Chapter 1421

"I don"t need your protection!" Yixiaoyin"s answer is no surprise. She doesn"t want to be protected by summer, let alone by him.

"That"s right, miss. You don"t need to protect me. I"ll protect miss!" A Jiu is also dissatisfied with looking at the summer. Does this b.a.s.t.a.r.d want to protect the young lady? If he protects the young lady closely, he will certainly steal from himself!

"You can"t even protect yourself. You want to protect my wife?" Summer discontented looking at a nine.

"Just like you, do you mean to protect miss?" A Jiu does not show weakness.

"Ah Jiu, stop fighting." "In a word, I don"t need you to protect me. If you have to protect me, it"s OK. Don"t appear in my sight."

In summer, I was a little unhappy to look at yixiaoyin and wanted to beat her. However, looking at her, he was a little reluctant to beat her. After a while, he said in a depressed way: "OK, yiyiwife, I won"t protect you, but you"re still not safe. I"ll let Meier"s wife protect you closely Is that all right? "

"No problem." This time, yixiaoyin also promised very simply. She doesn"t necessarily want to be protected by others, just doesn"t want to protect her in summer. If the person who protects her changes to Meier, she really has no opinion.

"Wife Yi, you say it"s OK. You can"t go back on it!" Summer hurriedly said.

"What can I regret about such a thing?" I Xiaoyin didn"t say.

Summer is a smile, and then to the not far away Meier shouted: "Meier wife, you come here."

"What to do?" In a flash of black shadow, Meier appears next to summer.

"Meier wife, in the next period of time, would you like to protect Yi"s wife first?" Summer began to ask Meier"s advice.

Meier stares at summer, but nods: "if you want to, I"m ok."

It"s no problem in her mouth. Meier curses summer in her heart. The dead wolf wants her to protect yixiaoyin. Is yixiaoyin more important than her?

"Miss Meier, please." Yixiaoyin is quite polite to say h.e.l.lo to Meier.

"Well, since someone has already protected the young lady, can you go?" Ah Jiu stared at summer and began to drive people.

"Go?" Summer is a surprised look, "why should I go?"

"You!" Ah jiudun is so angry. How can there be such a shameless person?

Yixiaoyin also frowns slightly. She looks at summer with a hint of displeasure in her voice: "since Miss Meier has protected me, I don"t think you are needed here, do you?"

"Wife Yi, you"re right. You really don"t need my protection." Summer seriously nodded, "just, Yi wife, I stay here, not to protect you."

"Then what are you going to do?" Yixiaoyin is a little annoyed. What does this b.a.s.t.a.r.d want to do?

"I want to protect my wife!" Summer very serious answer.

"You!" Yixiaoyin was also angry, "are you kidding me?"

"No." Summer face innocent expression, "Yi wife, if you don"t believe it, you can ask Meier wife, I come to the capital to protect her."

"He did come to protect me." Meier continued unheated.

At this time, izxiaoyin is completely speechless.

"Shameless, rascal!" But ah Jiu scolded angrily. Who is this? How can he use this method to stay with the young lady!

In summer, I don"t care about ah Jiu, but smile at mei"er: "mei"er"s wife, you are better, let me hold you!"

Meier takes a look at summer and ignores him.

Just because she doesn"t care about summer doesn"t mean that she will be let go in summer. No, she still hugs her in summer and takes off her Although Meier often doesn"t wear now, she still wears for more time. She seems reluctant to show her gorgeous face to others.

It"s the first time for yixiaoyin to see Meier"s real face with her own eyes. She has heard rumors that Meier is actually quite beautiful. But now she understands that a few words are quite beautiful. In fact, they are not enough to describe Meier"s appearance. There is no doubt that Meier"s appearance is beyond her imagination.

A Jiu is also slightly a stay, this, this charming son, the figure is better than miss even, how this face, it seems to be more beautiful than Miss?

No, miss is more beautiful!

Ah Jiu told herself that she couldn"t betray miss. Miss is the most beautiful!

Yi Xiaoyin naturally doesn"t know about a Jiu"s messy ideas. She just has some weird ideas in her mind. Is this b.a.s.t.a.r.d in summer deliberately showing off in front of her?

For any man, having a woman like Meier is really something to show off. But, with so many b.a.s.t.a.r.d women, do you still do such childish behavior?

When yixiaoyin thought about this idea, her mobile phone suddenly rang. She took out her mobile phone and saw that her face changed slightly. Then she stood up and was ready to leave the pavilion.

"Wife Yi, I can hear you no matter where you go to answer the phone." Summer is very kind to remind yixiaoyin.

Yixiaoyin looks at summer angrily, and finally gets on the phone.

In less than a minute, yixiaoyin hung up the phone, and then looked at A9. In a calm voice, he seemed to be slightly excited: "A9, from now on, I am the leader of Yinyi sect."


the news quickly spread to the top of the capital. Judging from the common sense, it"s not surprising that Yue, who is in his nineties, died unharmed. But in fact, those who are familiar with his internal affairs are all well-informed. The reason for his death is absolutely not so simple.

Recently, in the name of Mrs. Yue, Lu Xiaoying has been in frequent contact with celebrities from all walks of life in the capital, while Mr. Yue has also made a clear gesture to support Lu Xiaoying. Some well-informed people have already known that Lu Xiaoying is fighting with yixiaoyin. As for the reason of the fight, they are not very clear. But Lu Xiaoying claims that she and yixiaoyin are in the same family. What they are fighting for is only It is the name of the first female doctor in the capital.

The yirenge chain Hospital of yixiaoyin is famous now. Many people in the capital know that even yixiaoyin has been troubled by Jiang Dali. Many people have got the news. In fact, many people are still on the side of yixiaoyin. After all, Lu Xiaoying has just come out of the hospital. After all, he is old and can"t live for several years. Although he used to have a lot of shadow Xiangli, but now, how many people really care about him?

However, when some people heard that Lu Xiaoying actually had a way to help people live longer, and after they saw Yue Laozi with their own eyes, they began to waver. For people with terminal diseases, they naturally prefer to yixiaoyin, but for people without any diseases, they need more longevity.

Of course, these people will not immediately turn to Lu Xiaoying, so what they do now is to wait and see, because they are always afraid of another ident.i.ty of yixiaoyin, that is, women in summer.

If anyone in the capital doesn"t care about summer, he is either a fool or a psychopath. In less than half a year, summer has destroyed several big families in the capital. Everyone who doesn"t take summer seriously can only be described as miserable. Therefore, although some people are very moved by Lu Xiaoying"s so-called prolonging life, they still dare not Betray the side of yixiaoyin.

This time, all forces in the capital have a tacit understanding. Before the fight between Lu Xiaoying and yixiaoyin is clear, they must not intervene, just watch the change.

When they learned that summer came to the capital again, everyone was waiting for the response of summer. When they learned that Yue died suddenly, everyone was secretly glad that they had kept watching.

Although there is no evidence, everyone thinks that the death of Yue is definitely done in summer, and they know that not only Yue is dead, but also Lu Xiaoying is dead, that is to say, in the fight between yixiaoyin and Lu Xiaoying, yixiaoyin has undoubtedly won.

Everyone is not surprised by the result, but a little disappointed. In fact, many people hope that summer can fail once. Unfortunately, every time, summer is the winner.

And everyone has a little chill in their hearts, because none of them expected that in summer, he took such a clean and neat way, and he did not use any tricks, so directly killed Yue Laozi and Lu Xiaoying. Everyone believed that if they offended summer, they would be killed so crisply and neatly in summer!

The death of father Yue once again made some people in the capital know that the killing in summer didn"t blink, and Lu Xiaoying"s death finally made a decision by the leader of Yinyi sect, who never appeared before, and gave the leader"s position to yixiaoyin decisively.

Whether she wants to or not, she has to admit one thing. In fact, her sect leader"s position is not s.n.a.t.c.hed by her own strength, but by helping her in summer. Although she believes that depending on her own ability, one day she will get the sect leader"s position, it may be three or five years later, or even longer.

"Summer, you"re just in time." At the moment, song Weimin, a serious case group of Dongcheng Branch, just learned that summer was in the capital. His eyes were a little excited. On the computer screen in front of him, there was a picture. But this picture was no longer Fu Pingguang, who he had been paying attention to before, but a tall, thin man with a sword mark on his eyebrow bone. Guan Jianxiong!

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