Chapter 1341

"All right." Summer still promised to come down, although for him, he didn"t care much whether he was found by ordinary people or the life and death of the hostages inside, but since Mu Han said so, he would try to do what she said.

"Husband, I know those immortals are not easy to deal with, so anyway, your safety comes first." However, Mu Han said that although he didn"t make it clear, she also understood her meaning in summer. That is to say, although Mu Han asked him to save the hostages as much as possible, he couldn"t threaten his own safety. To be clear, when the time came, the lives of the hostages could not be controlled.

"Wife, I know how to do it." Summer quickly said: "not to say, I want to stare at that Huang Jingyi as soon as possible, can"t let her run."

"Well, goodbye, honey." Mu Han hangs up first.


the tallest building near yueluo lake is Dingxiang building. The owner of Dingxiang building is one of the most famous enterprises in Yuenan city. Dingxiang group has a wide range of businesses, including medicine, medical equipment, fitness equipment and real estate. Dingxiang group has been involved in various industries.

It is said that the earliest business of Dingxiang group is Chinese herbal medicine. Of course, the reason why the group took this name is not that Dingxiang is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, but that the founder of the group, surnamed Ding, has a single name of Xiang.

There are many people in the world who are not worthy of the name. Clove is one of them. Anyone who hears this name for the first time will mistake it for a woman, or even imagine it as a beautiful woman. In fact, this name is not only a man, but also an old man, who is almost 70 years old.

This old man named Dingxiang is said to be the richest man in Yuenan city. However, few people know how much money he has. It"s said that he doesn"t even know his son. Some people also say that he may not know how much money he has.

"No wonder we should pay attention to the safety of the hostages. It turns out that the hostages are rich old men!" Summer is talking to himself at the moment. He is standing on the top of the clove building, overlooking a villa in the distance. The villa is located by yueluo lake, about two kilometers away from the building in the air. But with his ability, he can see all the movements around the villa. So he chose this place to monitor the movement of the villa.

That villa is the residence of lilac. According to the information of Guoan, the old lilac man, who is nearly 70 years old, has basically stopped managing the group business. Except for going out for a walk along the yueluo Lake in the morning and evening, he usually stays in the villa at other times and rarely goes out.

In addition to old Ding, it is said that there is a young and beautiful nanny in the villa. In fact, it is said that he is the little lover of old Ding. Usually, there are only two people in old Ding"s villa. There are no bodyguard drivers and other people. But now, there is a third person in the villa, and the third person is Huang Jingyi.

Guo"an found Huang Jingyi, but it wasn"t through surveillance videos and satellite images. Guo"an"s technicians found Huang Jingyi"s trace from a large number of videos, and then found the video that she had recently appeared outside, inferring that she might enter the villa. Finally, the satellite image captured a picture of Huang Jingyi on the top of the villa The photos finally let them determine the whereabouts of Huang Jingyi.

And this also makes sure that in summer, Huang Jingyi and Baiyunshan didn"t live together obviously. It seems that they were acting separately. As for whether they were connected, he didn"t know. If he didn"t know about them before Baiyunshan met them, Huang Jingyi and Baiyunshan should not be connected. But in summer, he thought that maybe it was Huang Jing Yi deliberately doesn"t tell Baiyun Mountain about this, because, according to Ye Yumei, Huang Jingyi doesn"t really want to let yueqingya return to the ethereal immortal gate.

Although yeyumei doesn"t have any evidence, she still believes in her judgment in summer. After all, the dead woman should know about the fairy gate very well. In fact, he doesn"t know about the fairy gate at all. Although sister fairy said something about it, she said little about it.

"Long legged sister, you stare. I haven"t been awake yet. I"ll go on sleeping." After staring for a while in summer, I didn"t find any movement in the villa, so I began to feel sleepy again.

"Why do you have to wait until evening?" Ye Yumei is a little dissatisfied. She hopes to solve Huang Jingyi now. In her opinion, now is the best chance.

"It"s a murderous night, and it"s suitable for killing at night." In the summer, I yawned and lay on the concrete slab on the roof. Obviously, I was ready to sleep here.

"Whenever you want to kill someone." Said Ye Yumei coldly.

"It"s easier to save the hostages at night." My eyes are closed in summer.

"You care about the hostage"s life and death?" The tone of night jade is full of ridicule.

"I care about my wife." My wife is kind-hearted

Ye Yumei didn"t say anything more, because she had found out that the little b.a.s.t.a.r.d had already fallen asleep after saying this.

************Yuenan police station, a dispute is causing many people to watch.

The dispute is about a man and a woman, who are very young, in their twenties, with ordinary looks. The men are not handsome, and the women are only with correct facial features.

The ident.i.ty of these two people, most of them here are also well-informed. The female is the policewoman in the police station. As for the male, she is Shen Yun"s relative, Shen Yun"s brother and Shen Feng, the victim of the hotel explosion the other day.

Shen Feng accompanied his parents here yesterday. His sister"s encounter made him very angry, but he was quite helpless. After yesterday"s body confession, he saw his sister"s body which was bombed so badly that Shen"s mother fainted on the spot, and Shen"s father was full of tears. Today, after settling his parents, Shen Feng came to the police station again. He wanted to know if there was any progress in the case.

Then, Shen Feng met the policewoman.

"Officer, have you made any progress in Shen Yun"s case?" Shen Feng was polite at first, because he expected the police to get justice for his sister.

"How do I know?" The policewoman was impatient.

"Officer, who should I ask?" Shen Feng tried to bear his anger and asked politely.

"I don"t know!" The policewoman is still impatient.

Shen Feng was in a bad mood. His younger sister died in an indistinct way. His parents almost fell ill. Now the police still have this att.i.tude. He finally can"t bear it: "what"s your att.i.tude? How did you become a policeman? "

"That"s my att.i.tude. What"s wrong?" But the policewoman was more fierce. "Don"t you have a backstage? Go to your backstage. Let him help you find the murderer. Don"t come to our police! "

"Is it not your duty to investigate the case? What else do you police do? " Shen Feng is also angry. What"s his backstage? If he really has backstage, will he come here again and again?

"In a word, don"t ask me. He"s very good in summer." The policewoman is obviously very angry with summer. As for her complaint, almost everyone in the police station has it. Of course, this policewoman is a little more because Guoan, who was found in summer, caught her boyfriend in.

"Good, good, so that"s the quality of your police!" Shen Fengqi is not light, then he turns around and leaves.

About half an hour later.

A micro blog began to spread on the Internet: "female college students died in different places, local police suspected of shielding criminals!"

As an urban white-collar worker with no power, Shen Feng chose to safeguard his rights on the Internet, which also spread rapidly on the Internet.


birth, old age and death are eternal natural laws. If someone wants to change this law, it is to go against the sky. In the world of ordinary people, no one can go against the sky. Therefore, death is always close to everyone step by step.

In the face of the coming death, some people are very calm, quietly waiting for the arrival of that moment, while some people are using the remaining little time to do what they want to do, such as traveling around the world, some people, in the last time, enjoy themselves.

There is another kind of people who are looking for ways to extend their life span and even long for immortality. These people are usually those who live well, so there is the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. In modern times, some people who have made billions of money but haven"t spent all their money often want to live longer.

Lilac old man, who is nearly 70 years old, is such a man. He has been trying to prolong his life, do sports, eat health care products and seek various life-extending drugs. However, although compared with other old people of the same age, his health is quite good, he is still one year old, and he still hasn"t found a real way to make him immortal, Until now, he met a fairy, and then he saw the light of eternal life.

In this world, there are really immortals, which makes lilac very excited. When he saw the fairy flying in the air and saw the fairy doing something that only the immortals can do, he bowed to the fairy and begged the fairy to give him a chance of immortality and teach him the art of immortality.

Of course, lilac didn"t get the art of longevity, but he got the chance to serve the fairy, which made him very happy, because he thought that if he could serve the fairy well, the fairy would give him a magic pill, maybe he could live for 100 years.

Obviously, no matter in Guoan or in summer, the so-called hostages are not hostages. Of course, the old man lilac can"t imagine that the fairy he thinks is not a real fairy, just a nun from another world. Now, there are two other nuns, staring at his villa, preparing to go dark Turn his fairy into a ghost.

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