Chapter 1380

There are four bedrooms in this box. This person doesn"t walk. He has to lie on the cold floor of the car. Obviously, it"s not because this person has a tendency to be abused, but because he has no choice. Because at the moment, he is totally unconscious and looks like a dead man, and his chest is still bleeding. It"s obvious that someone stabbed him in that place.

"Little villain, this man has soiled our place!" Liu Meng was a little upset because she saw a few drops of blood on the sleeper they had just slept in.

"It doesn"t matter. We just sleep here." Summer comforted Liu Meng.

"But I still want to hit him!" Liu Meng said, staring at the dying guy on the ground.

"Sister Meng, you can just beat him." Summer said disapprovingly.

"But he"s almost dead. I"ll beat him again, won"t he die?" Liu dreamt of saying, "Xiao Qiao said that it"s not good to kill people casually. I think we should ask if he deliberately dirtied us here. If he did, I"ll beat him again."

"Well, I"ll wake him up first." Summer promised to come down, and then took out a silver needle from his pocket, quickly stabbed dozens of needles in the wounded man.

The man opened his eyes, and then he wanted to get up. Just when he owed half of his body, he groaned with pain, frowned, and put his hand on his chest. Obviously, the injury there was not cured.

"h.e.l.lo, how did you get here?" Asked the summer, staring at the man.

"You saved me?" The injured man looked at summer and Liu Meng with some vigilance, then his eyes became confused and surprised, "you are Summer and the dream of the devil? "

Before waiting for summer to speak, the man stood up and bowed to summer: "thank you very much, doctor Xia!"

"You know us?" Summer is a bit of a surprise.

"Doctor Xia, my name is Zou Cheng, a criminal police officer in Xingcheng city. I have heard about your name for many times. As for your confidant, Miss nightmare, her name is unknown. Besides, I"m not afraid of your jokes. I"m also her fan. I have a lot of work pressure. It"s hard to sleep at home at ordinary times. But I can listen to her songs You can sleep safely. " The man who called himself Zou Cheng was very respectful to summer, and his tone was also quite sincere. "Although I only saw your picture, I saw Miss Meng and thought that I had just been stabbed in the heart. Apart from your miraculous doctor, no one let me recover so much so quickly. Therefore, I immediately determined your ident.i.ty."

"Why, can my song still hypnotize?" Liu Meng is also a little surprised, "little villain, why do you always want to sleep less when I sing?"

"Sister Meng, because you sing different songs in front of me." Summer solemnly said, in front of him, she is not singing lullaby, but lullaby.

"Oh, yes." Liu Mengxi smiled and then looked at Zou Cheng. "Ah, although you know us, you"ve soiled my bed. Look, there"s blood there. Tell me whether you came in by yourself or others threw you here. If you come in by yourself, I"ll beat you!"

"Miss Meng, I was chasing a criminal, but I didn"t expect to be attacked by him. Although I tried to resist, I was stabbed by him, and then fell here. I think the blood was splashed when I was fighting with him." Zou Cheng thought about it and said.

"So, it"s the criminal you"re after who has soiled me here. Hey, tell me quickly, where is the criminal? I"ll hit him now. " Liu Meng is very unhappy. She doesn"t like her place being polluted. She is a very clean witch.

"He should still be on the train, but I don"t know exactly where, but I can find him now." Zou Cheng replied.

Speaking of this, I hit him to the waist, and suddenly my face changed: "Oh, no, my gun has also been taken away by him!"

"You"re useless. You can"t beat a criminal with a gun. How can you be a policeman?" Liu mengpai"s lips, she will not save face for Zou Cheng naturally.

Zou Cheng smiled awkwardly and looked very worried. Throwing the gun was a big deal, but it was also taken by a murderous criminal. It was a big deal. It"s no exaggeration to say that everyone on the train is directly or indirectly threatened.

"Little villain, let"s catch the criminal and beat him up!" Liu Meng suggested again.

"Sister Meng, there are many people on the train. I don"t know where the idiot who dirtied our place is." Summer is obviously not very willing to go. Speaking of this, he asked Zou Cheng again, "do you have a picture of that idiot here?"

"Yes, of course!" Zou Cheng hurriedly said that he picked up a briefcase from the ground, took out a briefcase from it, opened the briefcase, turned it over, and then he turned out a picture. "Doctor Xia, his name is tengqiang. This is a very vicious criminal. I have hunted him for several years, but he is very cunning, good at disguise, and good at hiding his whereabouts. Moreover, he has studied for several years Martial arts, in short, is a very difficult person to deal with. "

Summer looked, and then came to the conclusion: "this man looks really like an idiot."

"Little villain, he is actually more handsome than you!" Liu Meng said with a smile that she was never afraid to fight against summer.

Summer suddenly depressed, and then immediately made a decision to kill this guy!

"Hey, can you find this guy right away?" Looking at Zou Cheng in summer.

"Doctor Xia, it may be a little difficult to find him, but I have a way to bring him here. The problem is that he has a gun now, and I"m injured. I"m afraid I can"t catch him." Zou Cheng thought and said.

"You don"t have to catch him. I"ll just kill him." Summer casually said: "you just bring him here."

Zou Cheng hesitated a little, then nodded his head. He recognized summer almost at a glance. Naturally, he heard a lot about summer and knew that summer has a strong strength. So he decided to believe in summer.

"Doctor Xia, I"ll go out and arrange it first." Zou Cheng soon left the box.

In a few minutes.

Zou Cheng went back to his room and lay on the ground again, which was where he was lying before. The train broadcast also rang at this time: "dear pa.s.sengers, dear pa.s.sengers, there is a pa.s.senger in the soft sleeper box who needs first aid. Please go to the rescue room if you know how to use medicine. Thank you..."

This is Zou Cheng"s plan. He thinks Teng Qiang will come quietly to see if he has died completely after hearing the broadcast. In this way, he doesn"t need to go to every car to find one by one. In order to avoid being damaged by other doctors, he will pretend to treat Zou Cheng in summer.

A few minutes later, a few people rushed over, and in the open box door, they saw that they were holding a silver needle in Zou Cheng"s body in summer.

"Nonsense, get out of the way!" A suit man in his fifties had a drink. "When is it? What are you doing with a silver needle? Where can you do this first aid? I"m Fang Hanliang, vice president of Xingcheng people"s hospital. Let me come! "

In summer, he was too lazy to pay attention to this man. He continued to tie the silver needle on Zou Cheng and watched the crowd. So far, he hasn"t seen the guy named tengqiang.

"Nonsense, it"s really nonsense. If this person dies, you are the biggest responsibility. You Chinese doctors only know how to harm people!" Fang Hanliang looked very angry.

"Are you sick? Did TCM kill you Summer dissatisfied, this old man and Chinese medicine have feud? How to attack TCM in every sentence? Although traditional Chinese medicine can also harm people, there is no problem for him to kill several people with medical skills, but when can traditional Chinese medicine only harm people? He saved a lot of people.

"How do you speak? Young people are so rude! "

"That"s the way to learn traditional Chinese medicine. It"s all charlatans!"

"That"s right. What traditional Chinese medicine regimen is deceiving!"

"In those days, my grandfather died of eating traditional Chinese Medicine..."

"What about the police? Let the police get rid of this man. Don"t delay the patient... "

For a while, seven or eight people were talking together. Some attacked traditional Chinese medicine, some attacked summer. Anyway, none of them spoke well.

"A bunch of idiots!" Summer lazy scolded a sentence, still regardless of continue to Zou Cheng needle, but at this time, a middle-aged man wearing a hat crowded into the crowd, this man"s face whiskers, beard is very long, do not know how long did not shave.

"It"s him, the one in the hat!" At this time, Zou Cheng suddenly shouted loudly, and then suddenly sat up from the ground.

"The one in the hat?" Liu Meng looked at the man with the beard, a little puzzled. "It"s not like that, little villain. Is it him?"

"It"s not like that, but it should be him, that idiot disguised." Summer looked, and then said.

"Don"t move!" Seeing Zou Cheng suddenly stand up, and hearing the words of summer and Liu Meng, the bearded man with hat immediately realized that it was a trap, so he immediately had a reaction, quickly pulled out a gun, and then put the gun on the head of Fang Hanliang, the nearest to him, "Whoever moves, I will kill him!"

All of them cried out with fear on their faces, and Fang Hanliang, who was just shouting at summer with high spirits, suddenly turned pale.

"Hee hee, I moved. Kill him quickly. This old man is very annoying!" Liu Meng really went forward a step, a pair of eager to let Fang Hanliang be killed.

"Yes, kill the old man!" Summer is also a completely indifferent look.

The man with a beard, Teng Qiang, was obviously stunned. He didn"t shoot, but turned to look at Zou Cheng: "officer Zou, if you don"t want me to take your gun and kill on it, you"d better let everyone be honest. I"ve killed more than ten people and don"t care about killing more than ten!"

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