Chapter 132

Isabella was stunned for a long time. Finally, she sat up from the bed, began to wear clothes, and observed the movement of summer with the remaining light in the corner of her eyes. Once again, she was surprised that summer closed her eyes and began to sleep!

When Isabella is fully dressed, she finds that the summer in her bed has breathed slowly and deeply, which makes Isabella feel strange. Isn"t he afraid of her killing him? Can"t he naively think that with her body, she will die for him?

Yes, he was her first man, but she was also a killer, occasionally using beauty as a tool. Of course, in the several since her debut, there was no that paid such a price as tonight. Some men just need her charming smile, they will be fascinated. Then, they will die under her hands. If it is not for the employer"s information to remind Xia Tian is good at fighting. She has seen him in the bar with her own eyes. She won"t charm him so hard.

All of a sudden, Isabella felt her heart beat faster. She suddenly became a little nervous and contradictory. She was hesitating. Would you like to take advantage of this rare opportunity to kill him? As long as you kill him, the task will be completed, and the reward of one million dollars will be paid.

Isabella bent down gently, took out a thin knife from the sole of her shoes. Her eyes changed a lot. After a few seconds, she finally put it back in again. She found that she was still a little difficult to start. Yes, she could not die for losing her body to him, but she still had a special feeling for him.

This mission is only one million dollars. Failure will not be punished by the organization. For the sake that he is the first man of his own, he will not earn one million dollars.

Isabella finally gave up the idea of continuing the, looked at the sleeping man in the bed with complicated eyes, and then quickly walked to the door, opened the door and left.

The moment the door was closed, summer suddenly opened his eyes, looks like a little disappointed.

"Sister Isabella is in such a good figure that she is reluctant to let go." Summer mutters, "but it doesn"t matter, she will come back."

Turn over and go to sleep in summer.


Early to bed and early to rise, late to bed and late to rise. In summer, he went to bed late last night and got up very late today. He was not woken up by a phone until nearly nine o"clock.

Take a look at the mobile phone, the phone is actually cold to call him, which makes him very happy, but also suddenly wake up, hurriedly answered the phone: "sister Jinghua, do you miss me?"

Surprisingly, the cold voice over the phone didn"t get angry, just asked in a strange tone, "are you ok?"

"It"s OK." Summer a little wonder, "sister Jinghua, what"s the matter with you? You sound unhappy! "

"Where are you? I"ll find you." Asked coldly.

There was a feeling of being knocked down by happiness for a while in summer. It"s wrong to say that there is no equal to happiness. Last night, I just turned Isabella into a real wife. Today, sister Jinghua delivered her to my door.

"Sister Jinghua, I"m in room 1401 of Yihai hotel. I"ll wait for you!" Summer excitedly said.

"Well, I"ll be right there." I hung up cold.

In summer, he jumped out of bed and wanted to wear clothes to welcome the arrival of sister Jinghua, but he immediately remembered that Isabella tore his clothes violently last night, and even the innermost one suffered a lot of misfortune. There is no doubt that he has no clothes to wear now.

So, in summer, I picked up my mobile phone and dialed a phone for lengbingbing: "sister Jinghua, can you buy me a suit of clothes by the way?"

"Well, what do you want?" It"s a cool promise.

"I don"t have any requirements. Just wear them. Er, sister Jinghua, remember to buy underwear too!" Summer said quickly.

Cold did not answer, directly hung up the phone.

Can"t help worrying a little in summer, does sister Jinghua not want to buy underwear for him? But it doesn"t matter if you think about it. It"s ok if you don"t wear underwear.

In summer, I decided to welcome sister Jinghua in the best condition. I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. At last, I took a bath and waited for the cold door.

The soft knock on the door suddenly rings. In summer, it"s natural to run to open the door.

"Don"t move!"

"Hands up!"

"Lean against the wall!"

At the same time, a group of armed police rushed in and several guns were pointed at summer.

Summer suddenly depressed, how not sister Jinghua? Most of these policemen are strangers, but he knows the plain clothes policeman who is the leader. It was yesterday that he interrogated Ge Lei.

"Let you raise your hand, do you hear?" A policeman shouted, but the policeman has also dealt with summer, Mao Biao.

"What if I don"t lift it?" Summer is not good, he was looking forward to the date with sister Jinghua, who knew that sister Jinghua didn"t wait, but waited for a group of male police, full of good mood, and ran out in an instant.

"Summer, you want to resist arrest, don"t you? Believe it or not, I shot you? " Mao Biao doesn"t have a good impression on summer. Seeing him like this, he is more dissatisfied.

"I don"t believe it. You can try." Summer turned a white eye, although a few guns pointed at him, but this does not mean that he can not escape, but he did not want to escape.

"Mao Biao, what do you do?" Ge Lei is a heavy drink, "well, put down the gun."

At GE Lei"s command, all the policemen put down their guns. Mao Biao, though reluctant, had to put down his guns. He was very clear that even the criminal police could not shoot at will. In more cases, drawing a gun is just a deterrent.

"In the summer, did Isabella come to see you last night?" Ge Lei turned to summer and asked in a very casual way.

"No." The answer is not summer, but the voice from the door. A cool and gorgeous policewoman is standing there. It is the famous cold beauty in Jianghai police field, cold and ice.

The appearance of Leng Bingbing stunned the police on the scene, but it was a joy in summer. He thought that his sister Jinghua lied to him, just to get his address, and then let these police come to catch him. Now, it seems that this is not the case, it is just a coincidence.

"Captain Leng, how do you know Isabella didn"t look for summer last night?" Ge Lei asked with a slight frown.

"Because I was with him last night." Cold answer, immediately let the police on the scene look at summer with envious eyes, this kid has already got cold beauty?

In summer, I was dreaming. Did sister Jinghua dream of him last night? How else would you say you were with him?

Ge Lei is the old criminal police, immediately said his doubts: "Captain Leng, you said last night with the summer, then why do you come in from outside?"

"I went to buy him clothes." Leng Bingbing picked up the bag on the handle. "Chief Ge, do you have any questions?"

The room is not big. In fact, the situation in the room is clear at a glance. We have seen the torn clothes and trousers on the bed. We can see that in summer, they are just wrapped in bath towels. Then we can see the clothes on lengbing"s hands. These people look at lengbing with strange eyes. I dare to love this cold beauty. She is so crazy in bed!

"Excuse me, Captain Leng." Although Ge Lei was still a little suspicious, he had nothing to say, so he had to wave his hand: "let"s stop the team!"

Ge Lei with a group of police left quickly, and Leng Bingbing also immediately entered the house, shut the door, conveniently threw the clothes to the summer: "still don"t put on the clothes?"

Summer took over clothes, regardless of the cold ice in front of the eyes, pull off the towel, naked in the cold line of sight.

"Hooligan!" Cold ice quickly turned around, low scolded a sentence.

"Eh, sister Jinghua, you really bought me underpants!" Summer began to wear clothes, but the mouth did not stop, "the clothes fit well, the pants are also very suitable, sister Jinghua, you are really suitable to be my wife, or promise me now, how about being my wife?"

"Are you finished?" Leng Bingbing finally gets angry. "I just hid it for you. I don"t want you to have an accident. Do you know that we are four. Now you are all right!"

In the summer, I was a bit confused and looked at the cold ice: "sister Jinghua, what do you mean by that? What, we are four, aren"t we just two? "

"I just got a long holiday from the police station, and I can"t intervene in any cases for the time being. Yunqing was caught in the police station today, suspected of tax evasion, and Ma Ting is missing. If I didn"t come here, you might have been taken to the police station!" Cold and icy roared toward the summer, "we four check Ji Nan together, all have an accident, do you understand?"

Leng Bingbing is very angry. Of course, this anger is not aimed at summer, but at the man who has always made her hate. She never thought that she was cheated by that man!

This morning, before she went to the police station, she received a phone call from the Director General Huang Haitao himself. Huang Haitao told her by phone that she felt very hard in the Bureau recently, so she was given a long month"s holiday, and she didn"t have to go to work today.

Then, she received a call from Li Ping, and Yunqing was arrested. The reason was that she was suspected of tax evasion. Tax evasion is not a serious crime. For a lawyer, any criminal act will lead to the revocation of his lawyer"s license. As long as the charges are implemented, Yunqing"s lawyer career will be ended.

This is not the end. When she realized something was wrong, she immediately called ma ting. However, the phone was already blocked. After her investigation, she learned that Ma Ting had disappeared since she left the police station yesterday, and she didn"t know where to go!

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