Chapter 171

"What to do?"

"Don"t move!"

"Get up!"

The police were as close to the enemy as they could see when they were robbed.

The movement here, of course, immediately alarmed Qiu Ming. He snapped, "be careful, he will the witness!"

"Are you ill?" Summer has now climbed up from the ground, "I just fell, can"t I fall?"

Summer side said a few steps back, a look of indignation: "what broken place, so slippery, a road will fall, if not for sister Jinghua here, I will never come again!"

"You"d better not come!" Cold ice didn"t have good gas to say, this smelly hooligan, no matter say anything can be linked with her!

"Hurry up!" Seeing that there is no further action in summer, Qiu Ming can"t do anything, so he has to order his men to take away the kidnappers. He always feels that summer is not good for him. Thinking of his inexplicably cut lips, he thinks that summer is coming to these three kidnappers. Qiao Donghai was arrested because of these three kidnappers" testimony. Once these three people are dead, it will be natural No one in court to testify Qiao Donghai, no one to testify no physical evidence, then the police will naturally release people.

Under the command of the police, the three kidnappers were quickly escorted forward, but summer stood still, Qiao Xiaoqiao suddenly shivered, because she suddenly felt a chill. She unconsciously looked at summer and intuitively told her what her husband was doing.

No one has found that in summer, three fingers of each hand are emitting white air. The tips of these six fingers are curiously condensed into an ice needle. The ice needle is long and thin, which looks like a silver needle for acupuncture, but it is not as long as the ordinary silver needle.

Summer"s face suddenly became a little pale, but also some abnormal red. When the three kidnappers came to the end of the corridor, the six fingers popped out at the same time in summer, and the six ice needles flew to the three kidnappers respectively. Without anyone noticing, the ice needles didn"t enter the three kidnappers" bodies, and the three kidnappers just suddenly shuddered There was no reaction.

"Honey, how are you? Do you see that? " Seeing the kidnapper disappear around the corner, Qiao asked.

Summer did not speak, but the body a crooked, fell in Liu Meng"s arms.

"Husband, what"s the matter with you?" Qiao Xiaoqiao"s face changed. "Come on, let"s go back!"

"Little villain, you are useless. How can you get rid of your strength again?" Liu Meng is a little unhappy. She picks him up. The future witch has great strength. It"s easy to hold a person.

Leng Bingbing was surprised to see the sudden change. It seems that he didn"t see what the hooligan did. Why did he suddenly faint?

The first time I saw that she fainted in summer, lengbingbing"s impression of summer also changed a little. In the past, the rogue gave her a sense of abnormal Superman, but now it seems that this guy is still human at best and at worst, and seems to have weaknesses.


Qiu Ming didn"t sleep well all night. In summer, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Qiu Xiaoqiao happened to appear in the police station. In addition, they fell so skillfully in summer and fell on a kidnapper, which made him feel unusual. He always felt that the appearance of summer was not accidental, but deliberate.

At noon, he met summer and Qiao Xiaoqiao at the Tianhou bar. Then, within two hours, Sherry came to the police station to confess that she was a false accusation, so that he had to let Qiao Dongyun go. He thought it must be Qiao Xiaoqiao and summer who did something.

The wrestling in summer makes him feel inconceivable, because now many people know that the fighting in summer is very fierce, and some people say that he is a martial arts expert, and that aisle, even the old lady in her 70s and 80s, is very difficult to wrestle. How can such a so-called martial arts expert possibly wrestle?

Qiu Ming always felt that he had done something on the kidnappers in summer, just like his lips had been broken inexplicably before. Because of this worry, he didn"t sleep well all night, for fear that his cell phone would suddenly ring, telling him three kidnappers died inexplicably.

However, the mobile phone didn"t ring all night. In the early morning, he couldn"t bear it. Finally, he slept for a little while. When he woke up again, it was 10 a.m.

Get up and rush to the police station. Qiu Ming finds that everyone in the team has something wrong.

"What"s the matter?" Qiu Ming asked with a frown, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Here comes the director." It was whispered.

Qiu Ming was about to speak when he saw two people coming out of the interrogation room. One of them was Huang Haitao, the director, and the other was Qiao Donghai.

Qiu Ming is a little crazy, Qiao Donghai didn"t say without handcuffs, Huang Haitao was still there laughing and apologizing: "Qiao Shao, sorry, wronged you."

Qiu Ming almost went mad with rage. He darted past and angrily asked Huang Haitao, "Huang Ju, what do you mean? Why did you let him go? "

"Qiu Ming, why do you want to put a charge on me?" Although Qiao Donghai has been in the interrogation room for a long time, he seems to be in quite good spirits at the moment.

Huang Haitao frowned. Qiu Ming was so unintelligent that he was a little unhappy: "Qiu Ming, what are you howling about? We deal with cases on the basis of evidence. Since there is no evidence, we have to let people go. How come you have no legal consciousness? "

"Yellow Bureau, why is there no evidence? Three people all testify against him, can you still say that there is no evidence? " Qiu Ming retorted angrily.

"Why don"t you ask those three people now?" Huang Haitao"s face sank. "Did you drink too much last night? Let"s wake up and make things clear! "

"Qiu team, those three people have confessed!" One of the criminal police couldn"t help saying a word.

"Turn over the confession? How is this possible? " Qiu Ming"s face changed greatly. "They are so sure. How can they turn over the confession now? There must be something wrong! "

"Qiu team, those three guys now deny even the kidnapping. They don"t even admit that they have done it. Naturally, there is no one who ordered them to kidnap." The Interpol added.

Qiu Ming"s face suddenly changed. Suddenly he roared crazily: "summer, it must be summer. I knew he would not come here for no reason. He must have done it!"

They looked at Qiu Ming with strange eyes, but no one spoke. Qiao Donghai said two words gently: "crazy man!"

"What do you say?" Qiu Ming suddenly yelled at Qiao Donghai, "I tell you, don"t be complacent, I will find evidence to catch you again!"

"By your means?" Qiao Donghai looks scornful, then says two words silently with his mouth pattern, "idiot!"

Qiu Ming, who was very angry, felt a surge of Qi and blood when he met Qiao Donghai"s obvious provocation. He couldn"t hold back any longer. He suddenly jumped forward and waved his fist.

Qiao Donghai didn"t hide, or maybe he didn"t have time to hide. In a word, the fist hit his face firmly. His half cheek was red and swollen, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

"Qiu Ming, what are you doing?" Huang Haitao shouted angrily.

Qiao Donghai is not angry at all. Instead, he has a bright smile on his face: "Qiu Ming, this time, don"t say Lin Zihao, even Lin He, can"t save you!"

Turning to look at Huang Haitao, Qiao Donghai smiled lightly: "yellow Bureau, I think, I accuse him of intentionally hurting people, shouldn"t it be ok?"

Without waiting for Huang Haitao to reply, Qiao Donghai smiled and walked out.

In the police station, everyone sighed at the bottom of their hearts. Qiu Ming was obviously cheated by Qiao Donghai. This time, Qiu Ming is really doomed.


When he woke up in summer, Liu Meng was lying on his back, sweeping his face with her long hair. It was boring.

"You"re awake, little villain. I"m hungry!" Liu Mengdu mouth, a little unhappy, "it"s all you, holding me and not letting go, so I can"t eat."

"I"m hungry, too!" In summer, he said to himself and looked at the time. It was more than 10 o"clock in the morning. He had a long sleep, more than ten hours since he last treated ye Tiannan.

"Feng"er, let"s have something to eat!" Qiao Xiaoqiao hurriedly told her that she had always been by her side. As soon as she woke up in summer, she would know immediately.

Qiao Fenger made a phone call, and soon someone brought breakfast, two bowls of noodles, as well as fried eggs, milk and so on. There are many varieties, which together are at least five or six people"s portions.

But Liu Meng and summer were hungry, and both of them ate a large amount of food. In a short time, they wiped out the five or six people.

Liu Meng touched his stomach and looked at summer pitifully: "little villain, I don"t seem to have enough, how about you?"

"I don"t seem to have enough." Summer think want to say.

Qiao Xiaoqiao stayed, then said, "feng"er, let them send some more."

Ten minutes later, Liu Meng rubbed his belly and was satisfied: "ah, I"m full at last!"

"I"m almost full, too." Summer said.

Qiao Fenger rolled his eyes. It"s just a bucket. He ate at least five of them. He said that he was only eight points full. Pigs are not as good as he can eat!

At this time, Qiao Yuer answered the phone, and then told Qiao Xiaoqiao with a happy face: "Miss Qiao, you are back!"

"Really?" Qiao Xiaoqiao is also a face of surprise, pulling the summer to go outside, "husband, let"s go to see the big brother!"

Several people went out, the elevator just opened, Qiao Donghai came out, and he shouted to the summer: "ha ha, summer, tell me quickly, how did you get me out?"

Hearing this, not only Qiao Xiaoqiao, but also Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger are looking at summer. I dare to say that Qiao Donghai is OK. Is it really the credit of summer?

"Husband, I"m just wondering, why are you in a coma all of a sudden?" Qiao Xiaoqiao asked softly, but her face was full of curiosity. Although she was one of the people who knew summer best, there were still many things she didn"t know about summer.

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