Chapter 1415

Yirenge chain hospital, the first branch of Beijing.

The predecessor of this hospital, in fact, is that very black hearted benevolence hospital. This hospital, once an industry of Yi Zhiyan, fell into the hands of Xia Xia, was transferred to yixiaoyin in summer, and then became a branch of yirenge chain hospital.

At the moment, in the dean"s office of the hospital, a beautiful woman in a lady"s suit is sitting at her desk, frowning slightly, and she looks upset. Beside the beautiful woman, there is a beautiful girl as well.

This beautiful woman is yixiaoyin. She serves as the president of all branches of the yirenge chain hospital. Of course, usually, her president is not in these branches. Each branch will have a executive vice president, who is in charge of the hospital"s big and small affairs.

The beautiful girl next to yixiaoyin is naturally the loyal servant girl of yixiaoyin. A Jiu is not happy to see the young lady, and a Jiu is not happy. She is still angry when she is not happy.

"Miss, why is Jiang Dali so ungrateful? You almost confiscated his medical expenses and helped him to cure his brain tumor. He"s fine. Now he"s going to make a fool of himself and even ask us to lose money. Is he such a shameless person? " "Ah Jiu said angrily," I really want to kick him out of his life and not take care of myself! "

There"s also a reason for a Jiu"s anger. Since the establishment of the yirenge chain hospital, yixiaoyin has started a drastic reform. She has dismissed many unqualified doctors and recruited many doctors. The first thing she does is to give all doctors and nurses a big raise. She gives everyone a salary that makes them reluctant to leave the hospital, At the same time, they were told that once they violated the regulations of the hospital, they would never be employed by any branch of Iraqi government.

The initial goal of yixiaoyin is not to make profits, but to build a good reputation. She wants to build a brand, so that everyone in the country will know that yirenge chain hospital is the best hospital. Even if there will be losses in the initial stage, she doesn"t care, because she is actually rich now. There are hundreds of millions of cash in the a.s.sets of yizhiyan. She herself She also has hundreds of millions of cash, which can support her for several months, and as long as these months pa.s.s, her hospital can really start to make profits.

In the regulations, yixiaoyin requires every doctor to use the best medical plan, not the most expensive medicine, but the most suitable medicine for the patient.

With the efforts of yixiaoyin, yirenge chain hospital has gradually gained a good reputation. Other hospitals treat colds casually for hundreds. No matter how serious or minor, they often inject expensive antibiotics. However, yirenge chain hospital will not do this, but sometimes some patients have to infuse with small colds, and the doctors refuse to do so, which makes them unhappy.

On the other hand, the special line for miraculous doctors in summer also made a lot of fame for yirenge. Under the publicity of yirenge, everyone now knows that if you want to help cure the disease in summer, you can only use yirenge chain hospital, which also makes yirenge chain hospital more popular. In this way, although now yirenge is mainly for public praise, and It"s not for profit, but in fact, most of the branches of the yirenge chain hospital have started to make profits or at least can make ends meet, and only a few have made losses.

It"s just that although there are many registered Shenyi special lines, they haven"t really treated anyone in the summer. In order to earn a good reputation, yixiaoyin occasionally took the initiative to treat the disease himself, and even gave free medical treatment to some patients who didn"t have money to treat serious diseases.

Jiang Dali is a brain tumor patient who is treated by yixiaoyin himself. He is a migrant worker in the capital city. He lost his job because of illness a few months ago. After finding out the brain tumor in the yirenge chain hospital, he was ready to go home and wait for death and give up treatment. When yixiaoyin learned about this, he offered to help him with free treatment.

All went well. It must be noted that Jiang Dali has one foot and six toes. Then, yixiaoyin used her wonderful pudendal needle to transfer the brain tumor to the redundant toe, and finally cut off the toe, and Jiang Dali recovered.

However, as soon as Jiang Dali recovered from the hospital, things suddenly changed. Just the day before yesterday, a lawyer suddenly came up and claimed that he was Jiang Dali"s representative lawyer, and asked the yirenge chain hospital to be responsible for Jiang Dali"s misdiagnosis.

Jiang Dali said that he didn"t get a brain tumor. The so-called brain tumor is just the misdiagnosis of yixiaoyin. After he went to other hospitals for examination, he found that he didn"t have anything. At least seven or eight hospitals claimed that he could never have had a brain tumor, so Jiang Dali decided that yixiaoyin was not only misdiagnosed, but also cut off one of his toes, so he asked for compensation and opened it Ten million yuan of compensation.

In fact, for yixiaoyin, compensation is not a problem. The problem is that once she makes compensation, she will admit that she has been misdiagnosed, and she will lose the name of the first female divine doctor in the capital. The reputation that yirenge chain hospital has built up with difficulty will also collapse.

Now it"s not that far, but Jiang Dali has given an ultimatum. If yirenge hospital doesn"t give 10 million yuan of compensation within three days, they will give the matter to the media. At that time, it"s the real trouble. Now in this society, when there are medical disputes, people often don"t care about what happens. In short, it"s directly It can be imagined that once things get out, the reputation that the yirenge chain hospital has not been easy to establish will disappear with the wind.

In a Jiu"s view, the young lady is clearly doing a good deed, but is framed by others. Naturally, she is very angry and hates Jiang Dali very much. If she sees Jiang Dali, she will definitely hit people.

"Ah Jiu, don"t be angry with that kind of person." She shook her head and said, "he"s just a poor man who has been used. He"s angry with him. It"s not worth it."

"Being used?" A nine Zheng Zheng Zheng, "Miss, someone is using Jiang to deal with us?"

"Of course, I believe Jiang Dali is not a good man. I also believe that he will bite us ungratefully, but with his intelligence, he can"t plan such things." He said slowly.

"Miss, who is that dealing with us?" Ah Jeou asked softly. Obviously, ah Jeou is not a girl who is good at thinking.

"I"ve probably guessed who it is, but it needs to be confirmed finally." Yixiaoyin thought and said.

"Then, miss, what shall we do now? Do you really want to pay 10 million yuan for Jiang Dali? " A Jiu is a little anxious.

"I Xiaoyin shook his head:" of course, we can"t compensate. If we lose money, but fall into the trap, they will take this as the evidence to hype

"But, miss, do we do nothing like this?" A Jiu is worried.

"Ah Jiu, if I guessed right, someone is making an idea for our hospital, so as long as we continue to wait here, someone will come to talk to us." "I just don"t understand. What do they have now?" he said

A Jiu also doesn"t understand. Although she hates the beast that defiled her in summer, she also knows that everyone in the capital thinks that miss is a woman in summer. To ask for trouble from miss is to ask for trouble from that b.a.s.t.a.r.d in summer. How can anyone in the capital dare to ask for trouble from summer? Is it true that some people live impatiently and want to die?


major cases group of Dongcheng Branch of Beijing police station.

Song Weimin, group leader of the first serious case group, is sitting in his office at the moment, looking at a picture on the computer, a handsome young man with sunshine.

A beautiful policewoman came in. It was song Weimin who was under the important case group, Yousi.

"Team leader, why are you looking at Fu Pingguang"s photos all the time? Do you know him? " Asked euse.

Song Weimin shook his head: "I don"t know. I just don"t understand why a person"s change is so great? This Fu Pingguang, a month ago, everything was normal. In the eyes of his cla.s.smates, friends and even their school teachers, he was a very easy person to get along with. How could he suddenly kill people all over the place? "

"Group leader, I think this may be a crime of pa.s.sion. I think it"s quite normal. When he saw his girlfriend with other men, he suddenly went crazy and killed everyone. Although he was extremely vicious, he didn"t have no reason at all." Yousi seems to understand Fu Pingguang"s criminal motive.

"No, I always think something"s wrong." Song Weimin shook his head. "According to our investigation, one month ago, his girlfriend had betrayed him and was with other men. At that time, he was. .h.i.t hard. Then he went to the snow mountain with several friends. Unfortunately, he met an avalanche. All the people who went with him died. He was the only one who came back alive. According to our investigation, people who had experienced life and death often lost their love Such a small thing is very light and doesn"t care too much, but he"s totally different. When he comes back, he goes to his girlfriend"s house, kills all the people in the room, and then disappears without a trace. I have a hunch that there must be something special happening in the middle. Only by finding the reason can we know where he is now. "

"It"s a very powerful man. After a few days, no one found his trace. I don"t know where he hid." Yousi frowned.

Song Weimin thought for a while, looked up and found that Yousi was still here. He asked, "are you busy?"

"Ah, by the way, group leader, someone has come to report the case and has to ask you, as if it"s your relative." At last, you think of business.

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