Chapter 177

"Uncle Zhao is a senior official in Jianghai City, Zhao Bingliang." Cold ice looked at the summer, "he is Qingqing"s father."

"Oh, Zhao Qingqing, her father, no wonder she seems to be familiar with you." Summer casually said, obviously, he didn"t care much about Zhao Bingliang"s ident.i.ty.

After a pause, he asked curiously in summer: "sister Jinghua, who is Dong Lin? Is he hostile to you? "

"Dong Lin is now the deputy director general of the provincial public security department. When he was the deputy mayor of Jianghai City, he used to slap me in the face." Leng Bingbing is in a good mood now, and he has to answer questions about summer.

Although Zhao Bingliang said on the phone that it was only speculation, lengbingbing was very clear. Zhao Bingliang would not make random guesses. At least 90% of this matter is true. If it is true, today if he falls into Guo Hao"s hands, he is afraid that it will fall into Dong Lin"s hands. At that time, things may be far more serious than she imagined. Thinking of this, lengbingbing can"t help but have it Thanks for summer, this rascal may have saved her once.

In summer, when I heard the cold words, I immediately became dissatisfied with the guy named Dong Lin. what"s the matter? I dare to act on his beautiful and s.e.xy sister Jinghua. I just don"t know what to do.

"Sister Jinghua, where is Dong Lin? I"m going to teach him a lesson! " Summer a little angry asked.

Cold ice stare at the summer, not good gas said: "you don"t have nothing to look for things all day, you can hit people, what else can you do?"

"I will kill and save people, sister Jinghua, Zhao Qingqing. Her father said that Dong Lin"s lecheron is asking you for trouble. How can I ignore it? I"ll kill him first, so that he can"t trouble you, and then you"ll be safe. " Summer said quickly, he has decided that, in order to guard sister Hua, he will go to kill the guy named Dong Lin, in order to avoid future troubles.

"I"ll take you to the police station if you dare to kill!" Cold ice didn"t say well, who is this? She killed people with her voice. She"s the policeman nearby. She just doesn"t pay attention to her famous criminal police chief!

In summer, he looked at Leng Bingbing innocently: "I didn"t say I wanted to kill!"

"You just said you were going to kill Dong Lin, so soon you won"t admit it?" Cold ice didn"t say well.

"Killing him doesn"t mean killing him, just like killing Jiming." Summer explained.

"Although Dong Lin is lecherous, there should be no economic problem. It"s not so easy to find evidence of his corruption."

"Sister Jinghua, can"t you find evidence of his l.u.s.t?" Summer a little strange asked.

Coldly shaking his head: "you don"t understand. It"s just a matter of lifestyle. It"s hard to bring down an official of Dong Lin"s rank."

In summer, I scratched my head. It seems that I can"t do that. Do I have to kill Dong Lin in his favorite way?

But sister Jinghua certainly doesn"t want him to use this method, so she won"t tell her. He will do it secretly tomorrow.

"Now that I"m ok, you don"t have to protect me, can you go?" Said coldly.

Summer quickly shook his head: "of course not, Zhao Qingqing her father said you are not safe, let you with me!"

Jump out of bed cold and angry: "since you don"t go, I"ll go!"

"Sister Jinghua, no matter where you go, I will follow you tonight. I want to protect you." Summer said with a smile.

The cold man who had just come to the door, heard this sentence, and immediately dismissed the intention of going home, because she believed that the rogue could say and do it, he was afraid that he would really pester her for one night.

Cold and angry back to bed, no longer pay attention to summer, continue to watch TV.

As for summer, he can only sit by the bed with a stool and prepare for a long battle with lengbingbing. When lengbingbing falls asleep, he can climb to bed.

In the next few hours, he watched TV with interest, but in summer, he could only endure the TV play which was very difficult for him. With the pa.s.sage of time, his spirit seemed to get better and better. He didn"t feel sleepy at all, but in summer, he began to yawn even, some could not stand it.

It"s almost eleven o"clock. I can"t bear it in summer. I yawned: "sister Jinghua, I"ll go to bed first."

The summer that can sleep everywhere falls on the floor and sleeps in the past. However, Leng Bing still watches her TV. She is full of spirit. This long-lasting battle also ended in failure in summer.

I don"t know how long I"ve been sleeping. In summer, I suddenly turn around and look at the bed. The bedside lamp is still on, but lengbingbing is asleep. It"s just the lengbingbing in her sleep, but sometimes she says, "Mom Don"t... Don"t go... "

"Sister Jinghua seems to have a nightmare!" Summer soliloquy, although cold eyes closed, but the face seems to be a little scared, a.s.sociated with her intermittent dreamy, summer can naturally infer that she is doing what nightmares.

Two fingers gently pressed on the cold head, murmured in summer: "sister Jinghua, don"t be afraid, even in a dream, I can protect you."

In summer, she gently ma.s.sages her cold head. Unconsciously, lengbingbing no longer talks about her dreams, but her frowning brow gradually stretches out. The panic on her pretty face gradually disappears. Her breathing becomes lighter and slower, longer and longer, and finally enters the real deep sleep.

In summer, he continued to ma.s.sage for about a quarter of an hour before he stopped. Then, he lay down next to the cold ice. After thinking about it, he thought it was not good. So he turned the cold body sideways, pulled her hands and let her jade arms around him.

Finally, summer also put his hands around the cold ice, and said to himself: "sister Jinghua, it"s your hands that hold me first. If you can hold me, of course I can also hold you. Well, that"s it. I"m sleeping."

In summer, I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep again.


Lengbingbing had a dream. In the dream, when she came back to her childhood, she was lying in her mother"s arms, sleeping soundly and sweetly.

When she woke up in a daze, she was still missing the warmth in her dream. Since her mother left, she had never slept so well. She seemed to feel that her mother was still holding her, and she was also holding her mother. Her body was cool and comfortable.

"It feels real." The idea came out of cold brain, and then suddenly she was completely awake. The feeling was really real. The problem was that it was so real. At this time, she clearly felt that she was holding a person, and her waist and legs were also held by a person!

"Ah!" Leng Bingbing opens his eyes and looks at the familiar face. He can"t help screaming, "what did you do to me, dead rascal?"

This scream, finally woke up summer, opened his eyes, summer toward the cold and bright smile: "sister Jinghua, early!"

"As long as you are dead, let me go!" She didn"t try to break free, but she hugged too tightly in summer, she couldn"t move at all. Fortunately, she found that her clothes were still intact, which rea.s.sured her a lot, at least the most serious situation didn"t appear.

"Oh, sister Jinghua, you had nightmares last night. I"ll ma.s.sage you and let you sleep better. How could you hold me? I"ll have to lie down next to you." Summer a pair of innocent appearance, but did not immediately let go of cold ice.

"Fart!" Cold and furious, the indecent words also pop out, "who can you cheat with this trick? You must have put my hand on you on purpose. I never hold a doll pillow or something when I sleep. How can I hold you voluntarily? "

"Sister Jinghua, you don"t like holding a doll and a pillow. That doesn"t mean you don"t like holding a person. Maybe you like holding me!" Summer solemnly said, "you see how comfortable you are to sleep with me. It"s noon!"

"You!" Cold and angry, "dead rascal, in a word, you let me go first!"

"Sister Jinghua, I have let you go. You still hold me!" Summer said with a smile.

Coldly angry, but she found that the rogue had not said wrong, I don"t know when, he really has let her go, and she just scolded, actually still holding him!

"I"ll check with you later!" Cold ice quickly released summer, jumped up from the bed, checked his clothes carefully, and then went to the bathroom angrily. She just looked at the time, and found that there was something in summer that didn"t cheat her. Now it"s really nearly noon, and she has been sleeping for more than ten years.

Summer sat up from the bed and said to himself, "I finally slept with my sister Jinghua. Unfortunately, she was wearing clothes last night. When can I sleep with her sister without clothes?"

The phone rings suddenly, but it"s not a summer phone, it"s cold.

Leng Bingbing still hasn"t come out of the bathroom. He took his mobile phone in summer and pressed the answer b.u.t.ton.

"h.e.l.lo, who is it?" Summer asked, there is no name on the phone.

"Who are you?" There was an unpleasant voice from the other end of the phone, "cold? Let her answer the phone! "

"Hey, what are you doing with my wife?" Summer discontented asked.

"Your wife? Are you a cold boyfriend? " The voice over there was stunned. "Why didn"t I hear that she had a boyfriend?"

"It"s none of your business. Who are you? No more names, I"ll hang up! " Asked the summer impatiently.

"How do you speak?" The man at the other end of the phone was furious. "Let"s get cold and answer the phone, or we"ll be responsible for the consequences!"

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