let the summer interrupted: "I will come right away!"

In the summer, he hung up the phone directly, and then shot a dozen black ribbons at yeyumei, so that the black ribbons were wrapped around her as usual. At last, he reached for yeyumei"s slender waist and started to be extremely soft, which made her feel a little shaken in the summer. The waist of the dead woman was really good!

"Let go of me!" Yeyumei wants to struggle, but her struggle is useless. She can only shout angrily.

Of course, her reprimand is of no use. In summer, she doesn"t care about her at all. She flies directly down the Tiansheng peak and then over the yueluo lake. He is looking for a taxi to go to Yuenan Avenue North Road, when he suddenly finds that the police car sent to them at noon is still parked in the original place, and immediately falls beside the car.

"Team leader Xia, you are back!" Hu Feifei is still waiting here. She is surprised to see her return in summer.

Summer opened the door, first night Yumei to plug in, and then himself on the car, and then said: "to Yuenan Avenue 133!"

Hu Feifei also hurriedly got on the car, and then said to the driving police: "drive fast."

The police car started quickly. This time, it took only about a quarter of an hour to arrive at the crime site in the summer.

However, the location of the incident is a shopping mall still under construction. The location of the incident is at the bottom of the shopping mall, i.e. the parking lot. Of course, there is no car in the parking lot now, because the shopping mall has not been officially opened. The victim is a man under 30 years old. His throat is pierced and his sword is killed!

"Team leader Xia, we didn"t move at the scene. We are waiting for you to check." See summer appear, Tian Bofeng immediately polite said, now he already know, this is called Summer of young people, really have extraordinary ability.

Summer simply looked at the victims, and then a relaxed look: "finally there is good news."

Tian Bofeng is stunned. Someone is dead. Is that good news?

Hu Feifei is also a little confused, she carefully asked: "leader Xia, do you know the ident.i.ty of the murderer?"

"No." Summer shook his head. "I just know that they are still in Yuenan, which is good news for me."

This is really good news for summer, because if the other party is really from the fairy gate, he can solve them in Yuenan city.

Tian Bofeng and Hu Feifei are both speechless. Is that good news? To them, they wish the murderer was not here.

"Team leader Xia, what should we do now?" Hesitated for a moment, Tian Bofeng asked.

"You can continue to find the murderer. Since they kill here, they must have appeared near here. You can ask people or watch videos. Their clothes must be strange and easy to find." Summer thinks for a while and says that if the other party comes from the ethereal immortal gate, the dress will definitely be different from the world. Of course, if they are the immortals who already exist in the world, it may also be ordinary dress. But if it is true, there is no need to worry about summer. The immortals in the world can"t pose a threat to him.

After thinking about it, summer said, "you can go on looking. I"m going to find a place to sleep and have something to eat."

An unknown battle is likely to come in the near future. He needs to keep his energy up first, or he will find that he is hungry when fighting. That"s not a good thing.

"Team leader Xia, I have reserved a hotel for you. There is a restaurant in the hotel, or I"ll take you there?" Huffey quickly added.

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