Chapter 165

"You are such a bore!" Summer stood up.

"In summer, let"s play it easy!" Sun Xinxin said in a hurry.


Hearing sun Xinxin"s words, the faces of all the people were strange, which made sun Xinxin think that the fight in summer was more serious?

But the facts immediately proved that sun Xinxin said this for a reason. He saw Chen Zhigang come to Chen Zhigang in the summer, and then grabbed his neck with one hand, but didn"t see how hard he tried. Chen Zhigang"s huge body was thrown out. The compartment door was not closed, and Chen Zhigang was directly thrown out of the compartment, making a heavy dull sound.

People were stunned for a while. Seeing this guy"s small body, they couldn"t imagine that he could throw Chen Zhigang out like this!

"Well, I"ll tell you that Chen Zhigang has no future. You"d better not mix with him and change one as soon as possible!" After throwing out Chen Zhigang, summer said to Jia Jia.

"Handsome man, how about I mix with you?" Jia Jia smiles.

"I"ll throw you out, believe it or not?" Summer is not happy. Is he such a tasteless person?

"I, I"ll go first!" As soon as Jiajia saw the situation was wrong, she got up and ran out.

"Chen Zhigang, you idiot, don"t let me see you again, or I"ll see you fight once!" Summer came to the door, shouted a word, then closed the door to the private room, Shi ran walked to sun Xinxin and sat down, let out a sigh, "finally drive out the flies!"

"Then, what, sun Xinxin, where did you find such a man of high taste?" Kong Ming stayed for a long time, and then he asked jealously.

Sun Xinxin smiled: "he sent it to the door himself."

"Man, don"t tell me, you are the legendary martial arts master?" Duan Fei also looked at summer with a dull face.

"Well, I"m a martial arts expert." Nodding seriously in summer.

Everyone was speechless for a while. This guy is not modest. But now, you can"t believe that this guy is bragging.

"Well, everyone is here to play. Don"t let me make you have a bad time with summer. If you want to sing, if you want to drink, keep drinking!" Sun Xinxin raised her voice and said.

"Yes, sing, sun Xinxin. Why don"t you sing a love song with summer?" Kong Ming egged on.

"You can"t sing in summer." Sun Xinxin said helplessly.

Kong Ming was stunned again. Then he took a picture of sun Xinxin: "good sister, what a good sister. Lanze can"t sing either!"

"I"d better sing. I"m a singer of my generation!" Duan Fei picked up the microphone and started a love song duet with his girlfriend. Let alone, this guy"s singing is really good.

Others play dice and drink. Without Chen Zhigang"s trouble, the room is finally back to normal.

"In summer, I want to discuss something with you." Kongming lies on Sun Xinxin and probes his head.

"What is it?" I have a good impression of Kong Ming in summer.

"That is the matter of borrowing money." Kong Ming is a little embarra.s.sed.

"Oh, don"t worry. I"ll give you the money tomorrow." Summer thought the man worried that he would not lend her money.

"Well, in summer, it"s not this. It"s like this. Actually, lanze and I have no money. If the company makes money, we will naturally give it back to you. But we think we don"t have any capital of our own. We will start the company entirely with your money. If the company really makes money, then the company should have your share, so I wonder if you can take this money as As an investment, we can give you shares and make you a big boss. We will work for you. What do you think? " Kongming said his real intention quickly, "if you are so generous, I will not tell you the truth. If we really lose money, we will not be able to pay it back in ten or eight years."

"I don"t care. It"s a million anyway. It doesn"t matter if I can"t afford it." Summer really doesn"t care about this. People who make money easily spend money quickly, because these people don"t feel the hardship of making money at all, and naturally don"t think it"s wrong to spend too much money.

"What company do you want to start, Kong Ming?" But Sun Xinxin couldn"t help asking.

"A technology company, lanze is very talented in programming. He wants to sell his own software. I like him very much. He is really a genius. Unfortunately, our current network company doesn"t give him any chance to play." Kong Ming was a little indignant. "Now in this world, people with real ability are always under pressure. It"s unfair!"

"Oh, you two learn computer, too?" Sun Xinxin is a little surprised. She knows that fat people are also computer literate. Fat people also call themselves geniuses. However, fat people seem to only make websites.

"Yes, sun Xinxin, I"ll tell you that lanze is honest, but he"s very powerful. He tells you secretly that lanze is a hacker. He"s a bit famous in the hacker world!" Kong Ming is proud of her boyfriend. She still feels very proud.

"Hackers?" Hearing this, summer immediately became interested, "Lan Ze, can you help me to blackout a person"s computer?"

Lanze also leaned over: "whose computer do you want to hack?"

"A very annoying goblin, often hacking my computer, she would hack me as soon as I surf the Internet. Last time, she also blacked out my cell phone!" Summer a pair of angry look, is saying, his mobile phone rang, take out a look, is a strange number.

"Belle, is it still delivered to your door tonight?" As soon as the phone was connected, a man"s voice came over there.

"Go away!" Summer scolded a sentence, angrily hung up the phone, and then said to lanze: "that d.a.m.ned goblin, so that I am still hara.s.sed by the phone!"

"In summer, the black man is called the goblin?" Lanze asked a little eagerly.

"Yes, her name is goblin." Summer a face is angry, "wait for me to see her next time, must beat her, I want to let her later all cannot use computer!"

"Goblin, is it really that goblin?" Lanze was a little excited.

"What is that goblin?" Summer is a bit confused, how can this person"s words not be understood?

Lanze looked at summer and asked anxiously, "summer, that little goblin has blacked your computer?"

"Nonsense, of course, it"s dark. I wanted to black her computer last time, but it didn"t work." Summer not good gas said.

Sun Xinxin, on one side, was a little confused: "in summer, you are nothing but an electric white. Do you want to hack other people"s computers?"

"I asked the goblin to teach me. She sent me a hacker tool. It"s called a Goblin Bomb. I"ll take this bomb to bomb her, but it"s useless. Instead, she hacked my computer again." Summer said angrily.

Sun Xinxin is speechless, how can such a person use the method that hacker teaches him to blackmail that hacker, others don"t blackmail you just blame.

"Goblin Bomb, yes, it"s her, she"s the goblin!" Lanze is a little excited.

"Which goblin?" Asked the summer.

"She is the number one hacker in Asia, the third in the world"s top ten hackers, the idol of hackers in the whole China region, the super hacker goblin!" The more lanze said, the more excited he was. "In summer, you know the goblin. You are so lucky. I envy you so much!"

"h.e.l.lo, is this bad luck? I"ve had a lot of bad luck since I met that d.a.m.ned goblin. If it hadn"t been for that d.a.m.ned goblin to hide from me, I would have beaten her up and made her unable to use the computer in the future! " Summer said angrily.

Hearing this, lanze was stunned again, and then he was ecstatic: "in summer, do you mean that you also know goblins in reality?"

"Yes!" Summer nodded, "Hey, no nonsense, I asked you, can you help me black out her computer?"

"Don"t be kidding in summer. I"m a rookie in the hacker world at most. You let me go to the black goblin"s computer. It"s no different from asking me to find death!"

Summer suddenly a little disappointed: "forget it, since you can"t do it, I"d better find her next time I see her, and then find her!"

"In summer, can you tell me the little goblin"s b.u.t.ton number?" Lanze is still excited.

"You can"t hack her, tell you what to do?" Summer has no mood.

"Cough, that summer, if you tell lanze the b.u.t.ton number of the goblin, maybe lanze can still black out the goblin!" Kong Ming put in a sentence beside him, "I don"t think so. You invest in our technology company, and then I and lanze will recruit several hackers to the company to find an opportunity, and then black out the goblin computer together. Isn"t that a good idea?"

"Can you blackout the goblin computer?" Summer is a little suspicious.

"In summer, the goblin is a super hacker. Lanze can"t deal with her alone, but there"s a saying that it"s better to call the Chinese than the enemies. Lanze can"t deal with her alone. But if you join others and attack the goblin together with ten or 100 hackers, you may win. Are you right?" Kong Ming said quickly.

Summer thought, think it seems reasonable, then nodded: "well, then I will invest in your technology company, as long as you can get rid of that goblin, money is not a problem."

Summer doesn"t care about money, he came up with this tone, that d.a.m.ned goblin, again and again whole him, just let him unbearable.

"Yeah, that"s settled. In summer, you will be my boss. Hehe!" Kong Ming is very excited, and then smiles at Sun Xinxin: "boss, don"t abuse my staff in the future!"

Sun Xinxin is a bit embarra.s.sed. He invested in a company in summer just to find some hackers to revenge him? Isn"t that too much of a joke?

But think about it, summer may be very playful, but Kongming and lanze should really want to run a company. In this case, it doesn"t matter.

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