Chapter 1464

"Then buy it!" Ji Qingying now knows a little more than before. She already knows that this is not her Ji Dynasty, not all things belong to her, and that to get what she wants, she needs to pay for it.

"Your Majesty, we don"t have that much money to buy now." Calm still very patiently explain.

"Then ask for a husband. Doesn"t he have a lot of money?" Ji Qingying toots her mouth.

"Sire, let"s go home first and then call summer." "Peace of mind," he suggested softly.

"Well, let"s go back first." Ji Qingying thought about it and then promised to come down.

Relieved a little, this empress is not so easy to coax. Although she seems naive and doesn"t know anything, she still sticks to some things. No one can change her mind.

The two left the school gate, and the car that Ji Qingying bought on impulse more than a month ago was parked at the gate. They got on the bus, and then drove to the other direction of the city.

Half an hour later, the car drove into a villa, a villa with a large area, but Ji Qingying always thought it was too small, because she always thought that the villa was too small compared with her former imperial palace.

This villa used to belong to yutiancai. More than a month ago, yutiancai died suddenly the day after his son, youanfu, died. After his death, he was found guilty of a lot of crimes. Although people died and would not be punished again, his property was basically confiscated, and all his villas were auctioned off.

Ji Qingying accidentally fell in love with the villa and ran to buy it. At the end of the day, when the villa arrived, she didn"t send a penny, so she gave it to her directly. But who gave it to, Ji Qingying didn"t know, and she was not interested in knowing. For her, as long as she knew that the house was her.

"Peace of mind, peace of mind, call my husband!" Pulling into the living room at ease, Ji Qingying urges.

"What do you call me for?" A voice added, the living room suddenly more a person, but it is summer.

"Hee hee, honey, you are here. Give me the money quickly. I want to buy a palace!" Seeing summer, Ji Qingying is happy. She pours on him first, and then asks for money.

Summer embrace Ji Qingying, but turn to look at ease, some strange questions: "buy the palace? Is there a palace here? "

"Your Majesty thinks the villa is too small. She wants to buy Xidu Jiaotong University as her palace." Explain in a quiet voice.

"Oh, well, it"s not impossible to buy it, but we can"t live here in the future, and it"s useless to buy it." Summer casually said.

"Useful. I want to be a palace. My palace can"t be too small!" Ji Qingying said with a mouthful.

"It doesn"t matter. I"ll take you back to Jianghai city in a few days. I have several islands over there. They must be bigger than your palace." Summer think want to say.

"Jianghai city?" Ji Qingying thought about it and shook her head. "I can"t seem to go there!"

"You can go. You can go in a few days." Summer a face affirmation appearance, and then suddenly a conversation front turn, "Hey, dead fairy, tell me where are you now? I can help you to upgrade your skill to the period of crossing the calamity! "

"They say that they are not evil women..." Ji Qingying was a little unhappy, but before she finished, her voice suddenly changed. It was still pleasant, but it was very cold. "I"m in the snow mountain."

"Oh, I"ll be right there." Summer said, and then looked at ease, "first take care of her for a few days, do not run around, in a few days I will come back to you, take you to Jianghai city."

"OK." She nodded her head in peace, but before her voice fell, the summer was gone.


in the last second, the summer is still in the hot western city, but in the next second, the summer has come to the top of the cold snow mountain. For an immortal in the period of crossing the calamity, even if it is ten thousand miles away, it can also be reached in a moment. The immortal in the period of crossing the calamity, strictly speaking, is already half a immortal.

A second ago, Ji Qingying was still standing on the top of the snow mountain, overlooking the bottom. In her impression, summer was still in the West City, just holding her separate body, but now, she found that summer had stood in front of her, which made her feel shocked, and then shocked.

Ji Qingying looked at summer without speaking, just like this, but at this moment, she found that summer still looked like that summer, with a little hateful smile on her face, that pair of eyes, still a little color, seemed to have stripped her off, but she knew that the current summer was not the summer before, he had a germplasm change.

It was a change from momentum to mental state. When she saw summer for the first time, she could look down on him with a high att.i.tude. Even if she got involved in her plot, she could still take the initiative and pamper him in her way. In the following time, almost everything that happened between them was dominated by her. She was the high girl Emperor, and he, even if she dotes on him, can only be a queen.

But now, she can"t look down on him. Although he didn"t do anything, she can still feel his strength. At this moment, she seems to feel that he is the emperor, and she is a concubine waiting for his favor.

"You, what are you doing now?" Ji Qingying can"t help but talk at last.

"What do you think?" Summer giggles, then slowly reaches out, holds her chin, "your skin, seems to turn white!"

"What are you doing?" Ji Qingying finds that she can"t seem to resist, and she can"t seem to have the idea of resisting.

"I, of course, came to spoil you." Summer said, and then opened her skirt.

Ji Qingying didn"t resist or evade. She was allowed to undress and untie her in summer.

Finally, she was put on the snow in summer, and then she heard the feeling of summer: "your skin is really as white as snow."

At the top of the snow mountain, Ji Qingying was so pa.s.sionate that she couldn"t help thinking of that night in the forest. But this time, she was the one who was favored. Summer was the emperor who was high above her, who controlled her body and everything.

Ji Qingying gets lost gradually until a voice rings in her ear: "remember the following formula."

Ji Qingying finally wakes up. After listening to the formula, she immediately understands that it"s a formula that is similar to her Ji"s secret. The difference is that her Ji"s Secret requires more, but she can absorb each other"s skills regardless of the other party"s agreement. But now, although the formula is not very demanding, if the other party resists, it"s not so So easy to absorb.

"Remember? Remember, start to run the pithy formula, and I will send you some skills. " After a while, said the summer.

"Remember." Ji Qingying"s voice was surprisingly gentle. Then, she began to operate the Dharma formula. Then, the power rushed into her body, and her cultivation began to climb rapidly, until the early stage of integration, it stopped.

"You"re going to give me the seventh shot?" Ji Qingying suddenly understood.

"Yes, but not now." Summer answered a sentence, and then continued to spoil her.

Time comes to midnight unconsciously.

At the top of the snow mountain, the thunder suddenly rolled. After the nine thunders fell, a new immortal cultivator was born.

"It"s hard to imagine that." Ji Qingying murmurs to herself, but the cool and proud queen is lying in her arms in the summer. The powerful Queen is finally conquered by a stronger summer than her. In fact, she and yeyumei are the same kind of people. In their world, there are no weak, weak people, who may be lucky to get them, but they will never be conquered.

"I have said that I am omnipotent." Summer light said.

Ji Qingying said softly, and now she has begun to believe this sentence. Before she came here, she was just a fairy cultivator in the first year of her life. Now, she has stepped into the period of crossing the calamity. If she returns to Xianyun land now, she will be the first person in the world of fairy cultivation who has never been seen before and has never been seen before. She will really be proud of the whole Xianyun land!

"Why do you stay here all the time?" Asked the summer.

"This place is the entrance to the array." Ji Qingying did not hide, "once the array over there is opened, there will be an entrance to the array. No matter in Yuenan city or Xidu, there are no real entrances in those places, so you have to wait here to go back."

"So, if you come to this world, you will be here first?" Summer wants to ask.

"If the array of Dharma on the other side of Xianyun land is activated, there will be a main hall here. There will be a door to enter the main hall, but it can only enter, but it can"t leave. In the main hall, there are four other doors. If you leave from those four doors, you will go to four places in different directions." Ji Qingying explained to summer carefully, "that is to say, if we have been waiting outside, the master will not appear in front of us. Of course, as long as the array is started, we can go in immediately, so that we can kill him in the hall."

"You can"t go back until the array starts, can you?" Summer asked again.

"That"s it." Ji Qingying nodded.

"The idiot who asked Tian Jun didn"t dare to come, did he?" Summer said to himself, "it"s been so long. If he really wants to come here, how can he come here?"

"Maybe something unexpected happened over there. Let him delay his time." Ji Qingying guessed.

Summer slightly frown, he really don"t want to have been waiting for the emperor to die, he has to accompany his wife, can"t be so waiting for the rabbit.

After a while, he asked again, "you must go back?"

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