Chapter 1382

Summer suddenly depressed, he turned his head and stared at the boss: "Hey, you really treat me as a bully, don"t you? I don"t care if the food in this shabby restaurant is not delicious or expensive. You can"t stop it. Believe it or not, I"ll smash your shabby restaurant? "

"It"s delicious. You"ve eaten it. You don"t want to pay for it, do you? Have the ability to spit out the food! " The restaurateur"s wife is also fierce.

"It"s cheaper for us. The things in the airport are worse and more expensive. This is the railway station, so it"s cheaper." Said the owner of the restaurant.

In summer, I was not in the mood to argue with these people. Anyway, in his opinion, it"s normal to have a breakfast for 100 yuan. But the couple in the restaurant actually made money. He was not happy when he gave 100 yuan to them.

The so-called "people are good at being bullied", in fact, that"s the reason. If you don"t want to give them before summer, pretend you want to fight, and give them another 100 yuan at last, I don"t think the owner of this restaurant will worry about it any more, but the owner"s wife is very happy to give them in summer, she thinks that summer is afraid, and she actually wants those 20 yuan.

Of course, the owner of the restaurant did this not only because she felt bullied in summer, but also because she relied on her. No, she said again: "want to smash our shop? You dare to smash it. I promise you won"t get out of the railway station! "

"Bang Kaka... Crash... Bite... " To answer the landlady"s question, it"s a mess. It"s not summer, but Liu Meng.

The devil dream thinks she"s been bullied, so she"s angry. The devil dream is angry. The consequences are still so serious. No, she just takes a stool and smashes it in the restaurant. First, she smashes several tables, and then she starts to smash the pots, bowls, coal gas stoves and so on in the restaurant. In short, she just picks up things and smashes them. For tens of seconds, Liu dream has already Smashed up the small restaurant.

But at this time, the couple who opened the restaurant didn"t react. The boss picked up a kitchen knife and rushed to Liu Mengchong. Then the boss ran out and shouted, "someone has eaten the overlord"s meal and smashed the shop. Everyone come to help!"

In a few seconds, many shops near the railway station, not only restaurants, but also the public telephone points of the small convenience stores, were running out one after another. Everyone was holding guys, some were kitchen knives, some were spatulas, even badminton rackets.

Such a big move naturally shocked many people. At one time, countless people looked at this side. Some were tourists, some were people who were also doing business in this railway station, some were taxi drivers, and even some policemen on patrol.

However, when the patrolling police saw the situation here, they hurried to the other side. They didn"t see what was going on here at all. As for the pa.s.sengers, they also stood far away to watch the bustle, but the local businessmen, including some taxi drivers, were closer.

A lot of people are talking about it at the moment.

"Another fool was slaughtered and ate outside the railway station. It"s better to eat on the train than here. It"s much darker here than on the train."

"It"s normal to be slaughtered. It"s not normal for him to want to eat the overlord"s meal. He doesn"t know that many people in this railway station open shops together?"

"Where do outsiders know that? This baby is pitiful. She will be beaten so that her father and mother don"t know each other... "

"Yes, I saw a man who was beaten into the hospital the other day. The police didn"t care about it. They couldn"t even provoke the police..."

"Not really. Last year, a policeman was in charge of it. He was mugged while patrolling and almost died..."

"Eh, no It seems that the boy who eats the overlord"s meal can fight... "

"It"s not a boy who can fight, it"s a girl who can fight. Now it"s a woman who can fight..."

"It"s not a dragon but a river. No wonder you dare to eat the overlord"s meal..."

"It"s useless to fight any more. They will suffer losses after all. This group of people is not just many. When they win, no one will take care of them. If they lose, the police will take care of them..."


This group of people are talking at the beginning, and soon they will not talk about it. Instead, they are all stunned and brave beauties!

This fierce beauty is naturally Liu Meng. When the boss rushed to her with a kitchen knife, she knocked out the owner of the restaurant on one stool, and then another stool knocked out the owner"s wife. When she saw that two men rushed to help in the summer, she cried again: "little villain, don"t rob my toys, you can"t do anything!"

Then, summer will not start, Liu Meng is holding a stool for a while smashing, less than a while, dozens of people will lie on the ground, each of them was knocked out by her stool.

After smashing people, she began to smash the shop again. When all the things in the restaurant were smashed by her, she began to demolish the shop, smashed the wall with a stool several times, and then smashed a large area of the wall.

"I hate being bullied!" Liu Meng finally stopped smashing the stool. When she threw the stool, it was smashed. However, her words made the onlookers sound strange. How could someone else bully her? She was bullying others.

"Good job!" Suddenly someone shouted, "it"s time for these people to teach me a lesson. I was slaughtered by them a few months ago. I"ll eat noodles and charge me 30 yuan!"

"Yes, these grandchildren are too dark. Last week, I bought a bag of Baisha, even if I was 20, it"s a fake!"

"Yes, I"ve suffered losses here, and n.o.body cares. Now someone should teach them..."

"That broken supermarket over there should also be smashed. I went in to have a look that time and said that I had broken something. I had to buy it. I wiped it. If I didn"t buy it, I would hit people. This is a underworld!"


A lot of people cried well there, even one guy shouted: "beauty, I love you!"

"Er!" This guy just shouted such a sentence, immediately fell to the ground, but Liu Meng picked up a broken bowl and smashed it on his head, and then she said dissatisfied: "I have a husband, do not love me!"

I can"t laugh or cry. This beautiful woman has a real personality.

"What to do?" Just then, two men in police uniforms came over. The two policemen, one in his twenties and the other in his thirties, looked at the dozens of people who had fallen on the ground. The older policeman"s face suddenly changed. He looked at the summer and said, "you did it?"

"h.e.l.lo, idiot, it"s me!" Summer did not speak, Liu dream but first shouted a sentence.

"Who are you scolding?" In that year, the older police were angry at first, and then they saw Liu Meng clearly, but they were stunned. Liu Meng"s beauty made the police a little fascinated.

However, the policeman immediately responded. As soon as his eyes turned, he immediately had an idea. He continued, "just admit it, and go to the police room with us Er! "

Before he had finished speaking, Liu Meng rushed to the next door of the restaurant, felt for a stool, and then hit another stool on the policeman"s head and knocked him unconscious.

"What kind of police? I ran away on purpose just now. I want to catch me when I win. It"s disgusting!" Liu Meng said breathlessly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned again. The beauty was so fierce that even the police dared to faint.

Not only these people are stunned, but also another policeman is stunned. He has never seen such a tough person. Even some of them can"t afford to offend, they won"t repair them directly in front of the public. So, for a while, he is so stunned and doesn"t know what to do.

"Little villain, let"s go!" Liu Meng was almost angry at last. He thought that he would go to feed the little villain in summer, so he pulled him to go.

However, as soon as they wanted to leave, the other policeman finally responded, so he quickly shouted: "stop, you dare to attack the police..."

"Shut up!" A heavy drink suddenly came and gave the policeman"s shout back, but it was a man in his thirties. The man had a dignified face. Although he was wearing casual clothes, he was followed by several armed special police officers.

Seeing so many helpers coming all of a sudden, the policeman was immediately happy, and the audience began to feel that Liu Meng and summer"s ending was a bit bad.

But the next second, they all stayed, because they saw that the man who just appeared walked towards Liu Menghe and Xia Xia, and said politely, "Xia Shenyi, Miss Mengmeng, where are you going? I can give you a ride. "

"You don"t have to. I hate the police now!" Liu Meng glared at the man with a very unhappy look. Then he left in the summer and disappeared in front of the crowd.

The man who just appeared was no one else. It was Zou Cheng. After tengqiang got off the train, he was waiting in the railway station for the police to send someone to pick him up. So he came out later. But as soon as he came out, he found that there was something moving here. He didn"t want to take care of it, but he found Xia Tian and Liu Meng, so he hurried over.

Zou Cheng is really grateful for summer and Liu Meng. You should know that summer not only saved his life, but also helped him catch tengqiang, a recidivist who had been chasing him for many years. It can be said that he was his benefactor. He wanted to do something for summer. How could you know that miss Mengmeng didn"t know why she suddenly hated the police, and even was dissatisfied with him.

"I"m Zou Cheng from the Bureau. What happened here?" Zou Cheng"s face was a little gloomy. He looked at the policeman and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing the name Zou Cheng, the young policeman"s face slightly changed. You know, Zou Cheng is quite famous in the Xingcheng police circle. Everyone who knows him knows that he is not easy to be offended.

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