Chapter 184

Jiang Feng looked around, but saw more than a dozen people coming. All the boys were wearing white martial arts training clothes. Most of them were tall and powerful, except the one in the front.

The man walking in the front is swarthy, only about 1.7 meters tall and thin. Seeing this man, Jiang Feng can"t help frowning a little. How can these guys come here to meddle?

Jiang Feng just wanted to talk, but in summer he asked him a little puzzled, "what is this place? Isn"t it Jianghai sports college? "

"If you know this is the sports academy, you should have heard about the Martial Arts Department of our sports academy. Stop it, or I"ll be impolite!" The darkest boy at the front snapped.

"Martial arts department? Isn"t this the school of physical education? " Summer is a little strange, "martial arts and sports have nothing to do with it?"

"In summer, there are usually martial arts departments in sports academies. There are many specialties in martial arts departments, such as martial arts routines and Sanda." Jiang Feng had to explain for him.

"Can that also be called martial arts?" In summer, he said, "the master said that all martial arts routines, Sanda and so on, are used for performance. People who learn those things are no different from actors."

"Shut up, what are you talking about?" The dark boy was furious. "Do you know what Wushu is? Can you slander the traditional martial arts of our Chinese nation

See summer is still stepping on w.a.n.g Meng"s chest, a indifferent look, the dark boy is more angry: "no more than three, I finally warned you once, hurry to stop, otherwise, I am not polite to you!"

"Is this guy an idiot?" Looking at Jiang Feng in summer, it"s a little strange, "I didn"t do anything at all. Why does he keep telling me to stop?"

Jiang Feng is a little speechless. He didn"t do anything in summer. He just moved his feet. No, strictly speaking, his feet have not moved yet. So he stepped on them. According to him, it"s useless to let him stop or stay.

"Boy, you don"t want to f.u.c.k? Dare to talk to us like this

"Brother Lei, go up and beat this girl!"

"Let"s kill this girl together. Let him know the Martial Arts Department of our sports school is very good!"

"Yes, let him see the real Chinese Kung Fu!"


A group of people scolded each other, one by one, they were eager to try.

"Hey, I said, can you stop making such a noise?" Summer very unhappy, "again noisy I beat you."

"I am so arrogant!"

"I can"t help it. Hit him!"

Two boys rushed towards summer shouting, and one of them shouted: "look at my Mantis Fist!"

In summer, a fist was thrown out, and the one who rushed at the front flew out, and then another who rushed from the side flew up gently and fell heavily.

"Mantis Fist, not c.o.c.kroach fist." Summer is a little disdainful, "you are also called martial arts? No wonder the master said that the reputation of Chinese martial arts is ruined by those guys who do martial arts performances. "

This time in summer, I immediately shocked these people. This time, no one yelled to come up and teach summer a lesson. The two guys who were beaten also got up and ran to the dark boy: "brother Lei, this boy seems to have kung fu!"

The dark boy came to the summer, his eyes were sharp: "I didn"t expect you to be martial arts, no wonder you are so arrogant, but I tell you that thunderstorm hates bullying the weak with martial arts. Learning martial arts can strengthen the body and do justice, but it can"t be used to bully the weak!"

"Idiot, martial arts is used to fight, otherwise learning not to use is a waste." In summer, he said, "besides, don"t make me wrong, you idiot. I never bully the weak. I only bully the people who need to be beaten. For example, you guys seem to need to be beaten."

"You want to bully me?" Thunderstorm a little disdain, "good, then I"ll give you a chance, you let him go first, let"s fight!"

"The so-called duel is a fight between two people with equal strength. You are far from me, so you are not qualified to duel with me." Summer looks scornful, but he finally takes his foot back from w.a.n.g Meng, because he knows that if he steps on like this again, w.a.n.g Meng may be trampled to death by him. Although w.a.n.g Meng owes a lot of beating, he just owes it, not to death.

"So, are you afraid?" Thunderstorm even more disdain, "if you are afraid, I will apologize to you, I am not you, will not bully, so I will not bully you."

"Bully me?" In summer, I look at the thunderstorm like a monster. "I say idiot, there is only one person in the world who can bully me, that is sister Shenxian, but sister Shenxian never bully me, so in fact, no one can bully me, you idiot, dare to bully me?"

"f.u.c.k, you"re a f.u.c.king idiot. What immortal sister, nervous sister? It"s just as f.u.c.king crazy as you are! " Thunderstorm is finally scolded by an idiot in summer, which is unbearable.

Summer"s face suddenly changed, the laughter on his face suddenly disappeared completely, replaced by a cold, and he also suddenly sent out a strong cold air, in the temperature of about 30 degrees, including Jiangfeng and thunderstorm, all of them suddenly shivered, as if suddenly fell into the cold winter!

"In this world, no one can scold fairy sister." The voice of summer is very cold. Everyone here, hearing his voice, unconsciously shivers.

Summer slowly toward the thunderstorm, suddenly reached out, accurately grabbed the neck of the thunderstorm, and then slowly forced.

"You, what do you want to do?" Thunderstorm was choked out of breath, red face asked, a death of fear, suddenly from the bottom of my heart.

Summer suddenly smile, smile very brilliant: "you rest a.s.sured, I will not kill you, three master said, to punish a person, death is actually a very slight way, I will not only let you get such a slight punishment."

Although he is smiling in summer, he still exudes an extremely powerful momentum, which makes everyone around him very depressed and a little out of breath. For a while, everyone seems to be afraid to speak. In their hearts, a little bit of fear comes out unconsciously, even Jiang Feng.

"You, you want to Why... Like? Although thunderstorm also feels great pressure and has deep fear in his heart, compared with other people, his client"s resistance to pressure is stronger, so he can barely spit out a few words.

"Whoever dares to scold the immortal sister has only one end." Summer suddenly let go, the next second, hands but more than a silver needle, lightning in the thunderstorm, "that is, life is not like death!"

"Ah..." The thunderstorm burst into a shrill scream.

In summer, he quickly p.r.i.c.ked a few needles in the thunderstorm, and his face was still bright: "from now on, you will have a pain every hour. In the beginning, you will only have a pain for one minute at a time, and after each pain, the time will be longer until you slowly have a pain for one hour."

"Ah..." Thunderstorms are still howling, and the pain in his heart makes him unable to respond to what he said in summer.

"By the way, in a minute, you won"t feel so painful, but I magnified your pain, so you will feel pain when you do a lot of things, walking, eating and drinking. Well, that kind of thing that men like to do, you can"t do it, it will make you more miserable." Summer smile more brilliant, "you will soon know, what is the real life is not like death."

In response to the summer, there is still only the thunderclap. As for other people, at the moment, they are all numb. They don"t know how to do anything else except watching the summer foolishly.

"Ah, Jiang Feng, I"ll go first and tell Shu Jing to make her look beautiful. Next time I see her, she will not be beautiful, so I won"t want her." In summer, he took back the silver needle, said h.e.l.lo to Jiang Feng in a light way, and then left. After a while, he met so many annoying people. He thought that the sports hall was not a good place, so he had better not stay here.

It"s still early. I went out of the gate of the gym in summer and took a taxi to Jianghai University. It"s less than 12 o"clock now. I can have lunch with sun Xinxin.

But when she came to Xinxin flower shop in summer, she was surprised to find that sun Xinxin was not there, and Fang Xiaoru was surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here in summer? Sister Xin didn"t come. " Fang Xiaoru asked.

In summer, I wonder if sister Xin hasn"t got up yet? But it was only three times last night. Sister Xin should be in a better spirit today. Isn"t it because there are fewer times and sister Xin is more tired? It seems that he will have to do it a little more in the future.

Summer while thinking about these messy ideas, while taking out his cell phone to call sun Xinxin.

"Sister Xin, haven"t you got up yet?" Sun Xinxin asked as soon as she got on the phone.

"Get up early. I"m not a pig. How can I sleep like that?" Sun Xinxin said angrily, "why do you call me? Didn"t you go with your sister Jinghua? "

"Sister Xin, I"m in the flower shop. Where have you been?" Summer did not answer sun Xinxin"s question at all.

"Dead wolf, make me confused." Sun Xinxin scolded in a low voice, and then replied, "we are in Haijiang building. Do you want to come over?"

"OK, I"ll be right there." In summer, I don"t want to stay in the flower shop with Fang Xiaoru.

Seeing that she received a phone call in summer, she ran away in a hurry. Fang Xiaoru couldn"t help being a little depressed. How could she make the flower shop like her now? The landlady often doesn"t come to work. The guy who sent the flowers bubbles in the landlady and doesn"t go to work. It"s so unreasonable!

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